How to seal rubber boots? Ways to repair rubber shoes

Almost every person in the wardrobe has a pair of rubber boots. Like any thing, rubber shoes crack over time. In order not to throw away your favorite couple, you can try to repair it. How to seal rubber boots is described in the article.

Preparing boots for repair

To damage rubber shoes, a nail, a small piece of glass or even a pebble with an acute angle is enough. One bad step, and the boot can get a crack.

Repair shops do not accept rubber shoes. This means that damaged boots can either be thrown away or repaired on their own.

How to seal rubber boots is a common question, the answer to which lies in the knowledge of some features of such repairs.

First, determine the location of the puncture or crack. To do this, you can take a container of water and a damaged boot. Roll a freebie, starting from the top edge, like a tube of toothpaste. You should get a tight bundle. Then lower the sole into the water. Air will escape from the puncture site, forming bubbles.

The next stage of preparation is the mandatory cleaning of boots from dirt and dust, degreasing and drying. Drying shoes is recommended away from heat sources. Drying rubber boots on batteries can lead to deformation, which will ruin their appearance and complicate the restoration process. All manipulations should be carried out carefully so as not to increase the size of the damage.

Then you should accurately determine the material from which the boots are made. Modern rubber shoes for women are made not only from rubber, but also from polyurethane, ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA). Each of these materials needs a different glue.

If it is difficult to determine the material of the boots yourself, you can take them with you to the store, where the specialist can quickly determine what the shoes are made of.

how to seal rubber boots

How to seal rubber boots

Many for bonding cracks in rubber boots immediately buy a universal, firmly bonding glue, known as the β€œMoment”. In fact, the composition of this tool not only does not glue the rubber, but can also spoil it. To achieve a good result will not succeed with conventional glue.

Rubber boots should be repaired with special adhesives. High-quality products can be found in automobile and fishing stores. In this case, it is possible to purchase adhesives with a hermetic effect. They allow you to reliably glue cracks of any size and at the same time protect the shoes from leaking.

The choice of suitable glue depends on the technology of work. To date, there are several methods of restoration of rubber shoes.

rubber shoes for women

Fishing method

Fishing and hunting stores sell special rubber adhesives. They contain instructions that describe in detail the technology for using the product. For rubber boots, it is generally recommended to sand the damaged surface and glue the patch.

How to seal rubber boots if they are made of EVA? This material has a porous structure into which glue is absorbed. Patches are not needed to repair such boots. It is enough to apply the necessary amount of glue on the crack lines and press firmly. The curing time of the product is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging. After gluing, the boots will look like new, and the defective place will remain invisible.

rubber boots repair

Cyclist method

This method has been tested by many cycling enthusiasts, who often encounter the problem of a broken camera. For wheel repair, a bicycle repair kit is mainly used, consisting of patches on protective films, special glue for rubber and sandpaper.

According to this technology, it is necessary to rub with sandpaper the place on which the patch will lie down, degrease with acetone and evenly apply glue. After a few minutes, you need to apply a patch and press firmly.

The bicycle repair method is reliable and guarantees high tightness. You can use taped boots almost immediately.

The disadvantage of this method is the unaesthetic appearance of the repaired product. At the place of sticking there is a bicycle patch, which is impossible not to notice. Therefore, in this way it is better to glue boots for summer cottages or fishing.

how to seal rubber boots

Automotive method

Many women ask how to glue rubber boots on a fold so that it is not noticeable. Shoes made of rubber or EVA most often crack along the fold lines. Patching in such places is not always suitable and can spoil the appearance. Rubber shoes for women require a more accurate repair, which can be provided by elastic adhesive sealant. It has a colorless, viscous structure and is ideal for repairing colored and transparent rubber boots.

Today, automotive adhesives from various manufacturers are on sale. One of the best is Done Deal Sealant Handle Sealant. You can buy glue of this brand in any store for motorists.

Before applying the elastic bonding agent, it is necessary to treat the puncture or crack with acetone. After drying, apply glue.

how to glue rubber boots on a fold

Features of gluing the sole

Rubber shoes may be damaged in the sole area. How to glue a cut on a rubber boot? In this case, you can use any of the methods described above. Only the preparation for gluing should be a little different. First of all, it is necessary to process the cut place on the grinding machine. The surface to be treated should be perfectly smooth. If you miss this step, the repair will not give a good result. Next, you should adhere to the technology of the selected method.

To repair the sole, it is better to use adhesive sealants. Applying a patch in this place will not give a lasting result. When walking, the patches will quickly wear out, and soon there will be a need for its replacement.

how to seal a cut on a rubber boot

Boot Care Tips

In order for the repaired shoes to serve as long as possible, it is important to know not only how to glue the rubber boots, but also how to care for them.

  1. Periodically wipe the shoes with a soft cloth dampened with a water-glycerin solution.
  2. Dry rubber boots at room temperature away from batteries. Under the influence of hot air, glued parts can become porous. As a result, shoes may leak again.
  3. Every time after a walk, clean the boots with a damp cloth. Dirt and dust can eat into the rubber, leaving spots. They are especially noticeable on light shoes.
  4. It is better to store rubber boots in a cardboard box. For this purpose, it is recommended to keep the packaging in which they were sold.


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