Dog cage in the apartment. How to train a dog in an apartment in a cage?

Using this device will result in very useful results. Sometimes it is misunderstood and described as a mockery of an animal. But if you do everything right, the results will be only positive. Cages for large dogs are placed in the apartment with the ability to compactly fold them when the need for the use of devices disappears.

How a dog can be accustomed to a cage

The cage for dogs in the apartment has a fairly small weight. This device is easy to carry. If your dog is of a distinguished suit and you regularly visit exhibitions, then knowledge of how to train a dog in an apartment in a cage will be extremely useful for you and your pet.

dog cage in the apartment
When a puppy appears, make sure that he is from the very beginning accustomed to a clean lifestyle, good behavior. Tell him where his place is and how to behave. After all, from a very young age, you can quickly accustom a puppy to order for life.

In order for everything to be done correctly and the dog cage in the apartment has become a favorite corner, and not a prison, you need to understand how animals usually behave and what their tendencies are. Since it is very important.

Leaving a social group and reflecting on separation

When the animal is excommunicated from its social group, it begins to call its loved ones barking and howling. Distress vocalization is a term assigned by zoological scientists to this phenomenon. Thus, the dog is trying to increase its ability to survive in the wild. Perhaps her mother is still close and will hear a call.

Now imagine that the dog cage in the apartment limits the petโ€™s ability to move around and look for loved ones. He will want to run away, dig a course, nibble the bars, destroy the barriers. In his mind there is only one task - to survive. In such a situation, you need to act carefully and not damage the psyche of the dog. Be attentive and merciful to the animal.

do-it-yourself cage for a dog in an apartment

The right behavior

To dampen the reflex of separation, provide your ward with a sense of security, let the associations draw in their minds a picture of a den where it will be quiet, warm and calm. Follow this sequence of steps:

  • get this simple device made of wire, at the bottom of which there will be a pallet. The cage for dogs in the apartment should be spacious, because the puppy will not always be small, but will grow up;

  • let the new dog house in your bedroom;

  • to make the puppy interesting, put the pieces of his favorite food inside, this will cause pleasant associations;

  • before going to bed, once again feed the dog and close the cage;

  • go out into the corridor, but watch the dog for a while;

  • if you understand that the dog does not like what is happening and he experiences a reflex of separation, speak loudly to him. Then the dog will understand that if he continues to behave this way, each time this will be followed by a loud voice of the owner. If the voice does not work, shake the piggy bank with coins or slam the newspaper against the wall or door;

  • such procedures need to be repeated repeatedly until the dog is completely used to the cage. For starters, success is considered if the pet sits quietly in the cage for half an hour;

  • throw a toy to the animal so that it does not get bored, let it gnaw. At this time, you can remove the collar and leash.

Over time, four-legged friends really get used to their new home and behave quite decently. They no longer think that a dog cage in an apartment is such a malicious enemy. With your own hands you can make such a wonderful device or purchase it at a pet store.

dog cages in the apartment photo

Problems that may occur at night.

In the morning, like us humans, dogs are not averse to visiting the toilet. They report such a desire by barking and whining. Dogs are very clean animals, and their lofty instincts dictate order and cleanliness in their own den. You must be near to allow your pet to do all the right things in the right place or on the street.

Pros and Cons of Using a Cell

This device really has a lot of positive aspects. A puppy learns to go to the toilet in undesirable places precisely because of the cage for dogs in the apartment. The photo illustrates that this is indeed a very simple subject. Teaching the puppy to a specific place where he relieves his needs, we allow him to saturate the floor with his pheromones, and then he will want to return here again. When you go somewhere and are not able to control the behavior of a playful dog, the cage will help you protect the house from collapse and disorder. You wean the animal from bad habits.

how to train a dog in an apartment in a cage
In addition, if everything is done correctly, you will save your pet from the reflex of separation, and post-stress effects will not be so likely. Of course, this method has its drawbacks.

One of the inconveniences is that the training should be done gently, and not put the pet for a long time in the cage. A dog cannot be kept isolated for more than two to three hours a day.

When you leave home for a long time, you need to think about making your pet feel free and protected. Make sure that during training for the cage, the dog can always relieve the need for the right place for this. Water, food should also be available. You canโ€™t isolate the animal for a long time if you want the puppyโ€™s psyche to be healthy and trust the world around it.

Love and get love back

If you are a caring owner and do everything right, the ward will love the cage and consider it his fortress, he will go there for relaxation, because this is his favorite place. Show him that this is a beautiful, comfortable place where he will feel safe and sound. Let him feel calm and comfort. Then itโ€™s good for you and your little friend. Everything is in the black.

cages for large dogs in the apartment
A dog is your friend with whom you need to seek consensus, compromise. You both get joy from your union, so give the pet care, show and attract, not force, and then this care will return loyalty, devotion and positive in your direction.


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