Cairn Terriers: breed description, photo

Cairn terriers are small and very energetic dogs bred for hunting small game. They attract attention with their interesting appearance and mischievous spontaneous disposition. They perfectly adapt to life in a rural house and in a city apartment. Therefore, today more and more people are turning them on as companions. In today's article you will find a more detailed description of these animals.

Origin of breed

Cairn terriers are dogs with a very long history. They are considered the direct descendants of Scottish hunting dogs, from which several modern breeds descended. The first ancestors of these animals appeared on the island of Skye. They became faithful companions of foresters and hunters, helping them to hunt predatory animals inhabiting burrows and crevices of rocks.

cairn terriers

Over time, these heterogeneous dogs gave rise to four separate breeds, one of which was the core terrier. Translated from the Celtic language, this word denotes a stone or a pile of stones. The obelisks that towered above the ancient graves of the Scottish leaders were once called so. In 1912, core samples were recognized as an independent breed. But, despite this, they continued to cross with other Scottish terriers. Five years later, the American Kennel Club decided to ban the registration of litters obtained as a result of such mating.

The first cores came to Russia only in 1994. Since then, they have quickly gained popularity among local dog breeders and professional breeders have become seriously interested in them.

Breed description

Cairn terriers are small dogs with a proportional body and free light movements. The height of an adult should not exceed 30 centimeters, and weight is about 7.5 kilograms. On a small short-faced head are dark brown wide-set eyes and small pointed ears.

Under a compact body with a well-developed chest there are two pairs of strong, even limbs. Moreover, the front legs are slightly larger than the hind legs. The short, protruding core tail should not be thrown back.

cairn terrier photo

The harmonious proportional body of the core terrier, the photos of which are presented in today's article, is covered with two-layer tousled wool. Stiff and long outer hair perfectly protects the dog from rain. Under it is a second layer, consisting of a short fluffy undercoat. As for the color, the standard allowed red, sand, cream, tiger and gray shade. Moreover, the muzzle and ears of representatives of this breed are covered with darker hair.

Cairn Terrier: Character Description

These small fearless dogs easily adapt to any situation and under no circumstances lose their natural optimism. They have a fairly stable psyche and are not aggressive towards people. Despite their hunting roots, cores get along well with other pets and are not prone to vacations. They clearly understand the importance of peaceful coexistence and will not bully to larger relatives.

breed Cairn Terrier

Cairn terrier - a dog in need of constant communication with a person. The dog is strongly attached to its master and does not tolerate loneliness. A bored dog begins to feel unnecessary and quickly acquires bad habits. In addition, the core samples are very sensitive to punishment and are able to pick up the slightest changes in the intonations of the human voice. Therefore, they can not be shouted.

Maintenance and care

Despite the fact that representatives of this breed perfectly adapt to any conditions, it is better for them to live in rural areas. These dogs are characterized by indomitable energy that needs to be splashed out somewhere. Therefore, core-terriers living in city apartments should be regularly walked where they can run without a leash.

dog cairn terrier

In general, these are unpretentious dogs that do not require specific care. They do not fade and do not need a haircut. Caring for the hair of these animals comes down to periodically combing, trimming and bathing. The core should be washed as needed. But it is advisable to do this no more than twice a year. For hygienic procedures, special shampoos should be used, which you can buy in any department that sells pet supplies. In addition, you need to regularly trim the claws of the animal and clean its ears. It is imperative to remember the timely treatment of fleas, ticks and helminths.

Training and training

Core education needs to be engaged literally from the first days of its appearance in your house. It is important from the very beginning to establish the boundaries of the dog for the dog and not allow it to go beyond them. The first thing a puppy needs to remember is his own nickname. As soon as the baby learns to joyfully respond to the call of the owner, you can gradually complicate the task by introducing new commands.

Cairn Terrier Description

Cores are very flexible and quick-witted animals and, with the right, and most importantly, systematic approach, can be quickly trained. They make excellent hunting companions and assistants. Experienced experts recommend that core owners do obedience, freestyle, flyball or agility with them.

In addition, professional dog handlers advise you not to forget that the representatives of this breed are well developed hunting instincts. Therefore, they need early socialization.

Feeding recommendations

The Cairn Terrier, whose photo can be seen in this publication, is unpretentious in everything regarding food. The diet of this animal may consist of industrial or natural feed. Preferring the first option, you should choose products from trusted global manufacturers, not lower than the super-premium class. The composition of such feed should not be dyes, artificial preservatives, corn and wheat.

Those who plan to give their core natural products should understand that the basis of the dog's diet should be meat components. It can be lamb, beef or poultry. A couple of times a week, meat can be replaced with low-fat marine fish. In addition, cereals, vegetables, eggs, cottage cheese and kefir should be present in the dog menu. It is strictly forbidden to feed a pet with bones, bread, sweets, salted and smoked food.

Addiction to disease

Cairn terriers are distinguished by fairly good health. With proper care and timely vaccination, they can live up to 15-19 years, rejoicing in everything that surrounds them until they are old. But, like any other creature, they are prone to certain diseases.

Cairn Terrier breed description

The most common ailments diagnosed in representatives of this breed are glaucoma, kneecap dislocation, hepatic shunt and poor blood coagulation. Plus, older cores are prone to allergic reactions.

Who is this dog suitable for?

Cairn Terrier - breed, in need of constant contact with a person. Therefore, it is ideal for families with growing children. This dog is happy to participate in outdoor games. Unrestrained energy makes him the perfect companion for active people.

When communicating with the core, one must take into account the fact that this dog has a certain proportion of selfishness. Therefore, she is very jealous of her own food and toys. However, she does not tolerate loneliness and from the longing for the owners can start spoiling things, barking for a long time and in vain or undermining.


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