Biography of Paustovsky Konstantin Georgievich. Classics of Russian literature

With the work of Paustovsky we encounter while still studying at school. I would like to plunge at least a little bit into the biography of this amazing and talented person. In parts, it is described by him in the autobiographical trilogy “The Tale of Life”. In general, all the works of Paustovsky are based on his personal life observation and experience, and therefore, reading them, one gets acquainted with many interesting facts. His fate was not easy, like every citizen of that complex and controversial era. Most of all, Konstantin Paustovsky is revered as the author of numerous children's stories and fiction.

Paustovsky's biography


Biography of Paustovsky began on May 31, 1892, when the future writer was born. He was born in Moscow, in the family of the railroad extras Georgy Maximovich Paustovsky. Mom was called Maria Grigorievna Paustovskaya. According to his father, his pedigree leads to the old family of the Cossack hetman P.K. Sagaidachny. His grandfather was a Cossack chumak, who instilled in his grandson a love of his national folklore and nature. Grandfather fought in Russian-Turkish, was captured, from where he returned with his wife, a Turkish woman Fatima, who was baptized in Russia under the name of Honorata. Therefore, in the veins of the writer flows both Ukrainian-Cossack and Turkish blood.

paustovsky stories

life and creation

He spent almost all his childhood in Ukraine, and in 1898 his whole family moved there. Paustovsky always thanked fate for the fact that he grew up in Ukraine, and it became him that bright lyre with which the writer never parted.

There were four children in the Paustovsky family. When his father left his family, Konstantin was forced to leave school, because he needed to help his mother.

Paustovsky’s further biography shows that he nevertheless received his education after studying at the classical gymnasium of Kiev. After that, in the same city, he entered the university at the Faculty of History and Philology. After some time, he transferred to Moscow University and studied there at the Faculty of Law, thereby adding to his education. But then the First World War began.

works of Paustovsky

Paustovsky: stories

The writer begins his work with the story "On the Water", later it will be printed in the Kiev magazine "Lights". During the war, Paustovsky had the right not to take part in it, since the two older brothers had already fought. Therefore, he remained to work in the rear and became a counselor on a tram, then an orderly on a military train, which he traveled to Belarus and Poland in 1915.

After the 1917 revolution, he begins his career as a war correspondent. In the same period, a civil war began, and the writer first appeared in the ranks of the Petliurists, but then went over to the side of the Red Army.

After the war, Konstantin Paustovsky travels to the south of Russia. For some time he lives in Odessa, working in the newspaper "Sailor". There he meets famous writers such as I. Babel, S. Slavin, I. Ilf. Works at factories in Taganrog, Yekaterinoslavl, Yuzovsk. And at the same time, he wrote his first voluminous novel "Romance", which, however, will be published only in 1930.

And then he moves to the Caucasus and lives in Sukhumi, Batumi, Baku, Tbilisi and Yerevan. In 1923 he was already in Moscow, where he was arranged by the editor of ROSTA. Here the works of Paustovsky begin to be widely published.

In 1928, a collection of his works, “Oncoming Ships,” was released. In the 30s Paustovsky was actively published in the newspaper Pravda and in other magazines.

Paustovsky: novels

But he will continue his journeys and travel around the country to reflect her life in his works, which will bring him fame as a writer.

In 1931, the famous story “Kara-Bugaz”, written by Paustovsky, was published. One by one, stories begin to come out of his pen. This is “The Fate of Charles Lonseville,” and “Colchis,” and “The Black Sea,” and “The Northern Tale,” etc. He will also write many other works about the Meshchersky Territory and the novel “The Constellation of Hounds of Dogs,” “Orest Kiprensky "," Taras Shevchenko "," Isaac Levitan "and others.

statement about the language of the writer Paustovsky

During the Second World War he works as a military commissar. After its completion, he travels between Moscow and Tarus (Kaluga region). He is awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor and the Order of Lenin. In the 50s he went on a tour of Europe.

Paustovsky died in Moscow in 1968, on July 14. However, he was buried in a cemetery in Tarusa.

statements by paustovsky

The personal life of the writer

Konstantin Paustovsky met his first wife in Crimea, and her name was Ekaterina Stepanovna Gorodtsova. They married in 1916. They had a son, Vadim, but after twenty years the couple broke up.

His second wife, Valishevskaya-Navashina Valeria Vladimirovna, was the sister of a famous Polish artist. They played a wedding in the late 30s, but after a fairly long time there was again a divorce.

paustovsky story

Paustovsky’s biography testifies that he had a third wife - a very young and beautiful actress Tatyana Alekseevna Evteeva-Arbuzova, who gave him the son of Alexei.

Sayings of the writer

Any statement about the language of the writer Paustovsky suggests that he was a great master of the Russian word, with the help of which he could "sketch" magnificent landscapes. Thus, he instilled in children a love of nature and taught them to see the beauty that surrounds them. Konstantin Paustovsky also greatly influenced the development of Soviet prose.

For the Telegram story, the movie star Marlene Dietrich herself knelt publicly in front of him and kissed his hand. He was even nominated for a Nobel Prize, which Sholokhov eventually received.

Paustovsky's biography

Paustovsky’s remarks about the Russian language are very curious , where, for example, he said that in relation to a person’s native language, one can accurately judge not only his cultural level, but also clearly present his civic position. It is impossible not to agree with his dictum, in which he said that there is nothing like this in our life that could not be conveyed in Russian. And here he is right: in reality, Russian is the richest language in the world.

paustovsky stories

Memory of descendants

Paustovsky’s biography is such that in relation to the authorities he had a rather principled position, but he didn’t have to stay in prison camps, on the contrary, the government presented him with state awards.

In honor of the writer’s memory, his name was named library number 2 in Odessa, and in the same city in 2010 the first monument was opened to him. In 2012, on August 24, another monument was unveiled in Tarusa, on the banks of the Oka River, where he is depicted together with his beloved dog named Grozny. The name of the writer named the streets of such cities as Moscow, Odessa, Kiev, Tarus, Taganrog, Rostov-on-Don, Dnepropetrovsk.

In 1958 he published his six-volume full works with a circulation of 225 thousand copies.


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