How to wean a child from motion sickness before going to bed: effective methods, features and reviews

The process of motion sickness in many families is a mandatory procedure that helps the baby calm down and fall asleep faster. In the first months of a baby’s life, it is not difficult to carry it out. However, closer to a year, parents begin to think about how to wean a child from motion sickness before going to bed? It will take a lot of patience and time.

Opinions of children's doctors

Below are the opinions of pediatricians about the benefits of motion sickness for children:

  1. The baby calms down after the pendulum movements, since, being in the womb, he gets used to them. Such a condition for him means a sign of peace. Therefore, motion sickness at bedtime is considered natural.
  2. Not only psychological, but also physical contact with the mother is important for the baby.
  3. The baby calms down during motion sickness and does not show discontent in the form of crying or screaming. He senses a motherly touch and its smell.
Toddler in the crib and mom near

However, some doctors have a negative attitude to this process and offer to teach the baby to fall asleep without motion sickness. They argue their position as follows:

  • The child does not feel the need for movement like a pendulum, and due to the weak vestibular apparatus, constant prolonged motion sickness leads to dizziness and fainting.
  • Mom after a constant load there is pain in the back. The kid is weaned to fall asleep without motion sickness. Therefore, immediately after the birth of the crumbs, it is recommended to apply stroking. When screaming and crying, the babies should not rush to pick him up and swing him. Over time, he will get used to it and begin to fall asleep on his own. If the baby is already accustomed to motion sickness, then other methods are used.

Pediatric Tips

How to wean a child to fall asleep without motion sickness? This process is quite complicated. Initially, you should paint the regimen of the day, in which it is necessary to take into account that the babies immediately want to sleep after feeding. At this time, laying them without motion sickness is much easier. A big role in this process is played by the mood of the baby, his psychological and physical condition. Kids who are tired fall asleep faster.

From the age of four months, the baby begins to assimilate various information, most of which he does not understand. As a result, the brain strains and the child gets tired. He needs rest to recover, and he quickly falls asleep. Therefore, the baby should be regularly engaged, and not leave it lying all day alone. The first attempt may well end in failure, but one should not retreat from the intended goal.

How to wean a one-year-old child from motion sickness: problems

Some children quite easily get used to the surrounding reality, and they do not need to wean from motion sickness. They quite calmly perceive the changes in the regime, therefore, having arranged for several days small protests in the form of crying, they fall asleep on their own in their crib. However, most babies do not want to fall asleep without motion sickness. They begin to be capricious for a long time, screaming, that is, they are trying to attract attention to their mother to pick them up. The explanation for this behavior is quite simple - they are used to mother's hands, smell, heartbeat. And if they are sharply deprived of this, they feel unprotected. Therefore, it is advisable to gradually wean and begin this process better at an earlier age, since the older the child becomes, the more difficult and painful it is to do it.

Comprehensive solution to the problem

How to wean a child from motion sickness in a crib? The first attempts may well be unsuccessful, but do not despair. Often the first reaction of the baby is a loud cry. However, it does not always mean protest and the requirement to start motion sickness. You should pay attention to the well-being of the baby, perhaps he is worried about colic, fever, etc. If this behavior is associated with the disease, then it is recommended to hold him in his arms. In other cases:

  • To create the appearance of presence, that is, to put some thing in the crib. If the baby smells his mother’s, he will calm down. Infants react very sharply to a lack of contact with their mother.
  • Create a comfortable atmosphere in the bed and room: ventilate the room, dim the lights, put a comfortable pillow and blanket, put on beautiful linen, etc.
  • Wean from motion sickness gradually reducing daily time.
We put the baby to sleep

Abrupt cessation of motion sickness can injure the baby. In addition, it is not advisable to get involved in various devices, such as slings.

Natural sedative

How to wean a child from motion sickness? Before answering this question, consider what motion sickness is. In fact, it is a natural sedative. For the first three months of life, it’s important for the baby to experience the same sensations that her mother had in her stomach in order to quickly adapt to new conditions and not experience much stress. In this case, an ordinary helper acts as an excellent assistant, due to which:

  • you feel the voice, smell and closeness of mom;
  • the child is in his arms in a tight and confined space, which is similar to the intrauterine one;
  • wiggles remind the baby of the time when he swayed in his mother’s stomach when moving.

Thus, weaning the baby from motion sickness at this age is impractical.

The benefits of motion sickness. Aggravating circumstances

It is proved practically that babies, due to close contact with their mother, in the future grow up more confident, open, successful than those who have not experienced such an interaction. Motion sickness helps to cope with mild ailment or physical discomfort. In addition, this is one of the best ways to quickly calm a baby when he is upset or upset. The grown-up kids also calm down and relax faster if they are hugged tightly and pressed to themselves.

How to wean a child from motion sickness before going to bed after three months? The solution to this issue is in the competence of the mother and depends primarily on her desire, as well as the behavior of the crumbs.

Child in a cradle

According to children's doctors, motion sickness after four months interferes with a full night's sleep:

  • the baby needs more time to fall asleep;
  • at night he often wakes up;
  • wakes up very early in the morning, because he does not know how to fall asleep on his own.

Year old child, how to wean from motion sickness?

Weaning should be correct so as not to injure:

  1. Describe the daily routine according to age. The mode will help the baby’s fragile nervous system to function clearly: eat, walk, play, sleep on time. If the nervous system works intermittently, the baby is constantly in a state of excitement, as it is not able to calm down.
  2. If weaning a younger child from motion sickness, preferably gradually over a period of time, then for a one-year-old, the faster scheme recommended by B. Spock is applicable. He advises putting the baby in the crib and shaking it. In this case, it is advisable to sing a lullaby. When the child falls asleep, then immediately leave the room and stand outside the door for about five minutes. During this period, he may wake up and begin to moan or cry, but he should be restrained and not approach him. If after five minutes he did not calm down, then repeat the song and motion sickness, but do not pick it up. Dr. Spock claims that only in this way can wean him from daily motion sickness.
Mom puts the baby to sleep

The transition to self-falling asleep, of course, is stressful for the baby, but you should not retreat.

Parent Tips

How to wean a child from manual motion sickness? Pediatricians are advised to come up with various rituals that will help to easily cope with this problem:

  1. Daily bath before bedtime. It is best to start it thirty minutes before bedtime. In the bath, you can add herbal collection, an oil with calming properties. The main thing is that they do not have a pungent smell, like detergents.
  2. Sleep preparation is also important. After wrapping the baby in a towel after taking a bath, take it to the room. Wiping, you can make a light massage so that the baby makes contact with the mother, feels her warmth and care.
  3. Put the baby in the crib without stopping stroking or humming. If he will be anxious, then do not rush and pick him up. Try putting your hand under the crumbs head. The baby will quickly fall asleep if nothing bothers him.
  4. When crying does not stop and even shouts, you should not leave it unattended, because indifference hurts him. The child should be picked up in a sitting position and held a little. At this point, it is important to determine whether the baby is manipulating you or something is bothering him. When the baby has completely calmed down, it should be put back in the crib.
Baby in the crib

Do everything with love, and you will be able to wean him from daily motion sickness.

How to lay a child without motion sickness and what problems will have to face?

Some parents, in order to choose the correct rhythm and amplitude of movements, carry out motion sickness on a fitball. How to wean a child from this habit? There are situations when the child is sick of motion sickness, and do not rush to wean him. The following babies especially need this:

  • in difficult births;
  • by caesarean section;
  • ahead of schedule.

As well as children with choleric temperament. The nervous system of such crumbs is especially sensitive, therefore, in what period to begin to wean from motion sickness, will depend on their condition and behavior.

In the crib with your favorite toy

The next problem that we have to face is the change in the structure of sleep and the development of the nervous system in infants, occurring by four months. In the first case, the duration of each phase of sleep cycles changes. By morning, most of it is a quick and shallow sleep, so it wakes up from any insignificant irritant or the slightest rustle. He cannot fall asleep on his own, as such skills are absent, despite the fact that he wants to sleep. The result is crying. And you have to constantly download it, and not relax at night. At four or more months, the baby’s nervous system is fully matured so that he can learn to fall asleep without motion sickness. Therefore, when the question arises of how to wean a child from motion sickness on his ball or on his mother’s hands, the very first thing to do is to strictly observe the regimen. Next, gradually reduce the intensity and speed of the swings. You will not see a quick effect, but the baby every day will be less dependent on motion sickness.

Weaning from motion sickness: effective methods

How to wean a child from motion sickness in a crib? Motion sickness can be replaced:

  • Gently massaging stroking hands on the head, back, legs.
  • By humming a lullaby
  • Reading or telling tales.
  • Put any mother’s thing in the crib, such as a bathrobe. Having felt mother's smell, he calms down and falls asleep firmly.

Situations when you can not wean from motion sickness

Parents need to remember that it is not always recommended to wean children from motion sickness. They, like adult individuals, have situations in which they should not change their habitual image:

  • A move or trip is planned, which is already stressful for the baby, so do not aggravate the situation.
  • Teeth are cut. During this period, the child feels a slight malaise, the temperature may rise.
  • Disease - the body is weakened, the immune system is depleted, and the nervous system is overloaded.
  • If the first attempt did not work out and the child was very scared, it is necessary to wait a few weeks so that the psyche calms down, and try again.
Mom strokes the baby

Remember that Mom’s hug is healing for the baby. Do not deprive him of bodily contact during a difficult period for him.


There are a lot of reviews and comments on the forums from moms about various ways to wean a child from motion sickness before going to bed. Most parents give the following tips:

  1. Rock only if the baby is sick or overexcited.
  2. Do not pick up if he cries for no reason.
  3. Wean gradually, without causing nervous breakdowns.
  4. Daily perform the same actions before bedtime: feeding, reading, humming a lullaby, taking water procedures, etc.
  5. Until the baby gets used to sleeping alone, do not leave one.
  6. Weaning from motion sickness is best from four to five months.
  7. Put your favorite toy or some mom’s thing in the crib.
  8. Before going to bed, it is advisable to tire the baby so that excess energy is gone.


After reading the article, you got acquainted with the different ways by which wean the baby from motion sickness. Often the question of how to wean a child from motion sickness before bedtime most often arises in mothers whose children have grown up, and it has become difficult for them to rock their hands daily. Of course, this problem cannot be immediately resolved; one must be prepared for the tantrums and whims of the baby. It is important to remember that it does not matter what is required - to wean a child from motion sickness on a pillow, on his hands or in a cradle. We must remember one main rule: the sooner you begin to wean him from motion sickness, the more painlessly this process will go both for the child and for the parents.


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