How to drag in "KS: GO": step by step instructions

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive or just CS: GO is one of the most popular games in the world. At the moment, it is played by millions of players around the world. Major championships are regularly held for the title of the strongest CS: GO team with large prize pools. Every day, streams for this game are collected by tens of thousands of people on various platforms.

how to drag in cs go

Is this not a reason to learn how to play well and understand how to drag in "KS: GO"? In fact, finding out is not so difficult. It is more difficult to learn, because any learning process is always associated with overcoming failures and working on yourself. It is difficult and it takes a long time. So, before deciding to learn how to drag in “KS: GO” and start training, you need to decide for yourself - is the game worth the candle?

If the answer is yes, then you need to start without delay.

The basics

In order to play well in CS: GO, you must at least learn how to shoot well and only then think about tactics and other strategic features of the game.

To learn how to shoot well, you need to learn five fundamental concepts:

  • Taping is a single shot.
  • Bursting - short burst shooting.
  • Spraying - shooting a long burst.
  • Flicking - aiming at the target using reflexes.

There are other useful terms that are worth exploring. But you need to start with these.


It’s better to train practicing all types of shooting on a special map in the bot mode, and not in a real match. Why? Because in a real match or in arena mode, it is required to apply proven skills, and not to get them again. If you play only in competitive modes, then the progress of training will be very low, tending to zero.

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So you need to download the Aim Botz map. She will help you learn how to drag in "KS: GO". To do this, in the Steam main menu, select “Communities” and then the “Workshop” section. Enter in the search you need to enter Counter-Strike: Global Offensive to get into the CS: GO workshop. Next, go to the workshop and enter aim_botz in the search, then click on “subscribe” under the desired card (green button). Everything, the game itself will load this training ground for work.

You need to play on this map in single player mode for a team of terrorists.

how to start dragging in cs go

How to drag "KS: GO"? Pro Tips

To develop the ability to kill in single-shot mode, you must select a weapon such as AK-47 and perform the following actions:

  • stand approximately on the center of the site (center of the map);
  • start moving around, while aiming at the heads of appearing bots;
  • only make a single shot each time;
  • before each shot you need to stop for a moment.

how to learn to drag in cs go

Why stop? World of Tanks players will perfectly understand why this should be done: each weapon has a strictly defined aim information. For example, if you shoot on the go with the AK-47, then the spread of bullets will be so great that the chance of a cartridge getting into the enemy is reduced to zero. To do this, you need to stop so that the accuracy of shooting decreases, and the chance of hitting increases. By the way, this is one of the fundamental tricks that will help answer the question "How to drag in" KS: GO? ".

When repeating this exercise, the emphasis should not be on speed, but on quality of execution. You can walk, stop and shoot at first slowly, but over time, the speed itself will increase. You need to be patient and then you can find out how to learn how to drag in "KS: GO".

Short burst shooting

When using this type of shooting, it is necessary to perform the same actions as when training with single shots - the same movements, the same aiming point. Only need to shoot in short bursts of two or three shots. This is optimal, which means the effective number of rounds that can be used.

how to drag pro tips in cs go

Incidentally, shooting in short bursts is one of the most effective ways of defeating the enemy. Using an example, it is very simple to understand: the spread in firing at the Deagle pistol is very large. Therefore, it is better to take a few correct shots so that the chance of defeat is higher. This aspect of the game, moreover, answers the question "how to drag from" Deagle "to" KS: GO? "

Long burst shooting

Shooting a long burst is very helpful during close combat. If the enemy moves - and he is almost always on the move, unless the AFC is worth it - then it is difficult to get into it in short bursts. It is better to fire several bullets at once. Just need to consider several features:

  • When shooting in long bursts, you must take into account the trajectory of each weapon. It is different for everyone. It needs to be recognized and worked out until the automatism of the action, which will be aimed at its maximum reduction.
  • You can’t aim at the head. It's useless. It is better to aim at the body of the enemy. Thus, the chance to get frag significantly increases.

Targeting using reflexes

Performing any actions, each person uses the reflexes that are embedded in him. The same can be said about shooting in CS: GO. If you ideally master the killing of opponents on reflexes, then the question "how to start dragging in" KS: GO "?" will fall away by itself.

You can train this type of shooting on the same aim_botz map. Moreover, you need to perform the same actions that were recommended earlier, only when moving you need to be somewhere close to the enemy, and when you stop, you need to transfer the sight to his head.

When processing this shooting technique, it is better to use WUAs. This rifle has very high damage, but a long reload time. Therefore, a player with a WUA does not have a chance to miss.

You need to enter the optical sight mode and keep your opponents somewhere on the periphery of the sight when moving, and when you stop, try to quickly point the fly at the opponent’s head. Again, you should not try to do quickly, you need to try to do it qualitatively. By the way, this was the answer to the question “how to drag from the WUA to KS: GO?”.

Master initial skills

Before trying to learn how to drag in "KS: GO", it is necessary to master the initial skills of long-range combat. This is the basis without which one cannot continue to develop further. To reject the study and development of this foundation is the same as trying to build a house without a foundation.

And you should always remember that Moscow wasn’t built right away and the entire gold line-up of Na'Vi or Virtus Pro consists not of those who were born with the ability to play CS: GO efficiently, but of those who have honed their skills for many years and learned from their and other people's mistakes, improving their professional skills every day.


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