The plant is balsam. Landing and care

Balsam is one of the long-flowering plants for your home. There are both annual and perennial varieties. Balsam has a straight stem, growing up to 50 cm in length. The plant can be distinguished by fleshy green or bronze-purple leaves, having a lanceolate or oval shape.

balsam planting and care
Its flowers are bright, usually red or pink. After prolonged flowering, the balsam has fruits that are easily cracked by any touch and resemble the shape of a box, inside of which there are seeds. In this article, we will talk about the characteristics of a balsam plant, the planting and care of which are not particularly difficult. So, we will consider the agricultural technique of growing this flower both in the garden and at home.

The decoration for your garden is the camellia balsam. Landing and care

One of the most beautiful varieties of balsam is considered to be "camellia". This plant is unpretentious in cultivation and stands out among other analogues with its large terry flowers of a bright color - red, purple, pink, white. Balsam "camellia" has a pyramidal shape and reaches 50 cm in height. Its green leaves are arranged on a smooth stem in the next order and have a pointed shape.

balsam camellia planting and care
Balsam "camellia" is used when decorating flower beds, terraces, balconies. The seeds of this beautiful garden plant are planted in the drained soil in the spring - in March or April. The biomaterial is not immersed deep in the soil, but placed superficially, only slightly sprinkled on top. After sowing, they are sprayed and covered with a film or glass. A box with seedlings is placed in a lit place with diffused light, protecting it from direct sunlight. In order for the seeds to sprout, it is necessary to maintain the room temperature not lower than 20 ° C and not higher than 25 ° C. When the seeds germinate, the indoor climate is made cooler by maintaining a temperature of about 15 ° C. From seedlings, balsam is transplanted into the open ground in the first ten days of June. Select a sunny or partial shade for the balsam plant. Planting and care of seedlings consist in constant, but moderate watering and top dressing. In spring, the plant is fed with mineral fertilizers every 2 weeks. During the flowering period, potassium and phosphorus additives are added, ending the procedure at the end of summer.

Balsam: planting and care of the plant at home

balsam home care
This flower is great for home growing. With scattered light, balsam is actively growing and blooming on eastern or western windows. Planting and caring for it consists in selecting the soil, establishing the correct watering regime, feeding and pruning. The soil for the plant is used light, loose and not too nutritious, otherwise the deciduous mass will go to growth. Usually, a mixture of equal parts of compost, humus, sod land and perlite is prepared for balsam. Do not forget about drainage - it is placed on the bottom of the pot. After planting, the container with the plant is placed on a well-lit window sill. The room is kept cool (+ 10 ° C - + 24 ° C). Water the home flower with regularly settled, soft, warm water. When moistened, do not allow water to enter the root neck. Periodically, the soil mixture is also loosened so that the roots receive enough air. Tip: if you want the plant to be lush, turn the pot to the light source in different directions. You can take home balsam to the street or balcony for hardening in the summer. Caring for it is simple, the main thing is to cover the pot from direct sunlight, so that the flower does not get burns. At the beginning of spring, pruning branches of the plant that are too long are pruned. Also, if necessary, balsam is transplanted into a new substrate during this period. During the transplantation, the flower is carefully removed from the old pot, the earth is removed from the roots and rotted roots are removed, and the places of the cuts are treated with charcoal. After all the manipulations, the plant is placed in a new container, watered and left for several days in a shaded place.


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