Domestic cat breed blue russian

The blue Russian cat breed (photo) is one of the most widespread and beloved not only in Russia, but also abroad. A pretty face, a velvety short coat, which is easy and pleasant to care for, an affectionate character ... Indeed, it is simply impossible not to love them!

cat breed blue russian

Gentlemen, where are you from and where?

The origin of the breed of these small predators is not known for certain. There are several versions and an infinite number of legends about this. So, according to one theory, the first Russian blue cats belonged to the pre-Slavic tribes. It is believed that the famous folklore image of Kota-Bajun was attributed to the Russian blue.

The first record of cats of this breed appeared in chronicles during the reign of Peter I. And it was the blue Russian cat breed that was held in high esteem at the royal court. And Peter's favorite cat Vasily did not know refusal of food and attention.

Since 1983, work began on the breeding of small breeds in Russia. Kitten breeder Karen Cox tried to crossbred purebred representatives of Russian blue with Siamese and other cats, whose color had at least a slightly blue tint. However, these experiments were not always successful.

During the Second World War, the blue Russian cat breed was on the verge of extinction. Breeders had great difficulty saving and restoring the population of Russian blue cats after the end of active hostilities. Some pets were brought from abroad and were bred with local shorthair cats. And already in the early 1990s in the USSR it was possible to boast of the creation of a certain livestock β€œmurok”.

cat breed russian blue photo

What kind of beast is this?

The Russian blue cat breed is very aristocratic in appearance: soft, dense, as if plush, silver-blue hair, a flexible graceful body, a small muzzle with pointed ears, large green eyes - truly feline. However, the external majesty is fully compensated by the quiet and even shy nature of the animal. Russian blue cats are very affectionate, but at the same time they are extremely careful. They need to win over, teach trust. But they will not go into the hands of strangers at all!

The recognized owner of the cat respects and pampers. She faithfully rubs against his legs, easily climbs into her hands and allows herself to stroke.

The breed has well-developed hunting skills, so in a private house a cat will become not only a good friend and favorite of the whole family, but also an excellent mousetrap.

Russian blue - very calm. They do not like noise and mess in the house. Do not tolerate conflicts.

These cats are also very quiet. They purr softly and meow very delicately, giving signals of hunger or lack of attention.

cat breed russian blue price
This is a very undemanding and picky breed of cats. Blue Russian easily adapts to the created conditions, is very clean, calmly applies to bathing and combing. Also, these cats get along well with children and other pets. The only thing they are demanding for is clean bowls, fresh water and food.

These cute affectionate animals will become good and loyal friends for the whole family. But be prepared for one not-too-pleasant moment. Keep in mind, if you liked the breed of Russian blue cats, not everyone can afford the price of these animals. It can make up both 3 thousand rubles, and 30 thousand rubles.


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