How to get maternity capital for a second child?

Currently, the state is engaged in the protection and support of mothers raising more than one child. If a second child is expected in your family, you can get maternity capital provided that you have not used this type of state offer before. Support is also provided to those families that have adopted a child who is not the first in the family. It is worth considering that capital is issued to a certain family at a time.

Maternity Capital Criteria

Consider the prerequisites necessary for compliance in order to use this program:

  • The legal right to receive support has a woman who has given birth or adopted a second or subsequent baby. For the second child, maternity capital will also be available to men who are the only guardians of the second and next child. If a woman’s rights to maternity allowance are terminated, they automatically pass to the father or adoptive parent. This circumstance may occur in connection with the death of a woman or in the liquidation of her rights to a born or adopted baby by the judicial authorities. If the right ceases to operate with the father (adoptive parent), then it passes to the child.
  • The rights to family capital for the second child in the Russian Federation can only be Russian citizens. The child must be a citizen of the Russian Federation immediately after birth, and the adoptive baby must have this status at the time of adoption.
  • The program on the fact of the birth of the baby will last until the end of January 2016.
    For the second child, maternity capital

What is the amount of state support?

For the second child, maternity capital is recalculated annually. This is due to annual inflation growth. In 2007, support had a size of 250 thousand rubles, and in 2014 its level reached 450 thousand. It should be borne in mind that if the child was born in 2007, and you decided to receive compensation in 2016, then the amount of the benefit will be recalculated for the year the maternity capital is implemented.

Second child maternity capital

How to properly draw up the allowance?

  • We are waiting for the birthday or adoption of children. As soon as the court decision comes into force, we proceed to the registration of the right to state benefits.
  • To document our rights, we receive maternity allowance. This can be done at any time after the birth or adoption of a child. Russian law does not limit parents in terms of receiving it. You can get maternity capital for a second child later. For its execution, it is necessary to prepare documents and bring them to the Pension Fund office in person or through a representative. For citizens who are or reside abroad, a package of documents must be sent by mail.
  • Based on the law, you can get maternity capital for a second child by applying to the Pension Fund in person or by mail. The decision to issue a certificate is made by the authorized body within a month after the delivery of all necessary documents. When making a positive decision on the application, the issuance or mailing of a certificate is made within 5 days.
  • To obtain family capital, other terms are set. They depend on the family choosing one of the options for using the allowance. According to the rules of Russian law, in order to exercise their rights to capital, it is necessary to wait for the baby's third birthday. At least 3 years must pass from the moment of custody. If it is necessary to repay a housing loan, the state allows you to immediately send capital to the debt account.

Maternity capital for a second child

What is necessary for registration?

List of documents:

  • copies of passports of both parents or guardians;
  • birth certificates of all children in the family;
  • adoption judgment ;
  • SNILS - pension insurance card;
  • official confirmation of Russian citizenship of the mother (adoptive mother) and the child.

A family that has received a certificate for a second child, maternity capital can use as optimal investments provided by law:

  • to ensure children's education;
  • on the formation of a maternal pension;
  • home improvement.
    Capital for the second child

For each individual case, when spending capital, special packages of documents are provided that must be submitted to the Pension Fund. This is necessary so that the fund transfers funds to the right organization.


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