Fertika (fertilizer): reviews. Complex fertilizers: application

To get a good harvest, any cultivated plant needs additional help. And one of the options is to fertilize the crop by fertilizing the earth. This approach is especially relevant for use in our strip, where chernozem is not so common. Therefore, the use of top dressing is more than justified.

In summer cottages, fertilizer begins to be fertilized in the spring and ends only in late autumn, indoor plants are fed throughout the year. Therefore, a reasonable question arises, which drugs are best used.

fertilizers in the spring

Today on the market there is a fairly wide variety of different fertilizers, both already proven and well-established, and created using modern technologies and agricultural technology achievements.

What is Fertika fertilizer?

One of these drugs is Fertika fertilizer. In fact, it is not so new. If you used a remedy such as Kemira at one time, then you will be familiar with the effect of Fertika. Fertilizer, reviews on which are only the most positive today, is essentially the same means as Kemira with the corresponding high quality. But under the new brand.

For reference: the drug "Kemira" is not produced in Russia since the beginning of 2011. However, the popularity of this fertilizer is so high that you can still find bags with this inscription on sale. Such products can be nothing but a fake. To date, the production, engaged in the production of "Kemir" in Russia, makes its full analogue - "Fertika wagon."

The main use of the drug "Fertika"

Fertika is manufactured using the same technologies as its prototype. And the composition uses similar components from Finnish raw materials. Therefore, the quality of the fertilizer meets all the required European standards. However, under the brand name "Fertika", new product lines with slightly different percentage components were launched.

fertilizer fertilizer reviews

According to gardeners, the most successful application of this fertilizer is top dressing primarily flower and fruit plants. Due to the composition of the drug, where the ratio of sodium, potassium, nitrogen and trace elements is carefully selected, Fertika is very popular among gardeners and is perfect for indoor plants.

Fertilizer Characteristics

The Fertika preparation looks like a powdery crystalline substance with granules of different colors. The composition includes the main components required for the growth and development of the plant. In addition to the necessary substances - sodium, potassium and nitrogen, here you can find iron, manganese, zinc and other trace elements. This composition activates the formation of buds and fruit ovaries, increases the flowering time and improves the color of flowers, making it brighter and more saturated.

But the main thing is that the preparation does not contain chlorine and its components, which are extremely harmful to plants.

Fertilizer is sold in small packages of 20 and 100 g, which is quite convenient for use at home and in the garden. At the same time, the consumption of the drug is economical in comparison with other fertilizers.

Fertika Lux

The Fertika Lux fertilizer, the most popular among gardeners and among indoor plant lovers, is a universal remedy. With a minimum consumption of 1 teaspoon without top per 5 liters of water, it, according to gardeners, gives truly amazing results. In fruit crops, the number of ovaries increases sharply, the fruits grow better. Flower plants grow larger buds, and their color becomes more saturated.

Fertica Lux

The fertilizer "Fertika flower" also gives the same effect. Often after using this drug, even those plants for which there was no longer any hope will bloom.

Fertika Lux fertilizer is used in diluted form every 7-14 days as a top dressing for both seedlings and adults. For indoor plants in summer, the drug is used at each watering, in winter - 3-4 times.

Fertika flower fertilizer, the use of which is more convenient in dry form, is applied at the rate of 1 kg per 14 squares of land. More precise proportions are indicated on the sachet of the drug.

Fertilizer for root crops

In our country, growing potatoes, which is considered the second bread for Russians, is especially popular among gardeners. To achieve a good harvest of this root crop will help fertilizer "Fertika for potatoes." The drug will help increase plant productivity, bring the ripening of root crops closer and increase their quality.

potting pottery

The composition of this type of drug is optimized for the characteristics of the nutrition of potatoes. This approach allows you to get a particularly effective result when using Fertika. Fertilizer, the reviews of gardeners about which are more than enthusiastic, are first brought in when planting potatoes, the next time when hilling. The granules are embedded in moist soil, where they themselves dissolve under the influence of rains.

The drug for evergreens and conifers

There are several more specialized Fertika fertilizers. Of greatest interest are varieties such as, for example, the Fertica coniferous for evergreens, which is produced separately for fertilizer in spring and summer. This drug allows you to increase the acidity of the soil to an acceptable pH and maintain conifers. Fertilizer is also recommended for other plants that prefer acidic soil, such as azalea, garden and wild blueberries, rhododendrons and others. In spring, the drug is applied only superficially, covering up the fertilizer when loosening. In summer, plants are watered with the diluted Fertika.

Fertilizer, reviews on which are as positive as on other species, thanks to its properties, has gained great popularity among landscape designers.

Other varieties of the drug

Equally important when creating the landscape of a country house are beautiful lawns, which will also be helped by preparations from Fertik. Fertilizer, reviews of gardeners about which it is advised to use this particular tool, makes it possible to make a luxurious element of landscape design out of any unattractive lawn.

All that is needed is to apply dry fertilizer in the spring when sowing, fertilize them and pour plenty of water on the lawn. Subsequently, the grass is periodically fed at the rate of 5-6 kg per 100 squares. As a rule, top dressing is recommended after 2-3 mowing the lawn. In this case, before and after applying fertilizer, the soil must be moistened.

fertilizer fertilizer manual

And, perhaps, it is worth mentioning another fertilizer, which is useful to any gardener on a summer cottage. This is the "Autumn Fertica", designed to prepare for wintering. The drug was specially developed for perennial plants and is used in dry form during the autumn digging. Fertilizer is applied in late August and early September at the rate of one packet per 30 squares of land.

The use of this drug will help perennial crops more easily tolerate the winter period and develop more actively next spring.

Advantages of Fertika fertilizer

For gardeners who are not familiar with Fertika, the question often arises of what is the reason for the great popularity of this fertilizer. The fact is that the manufacturer pays great attention to the percentage of its main components. This takes into account the characteristics of the culture and phase of plant development, as well as the time of application of the fertilizer.

Fertica application

Under different conditions, a different concentration of a particular agent and a certain feeding regimen are recommended. All this information can be found on the bags in which Fertika fertilizer is packaged, the instructions are usually printed on the back.

To obtain strong plants, beautiful inflorescences and a good harvest, you only need to choose the necessary preparation, dilute it correctly, according to the manufacturer's recommendations, and feed the plants on time.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E19828/

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