Fizminutki in kindergarten. Musical physics minutes in kindergarten

Physiologists argue that children experience intense nervous tension during educational activities. Hearing organs, vision and all muscles are especially affected by the fact that for a long time they have been in the same position. As a result, children lose interest in learning, turn around, start talking to each other. All this is a signal to the educator that the kids need a rest! Physical education in kindergarten is an integral part of all educational activities.

physical students in kindergarten

What does a break mean for babies?

It is very difficult for preschoolers to stay without movements for a long time. Their nervous system is still unstable and they quickly get tired. Classes become ineffective due to a decrease in interest in learning. The task of adults is to prevent fatigue. Therefore, the educator must know how quickly his symptoms appear at different ages. So, a three-year-old baby will begin to yawn after 8 minutes, and a child of five years old - after 11, the seven-year-old will get tired after 14 minutes. In order to prevent this, it is necessary to regularly conduct physical exercises in kindergarten. They are able to relax muscles that have been motionless for a long time, soothe, switch to another type of activity and again set up children to work.

Fizminutka is interesting, useful and fun!

It is best to immediately conduct a set of physical education in kindergarten. However, do not get too carried away. Just a couple of minutes is enough for the children to be ready for work again. Exercises should not be too complicated. It is better if they are accompanied by poems or performed to music. Interesting will be funny physical minutes for children 4 years old. They are able to activate the respiratory system, improve blood circulation and performance. This element is very important in educating kids. Her role is very large, because a child can get a β€œminute” of healthy and active rest at this time.

musical physical lessons in kindergarten

The result of passive activity of children

Physiologists insist that any educational activity of babies is associated with a sufficiently strong tension of the entire nervous system. In the same position for a long time are the muscles of the body, arms, tense hearing and vision. All this leads to inattention, loss of interest, decreased performance, and children cease to perceive and memorize educational material. It is at such moments that it is necessary to conduct physical education in kindergarten. They are very important for children of different ages. Lushe, when such exercises are organized in the middle of the session. For them, it is worth allocating no more than two minutes. After all, our task is to give children a break, and not completely distract from work. Therefore, the exercises should overlap with the material presented in the lesson. Sometimes it’s useful to have some kind of outdoor game. For kids, this activity will definitely appeal to you. Musical physics minutes in kindergarten have perfectly proved themselves. Children are happy to perform exercises to a fun song and quickly memorize her words.

physical education for children 4 years old

Different kinds of physical activities

There is a huge variety of such activities during classes in kindergarten. Among them are the following:

  • Running on the spot or walking. Such exercises are general developmental and help to relax all the muscles of the body.
  • Active activities include outdoor games.
  • Musical physics minutes in kindergarten are performed to specific music. Usually they are accompanied by certain dance movements that are performed to the singing of children and the teacher.
  • Of particular interest is the didactic game. Kids enjoy doing exercises that are accompanied by poems, rhymes or riddles.
  • Imitation of professions is considered a favorite pastime of children. Well, who does not want to be in the role of a pilot, driver, lumberjack or boatman.
  • Useful are facial exercises.
    card index in kindergarten

To help the educator should come compiled by himself a card index in the kindergarten. It is necessary to choose all possible types of exercises for children of different ages.

Eye exercises

The organs of vision are in constant tension among all people, and children are no exception. They are influenced by a computer, mobile phone, tablet, TV, reading, drawing and so on. As a rule, the baby's eyes rest only in a dream. That is why exercises are so important for the organs of vision. They are necessary at any age to prevent various diseases associated with the eyes. Ophthalmic exercise machines lead kids to genuine delight. After all, they can study at a computer for the benefit of the eyes. So, a butterfly can fly on the monitor, and children only need to look with their eyes on what subject it is sitting on, and name it out loud. Unfortunately, in many gardens there are no computers today, so the teacher often makes such tables on their own. Older children are quite capable of just looking with their eyes up, down, left and right. However, such exercises are not entirely interesting for them and can get bored very quickly. Therefore, you can ask them to write with their eyes on the ceiling the first letter of their name. Kids can pick up poems that encourage them to look in different directions.

complex physical education in kindergarten

Finger gymnastics

It is very difficult for preschoolers to work with pencils for a long time. They firmly grab the instrument, as a result of which their brush quickly overwork and they need a warm-up. Today, there are many poems that help your fingers relax and get back to work.

Relaxation exercises

Such a pause is very important during class. But children just do not know how to relax. The teacher should explain to the kids how to relax the muscles, calm down. After all, when they are overexcited, they are very nervous, and therefore unable to adequately perceive the educational material. Thus, we see that physical education in kindergarten is very important and mandatory for children of any age.


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