Neva Masquerade: breed colors, features and characteristics of cats

Neva Masquerade cat, whose colors are diverse, is one of the most mysterious and beautiful representatives of the genus. Unlike other breeds, this one was not specifically bred. But after people saw her beauty, they immediately fell in love - both experienced breeders and ordinary animal lovers. If you want to get such a pet, then in this article you can get acquainted with the colors of the Neva masquerade cat - this is the most important criterion when choosing an animal. Also in the publication we describe the appearance, nature and methods of care for this animal.

The history of the breed

Neva Masquerade Cat

In 1988, a cat show was held in St. Petersburg, in which not only purebred animals, but also mongrel animals could take part. It was at this exhibition that his ward man brought. The kitten was unusually beautiful, but he did not have a breed. As he said, such a beauty was born after an unplanned mating of a Siberian cat and Siamese cat.

This cat adopted from her parents only the best qualities - a powerful physique, an unusual color from both breeds, beautiful coat and blue eyes! Among the St. Petersburg cat litter this exotic animal made a splash, they began to persuade the man to bring more kittens.

Thus, already in 1992, 4 years after the appearance of the first kitten, the breed was officially registered. The animal was named the breed due to its color - the Neva Masquerade, since a dark expressive mask stands out most of all on the face. And the first part in the name is the territorial affiliation of the species.

Until now, despite the fact that the breed is registered as a separate one, some breeders attribute such cats to separate branches of Siberians or Siamese.

Breed description

Description of Neva Masquerade Cat

Differences of breed from Siamese or Siberian are obvious. Features of the Neva Masquerade cat in the following:

  • very large sizes - cats up to 9 kilograms, cats about 6 kilograms;
  • the wool is long and soft, it does not stray into tangles, has the property of repelling water;
  • cats got a powerful skeleton from Siberian ancestors;
  • the head is round, proportional to the body;
  • ears of medium size, protruding slightly forward, and the tips are decorated with tassels, like in Siberian cats;
  • the trunk is large and powerful;
  • paws are wide, massive;
  • eyes are large, round, their color may be sky blue or dark blue.

The most distinctive feature is the presence of a dark color mask that adorns the muzzle.

Colors of Neva Masquerade Cats

expensive color neva masquerade

This breed is endowed with a feature for the formation of a shade of a fur coat. Unlike all breeds, the Neva masquerade coat color is completely white at birth. As they grow older, shades appear, they can be different: beige, white-gray, beige-brown and white-black. But let's talk about the types of colors of the Neva Masquerade cat in more detail.

  1. Tabby is one of the most interesting colors. Chimera cat - that’s what it can be called with this color of fur coat. The color is remarkable with striped paws and a muzzle against the background of a plain body - from pure white to dark brown. Why a chimera? During molting, the white undercoat becomes less thick, and the color darkens. Closer to the cold weather, the undercoat grows again, and the cat's previous color is restored.
  2. Strength Point and Strength Tabby Point are the most popular colors of the Neva Masquerade cat. The body with this color can be any color - from white to brown, but the legs, tail, ears and muzzle are black-brown.
  3. There is a color when the light torso of a cat is covered with contrasting gray-blue spots. If the eyes of such an animal are blue, then it looks very beautiful!
  4. There is no Neva masquerade cat in a completely red color. It can be from light beige to brown. But it very rarely happens that red spots appear on light wool. Blue eyes on the background of such a fur coat look spectacular!
  5. Cats that are covered with spots of black and red colors look even more exotic. Most often, such a fur coat is found in cats. Many people believe that this color of the cat will bring its owner happiness.

The last two colors of the Neva Masquerade are the most expensive.

Choosing a kitten, do not be embarrassed about a faded or completely missing mask. With age, points (spots) will become darker.

Regardless of the color of the Neva masquerade cat, the mask on her face can be pronounced, pale or completely absent. But this does not affect her appearance, the animal is still very beautiful.


Neva Masquerade kitten

I fell in love with many, not only for the color of the Neva Masquerade. The Siberian cat gave the breed a gorgeous coat and a powerful physique, while the Siamese cat gave blue or blue eyes and points. But whose character is the Neva Masquerade? Definitely not a Siamese, since the Neva Masquerade is very kind, calm and adequate. This trait is closer to the Siberian breed.

  1. Intelligence is the hallmark of the breed. Cats feel relevant to themselves, like to communicate with the owner, in response to words purr and meow. They are easily accustomed to the tray, unlearn from pranks, for example, to climb the curtains.
  2. Self-sufficiency. Neva Masquerade cat does not require attention, it can fully play alone, spend even a long time alone.
  3. Self-esteem - these cats do not like when strangers begin to squeeze them, and will not allow children to engage themselves in games too actively.
  4. Patience - at a time when the cat has an empty bowl or she wants to soak in the owner’s hands, but he is busy, she will not vote. The cat will calmly wait for her time.
  5. Cleanliness - Neva Masquerade carefully monitors its coat with special care. It will lick after every touch of a person or other animal. As for the tray and bowl, they should always be clean.

Advantages in character

Neva Masquerade cat breed

The main characteristic of a Neva masquerade cat is its devotion. She, like a real Siamese, chooses for herself from all family members only one owner. She will not show aggression to other, she will treat with kindness, but condescendingly.

Unlike the Siamese breed, the cat described in the article is completely not vindictive and not vindictive. In the case when the owner accidentally or deliberately offended her, she will take offense in the corner quite a bit, and then she will come back to murmur under her ear, kiss and chat!

Adapting to a new place

white kitten neva masquerade

When you are going to get a Neva Masquerade cat kitten, make sure that the windows and balcony are closed. Remove all objects that could injure the baby, as well as toxic substances in an inaccessible place. By nature, this breed is very curious.

The kitten will quickly get used to the new place of residence. The same applies to adults, when it is decided to move or change something in the interior. But in this case, it is necessary to protect the animal from injuries and injuries.

Attitude towards children

As we wrote earlier, the Neva masquerade cat reluctantly takes part in children's games, but only if the game is too active or the child crosses the line - begins to catch the cat, wrap it like a child, drag it by the tail, and so on. In this case, the animal will simply leave, hide, but will not show aggression against the baby.

In a house where there are children, you can easily get a Neva masquerade cat.

Relations with other animals

mask of neva masquerade

Neva Masquerade cat will be an excellent option as a second or third pet. The kitten quickly finds a tongue with other animals - both cats and dogs.

If you already have an adult cat of the Neva Masquerade breed and you decide to have another kitten or dog, then you can do it safely. Of course, as the owner of the apartment, initially the pet will hiss and frighten, but will quickly accept a new friend, and even take it under its care. She will be happy to play with the new tenant, help to quickly adapt to a new place!


colors of the Neva Masquerade

Despite the fact that this breed is endowed with luxurious wool and a beautiful fur coat, caring for it is very simple. During molting, you need to comb out the wool two or three times a week, bathe. The rest of the time, one combing of wool per week and the same amount of bathing is enough. You need to scratch your whole body with a puderka, except for the tail.

In order to avoid problems with the coat, it remains shiny and silky, you can not use simple shampoos for people, they can also cause allergies. Get a specialized shampoo for cats with long hair from the pet store.

Other care is as follows:

  • rubbing the eyes with cotton pads dipped in strong tea or chamomile tea;
  • nail clipping;
  • cleaning your ears with cotton swabs and discs as needed;
  • dental care.

Follow all hygiene rules, your cat will always be beautiful and well-groomed.

Do not forget to stably change the filler in the pot. In no way will a dirty cat go. But there will be no dirty tricks in the corners. Neva Masquerade cat will rub on its legs, meow loudly until the tray is perfectly clean!


Neva Masquerade wool

Even in the case when the cat does not go out at all, it is necessary to affix all the necessary vaccinations. A person can bring a dangerous infection to the animal on clothes and shoes.

A visit to the veterinarian for a routine examination is also a necessary point. Once a year, it is recommended to show the animal to the doctor in order to recognize and eliminate possible diseases in the early stages.


Neva Masquerade is completely picky about food. She with the same appetite will eat both natural products and specialized cat foods - dry or in the form of canned food.

If you decide to feed your pet with natural food, then follow these rules:

  1. Do not give the animal salty and seasoned food.
  2. If the fish, then only boiled, raw, even sea, can not be given.
  3. Give the liver extremely rarely, since the substances contained in it can significantly change the color of the coat.
  4. From meat, choose only poultry, beef, rabbit meat. Pork is completely contraindicated.
  5. A cat can be given dairy and sour-milk products, but only of medium or low fat content.
  6. Completely eliminate the ingestion of bones in food. Choose skinless fillet for feeding.
  7. Boiled vegetables and cereals from cereals are necessary products in the animal's diet. To make the cat eat it, dilute it with a treat.
  8. Do not forget about vitamins!

If dry and soft food is selected for feeding, then this must be a premium product. Low-grade foods will have a bad effect on the coat and health of the animal.


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