The state apparatus and the mechanism of the state: correlation of concepts

The state is a special form of social organization of large masses of people. But it did not always exist. Initially, people were a disparate biological entity. Associations were limited to only small tribal communities or families. However, by virtue of its social nature, each person strives for existence in society. It is this fact that led to the creation of countries that are a complex form of organization of the population of a certain territory.

state apparatus and mechanism of the state
The key aspect of such structures is not only the moment of their creation, but also the process of regulating internal and external activities. For a long time, people could not create a system of government. In many cases, this led to a loss of organizational effectiveness, in other words, complete anarchy. But over time, things have changed significantly. Authorities and authorized persons began to appear within states. Today, in all countries there is an institution of the state mechanism. It is he who is responsible for the effective coordination of internal relations in such organizations. However, in addition to the mechanism, there is also a state apparatus. The essence of these concepts is quite close, which in many cases leads to confusion. Therefore, in this article we will try to explain the features of each category.
state mechanism and state apparatus briefly

State - general concepts

In order to most fully and competently consider the categories of "state apparatus" and "state mechanism", it is necessary to name the key features of the country. For many years, theoretical scholars have argued about the characteristics of the powers and the definition of this category. Today, of course, the doctrinal concept of states has already been formed. According to the provisions of the most classical theory, a country is a social and legal organization of people, which is controlled by political authorities, implements the method of coercion in its activities, and also has sovereignty. In addition, any country has a limited territorial framework, as well as its own population. The state apparatus and the mechanism of the state is already the sphere of power management, which originates directly from the population. After all, it is it that regulates the internal processes in the country.

The main features of the state

All countries without exception today are formed in a single image. This indicates the presence of common theoretical and practical foundations of building states. An example of this is the existence of signs of power, which in science are recognized by all theorists. Thus, the main features of a state organization include:

  • the presence of a single universal political force;
  • the ability to create new rules of behavior and change existing ones;
  • the presence of state property (property);
  • the existence of a single language, depending on the number of ethnic structures;
  • the presence of sovereignty and state apparatus (mechanism).

As we see, the state apparatus is not just an institution in a single country, but also a key sign of its direct existence. Thus, this category is endowed with a mass of interesting points, the consideration of which allows us to highlight the specific features of various countries.

State mechanism - concept

In modern science, there are many terms that in most cases are mistakenly identified. For example, the concepts of “state apparatus” and “state mechanism” are correlated as absolutely identical categories. Of course, this approach is erroneous, since the essence of both categories is completely different. Take, for example, the mechanism of the state. What is this category? The classical mechanism of the state recognizes a hierarchical, holistic system of public authorities and other official institutions that directly implement in their activities the most important functions of the state. That is, the mechanism is the highest sphere of governing the country. It is an integral part of any political and legal structure today. The mechanism is characterized by certain features, which will be presented later in the article.

The concept of the state apparatus

In the theory of the country's apparatus, there are many scientific views. Almost all of them are based on the fact that this category is a system element of the state mechanism. Such an interpretation has many adherents. At the same time, it is difficult to recognize it as incorrect, based on the concept of the state apparatus. According to him, the presented category is a system of government bodies that are endowed with executive and administrative, controlling and managerial powers. It is with the help of these departments that the state realizes its key functions. The official bodies directly included in the apparatus are vested with the authority to use the most important public resources to achieve their goals.

Thus, both categories are quite unusual. At the same time, a lot of time is allocated in higher educational institutions for future lawyers to analyze in detail the state mechanism and the state apparatus. In this case, a cheat sheet is not possible on exams, as these categories are extremely complex and unusual.

What is the difference between the state mechanism and the state apparatus?

The concepts of the two categories presented above make it possible to understand the essence of their relationship. The fact that the state apparatus and mechanism are not identical leaves no doubt. However, it is not clear to many people on the basis of what the presented categories differ. It is necessary to begin with the fact that the mechanism of the state is a system of official bodies and institutions. In this case, it refers to all, without exception, the subjects of the management process. The state apparatus is somewhat different. This category only characterizes bodies that, although endowed with unique powers, do not make significant decisions for the country, and their sphere of activity is limited by industry regulations. In other words, the state apparatus is part of the country's mechanism. But in order to understand in more detail the essence of these peculiar categories, it is necessary to analyze their signs.

Signs of the state mechanism

Each scientific category has a number of specific points on the basis of which it can be studied and generally identified. The concept and signs of the mechanism of the state, the state apparatus are similar identification elements. As for the first category, today it is characterized by the following points:

1) the integrity of the system in which, without exception, all bodies and institutions are interconnected;

2) the presence of common functional tasks for all organs included in the structure of the mechanism;

3) the basis of the state mechanism are official institutions about departments that have powers that are unique in nature;

4) the mechanism of the country is a functional lever that is responsible for the development of the state and society.

As we can see, the presented category has many interesting criteria that characterize it most fully.

Features of the device

Signs characterize not only the mechanism of the country. They can be distinguished in the analysis of any scientific category. The state apparatus and the mechanism of the state are closely related to each other. Therefore, their features will be somewhat similar, however, the key features of the categories are different. The state apparatus is characterized by the following points:

1) all bodies included in the structure have an official status;

2) in the course of their activities, they exercise managerial, controlling and executive-administrative functions;

3) the apparatus has the right to dispose, as well as use public property and other necessary resources;

4) the system of government is strictly hierarchical;

5) the structure includes all government departments without exception.

It follows that, without exception, all the features of the country's apparatus are associated with objects that are part of its immediate system.

Country Mechanism Structure

The state machinery and apparatus of the state, books about which are increasingly published today, are structured categories. Each of them has its own system elements that perform certain functions. The mechanism of the state consists of five elements.

1. The first component, of course, is the power apparatus, that is, the system of official authorities. These departments are the actual strength of the state.

2. The second element consists of official organizations. Such structures carry out mostly security activities related to the defense of the country itself and its population.

state apparatus state apparatus, state system mechanism

3. With regard to state institutions, they are subject to the functions of cultural, scientific, health and other types of support for the country's population. Such structures include schools, hospitals, higher educational institutions, etc.

the concept of the state apparatus and the state mechanism are related

4. State enterprises recognize structures that do not possess managerial powers, but they are entrusted with the task of carrying out economic activities based on the manufacture of products, performance of work, etc.

The structure of the state mechanism includes such specific elements as financial, organizational means, labor, etc.

Country apparatus system

The fact that the state apparatus is part of the power mechanism does not mean the absence of its own system. Its structure also consists of several interconnected elements. Among them:

  • bodies of the legislative branch of government;
  • executive agencies of the state;
  • judicial authorities;
  • Supervisory and supervisory agencies of different focus.
    the concept and signs of the mechanism of the state of the state apparatus

It should be noted that in the process of activity of these bodies, state power is actually exercised. The mechanism, the apparatus of the state, in turn, is only its formal setting.

Principles on which categories are based

Any existing scientific or practical institute is based on any starting points. The mechanism of the state and the state apparatus, briefly discussed in the article, are no exception. There are principles on which these categories are built. Their role is quite large, since they enable specific institutions of state power to act. Six key principles can be identified.

1. The initial position of publicity speaks of the openness of government.

2. Democracy allows citizens to participate in the coordination of the country's activities and its individual structures.

what is the difference between the state mechanism and the state apparatus

3. The principle of legality is the actual implementation by all official bodies and institutions of the regulatory rules established by a power.

4. The principle of federalism is of great importance, because our state is a fairly large political and legal structure.

5. The principle of professionalism indicates the existence of special methods and forms of implementing the functions of the country, based on the qualified activities of specialists.

6. The state mechanism and the state apparatus operate on the basis of the principle of separation of powers. This gives greater efficiency to the entire process of governing the country.

Correlation of categories with other institutions

Of course, the mechanism of the state and the state apparatus, briefly discussed in this article, are closely combined with other phenomena of the state. For example, the democratic institution of the presidency is not directly part of these systems. However, this person is authorized to adopt acts that affect the activities of institutions, bodies and other departments of both the mechanism of the country as a whole and the apparatus.

mechanism of state and state apparatus


So, in the article we revealed the features of several important categories, for example, the state apparatus. The state apparatus, the mechanism of the state, the system of these phenomena and other features have shown that each power, including the Russian Federation, is a structured “organism”, the functioning of which depends on a large number of factors.


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