Needlework for the benefit of beauty and individuality: learning to make a watch strap with your own hands

Wristwatches today are used not so much to know the time as to decorate and complement the general image and style of a person. And an important role in this matter is not played by the accessory itself, but by the strap to it. It is this detail, if you select it with taste, helps to emphasize the image and personality of its owner.

do-it-yourself watchband

Needlework in trend: the way to vintage straps!

The watch straps from the "handmade" category are very popular today. These are handmade accessories made from a wide variety of materials. They are made of leather, textile, ribbons, threads and other things. Such products are distinguished by originality and uniqueness. In this article, we will consider several ways of how to make a watch strap with your own hands. Accessories, the technology of which is described in the instructions, are made from improvised materials available in almost every home. Study the information, choose the method that you can realize, and get involved in creativity.

Making a do-it-yourself watchband from fabric

For work, we prepare a sewing machine, scissors, fabric, accessories, clasp, centimeter tape. We begin the execution of the product. We measure the wrist. According to the results, we cut a strip of fabric. Its width should be twice the width of the "ears" of the watch. Fold the textile in half and sew on a typewriter. Next, turn the product. We get a narrow long part with holes on both sides. Fold it so that the seam is in the middle of the back side. Iron the workpiece. Now we sew on the front side from the upper and lower edges. This can be done not with an ordinary seam, but with a decorative one, if the typewriter has such a function. Turn the edges of the short sides of the product in the middle and sew. We thread the watch strap, made by ourselves, into the β€œears” of the accessory. At the ends of the textile product we fasten the fastener.

Leather strap on the watch. How to make?

watch straps

Bracelets made specifically from this material are characterized by a long service life and practicality. If you have a piece of leather from old boots or a bag in your house, then you can make a watch strap with your own hands without any hassle. For work, we will prepare such materials:

  • skin
  • fasteners from an old thong;
  • a simple pencil;
  • paper;
  • waxed thread;
  • scissors;
  • knife;
  • awl;
  • a needle;
  • a ruler.

How to make a watch strap from leather, we read in the further instructions. We measure the width of the loops on the watch, as well as the circumference of the hand in the wrist. Based on the results, we execute the template on paper. Add another 2 centimeters in length - an allowance for fastening the fastener. To be sure that the pattern is made correctly, we pass the sample in the clock and try on the hand. If everything is correct, transfer the template to the skin and cut the workpiece. From one edge of the product with an awl, we puncture holes for fastening the watch. On the other hand, we put on the metal hardware of the clasp on the belt, turn the edge to the wrong side and sew with waxed thread stitches. Next, fix the knot. Cut the thread, and hide its tip under the bend of the skin. Do-it-yourself watchband made of leather!

manufacture of watch straps
Bead watch bracelet

In the departments of goods for needlework today you can purchase special accessories for fastening hand-made bezels to watch loops and fasteners. If you were able to buy such attributes, then you can perform exclusive and very beautiful watchbands for watches without problems. We prepare the following materials for the creative process: beads of the desired shape and size, scissors, elastic thread. On the "ears" of the watch we fix special accessories and an elastic thread. Next, we collect beads on it from two sides. When the product reaches the desired size, on both sides we fasten the workpiece-fasteners. We put a bracelet on your hand and admire the beauty made by yourself.

Everything ingenious is simple! The easiest bracelet option

Making watch straps as described below takes literally one to two minutes. Do not believe? Try it and see for yourself.

To work, you need only two things: a watch and a thin silk or nylon scarf. Through the loops on the accessory we stretch the corner of a textile wardrobe item and gently stretch it. We try to place the scarf diagonally. That's it, now we put the clock on the hand, we tie the scarf. If it is very long, then you can wrap around the wrist two or three times. Such a bracelet looks stylish, original and feminine. In the male version, a similar strap can be made of a dark bandana.

how to make a watch strap

"Alterations" of the old bracelet

Surely many women in the jewelry box will find a wide plastic or silicone bracelet. Turning it into a stylish and comfortable do-it-yourself watchband is easy. We take a decorative burlap fabric and glue it around the bracelet. You need to do this with a thermal gun. If you don’t have one, then use the Dragon or Titan glue. The edges of the textile should converge on the inside of the product. Next, we fasten the watch: sew it on the β€œears” to the burlap with neat overcast stitches. So that the threads are not visible, we decorate the places of their attachment with rhinestones or small beads. We decorate the product to your taste. This can be embroidery, applique from decorative laces and braid in the form of ornaments, rhinestones and more. The bracelet is ready. Keep in mind that small light watches that can be held by threads are suitable for this version of the strap.

DIY watch strap

From the presented article, you learned different ways of how to make handmade watchbands. We hope that this information has given you a boost of inspiration and encouraged creativity. Enjoy your handicraft!


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