What should children be able to do at 7 months? Child development at 7 months

The long-awaited baby every day surprises and pleases with his small achievements, especially if he is already seven months old or more. But concern for its development is normal for caring parents. After all, the kid is already crawling and trying to walk with friends, and he is only learning to sit with relatives. All the kids are different. But still, what should children be able to do at 7 months? This is what this article will tell.

what children should be able to do at 7 months

Physical and emotional development of crumbs

By the age of seven months, children gain in weight by five hundred grams of days in 30, becoming on average a couple of centimeters higher. Many already have several teeth (up to four: two upper and lower incisors). But this is individually for everyone. There are children whose teeth begin to appear by the year. The kid is interested in everything, he is studying cutlery (if now you start to teach him to eat from a spoon and drink from a mug, then it will be most welcome) and everything that is within reach and visibility. But what should a child be able to do at 7 months? The baby turns over in all directions (on the back, stomach and back), confidently sits and crawls. He stands by the sofa in the crib, holding on to them. The kid understands what they say to him and in what tone. He already knows how to play games such as "Forty" and "Ladushki". He can collect small objects or toys into a box, focuses on a specific occupation and returns to it if it is interrupted. The baby is good at fulfilling his plan, he already plays several different toys at once. The baby is afraid of breaking up with her mother and does not want to tear herself away from her if separation is due, since the child’s affection is very high. Of course, not all children develop in the same way. Do not worry too much if your child has not learned something. A visit to the doctor should reassure. When there is no problem with the baby’s health, he will certainly master everything in the near future, and the question of what children should be able to do at 7 months will not worry you.

what should a child at 7 months old be able to

Is everything all right with the baby?

First, I would like to say a few words about what should alert the behavior of the crumbs. After all, no matter how much all moms and dads would like to see their babies healthy, there are kids who need special care and attention.

  • Parents should notice how the baby reacts to the appearance of the mother and separation from her, when he is taken to his hands, pressed to himself. If the baby does not show affection, is indifferent to the manifestations of love of parents, this is a cause for concern.
  • Give the baby a toy and show how to knock it on some surface. Is the kid happy to repeat after you? Everything is good. If the child does not know how to do this (knocking with a toy), beware and watch him more carefully. Maybe he was just tired or not in the mood. Try to repeat all over again another time. But when the baby again does not understand what and how to do, be sure to visit a doctor.
  • If we talk about what a child should be able to do at seven months, any experienced parent will say - to sit. It's true. There are children who are still uncertainly sitting at this age. But, if, holding out his hand over the baby over and over with an offer to help him sit down, you see indifference on his face, he does not feel interest in such an action, you need to worry.
  • At seven months, babies make a lot of sounds, varied and funny. They communicate with them and attract the attention of adults. If this does not happen, beware.
  • The kid does not respond by turning his head to the voice in the direction of the caller? Another cause for concern.
  • Take crumbs under the handles and try to place them on a flat and hard surface. Does he lean, fingering? All is well. Just bends your legs, hangs on your hands? Need to show the doctor.

In these cases, it is necessary to consult a specialist for advice and help when necessary. Otherwise, the baby is not required to do everything that doctors prescribe. After all, each child is an individual and develops according to his inherent scenario.

In more detail about what children should be able to do at 7 months

Seven-month-old kids learn new things continuously. Mental development becomes active precisely from this age. Especially when the baby has already learned to move on all fours or crawl in another way convenient for him. But you should not be upset if this did not happen, because what a child should be able to do at 1 year and 7 months, for example, can not be compared with the age we are talking about. Older children can already easily and thoughtfully do everything that the baby learns in the first year of life. Therefore, when observing a baby, do not worry when he does not succeed in all of the above. He will surely learn, just help him in this. For example, if a baby lying on his stomach shows an interesting toy, lifting it above the baby’s head and moving it from side to side, he should lean on one handle, rise for a few seconds, and the other try to reach the subject. But the ability to turn over in all directions, although at an earlier age, is monitored, but it is considered a necessity from seven months. If the baby has not yet learned to turn in any direction, but prefers any one, put toys or other interesting objects on the side of the baby, in which he is in no hurry to begin to turn over. The stimulus will do its job, and the baby will quickly master the turns.

what should a child at 7 months old be able to do

Mandatory and not very skills seven-month baby

Speaking about what a child should be able to do at 7 months (boy), it should be noted that he may be slightly behind in skills, but sometimes it can be the other way around. More clearly, the skills of children of this age can be represented in a table.

What should a child be able to do at 7 months. Table
MonthSkills by the end of the month baby
shouldcan learnmaybe learn
  • sit without assistance and support;
  • make sounds, make a snort;
  • keep and eat cookies (cracker), pieces of fruit.
  • when in an upright position, transfer part of his weight to his legs;
  • show dissatisfaction and try to object if they pick up a toy or something else interesting to the child;
  • try to get a toy that is out of reach, reach out, reach it (crawl);
  • try to find with your eyes a fallen object;
  • shift from one handle to another toy;
  • pinch a small object in a fist;
  • hearing a voice, turn in his direction;
  • speak syllables, different combinations of sounds;
  • play ku-ku.
  • stand on the legs at the support;
  • sit down without help;
  • clap your hands while playing "Ladushki", and wave the handle goodbye;
  • take a small object with your thumb and forefinger;
  • speak the words "mom", "dad" or "woman."

As can be seen from the table, the skills of the baby of seven months are diverse. Not all children are able to master all of the above, but there is a certain minimum requirements for all the crumbs. Of course, it’s not scary (despite the fact that the child’s health is in order) if he does not sit well at 7 months, but perhaps there is some kind of problem lurking behind it. Take at least a weak muscle tone. The necessary massage course in this case will help the baby catch up with peers in physical development and master the skills necessary at this age. And then the question "what should the child be able to do at 7 months" will not cause embarrassment for the insufficient development of the crumbs.

what should a child be able to do at 1 year and 7 months

Are there differences in the development of boys and girls?

This question arises among many parents. Watching the development of a son and a friend of a girl of the same age, they notice that the baby began to crawl or walk earlier than their own baby. It happens the other way around - a boy develops a little faster than a girl. In fact, the floor has nothing to do with it. Answering the question "what should a child be able to do at 7 months (girl)", it should be noted that she will not necessarily perform more than the boy from what is supposed at their age. Most likely, the development of the child depends on other factors: heredity, weight and height at birth, body weight at the time of testing skills, muscle tone, baby nutrition, the climate in which he lives and even the health of the parents at the time of conception, as well as the course of pregnancy and childbirth. Therefore, if you have a son, and you know what a child should be able to do at 7 months, the boy may not be able to do everything that is appropriate at this age. But this does not mean that he has less skills, since he is male. And the girl began to crawl earlier than the neighboring baby, not because she was not a boy. It’s just that it is possible that genes played a role in one child, and muscle tone was increased in another. Thus, in the question “what should a child be able to do at 7 months,” the girl is no better and no worse than a boy. However, in terms of speech development and emotional, female children are still ahead of their peers. This is explained by the fact that the relationship between the two hemispheres of the brain in girls is established shortly after birth, and in boys by the age of 7-9. But in practice, these differences are not very noticeable.

what should a child be able to do at 7 months table

What to do if the baby does not know how to do something?

Each child is an individual, which means that the generally accepted terms for the development of children are very average. If the baby is not crawling at 7 months, this is not a reason to panic, while parents and doctors see in it other signs of normal development. After all, there is no concrete concept of what a child should be able to do at 7 months. According to Komarovsky, it can be rightly noted that the baby owes nothing to anyone. Therefore, to engage with a child and develop skills is, of course, the sacred duty of parents, but torturing the baby, for example, trying to force him to eat with a spoon on his own, arguing that seven-month-old children need to learn this, does not make sense. You should not expect from the crumbs the same thing that a child should be able to at 1 year and 7 months.

Affordable ways to help your child develop skills

Approach the question of baby skills reasonably. Does the child like to crawl on his tummy, getting to the right subject? Help him understand how to get on his knees. Gradually, the baby will get used to standing and will learn to crawl, and when he realizes that he will move much faster in this way, then he will not be stopped. Well, if the baby shows interest in the dishes, try to put it on a highchair, give him a spoon and an unbreakable plate, for example, with porridge. Of course, purity in this case cannot be guaranteed, but you can lay some kind of oilcloth under and around the stool. Let the little one try to taste the dish on his own. Even when he gets into the plate with his hands, do not scold him. After all, this is the development of fine motor skills too. Just keep in mind that the baby will get dirty, so put him in such an activity before going to bathe.

what a child should be able to do at 7 months

The kid does not want to learn a certain skill

Do not be discouraged if the baby does not want, for example, to crawl, although you persistently show him how to do it. After all, some children simply bypass certain skills or do it their own way. One child crawls as it should - on all fours, and the other either does not do it at all, or moves around, sitting on the priest, fingering with his feet and hands on the floor. And if you try to teach the little one to get on his knees, he starts to cry in protest. Agree, there are much fewer questions about what a child should be able to do at 1 year and 7 months according to Komarovsky, because by this age children have already learned almost everything that is needed, and they are gradually learning the remaining skills. The same goes for seven-month-old babies. Sometimes it happens that the crumb at 5 months turned over in every way, and after 6 stopped. There is nothing wrong with that, he just switched to the development of another skill, and he will remember about the coups later. All children grow up and study at the same time. They look at their parents, remember how and what is done, and then they themselves try to repeat everything. In general, if you are confident in the baby’s health, do not waste your nerves on unnecessary worries about the child’s inability to do something, everything has its time. Better try to help him learn the necessary skill.

Ways to develop child skills

There will be no question “what children should be able to do in 7 months” among experienced parents who know that you can’t fit all the babies under one pattern. Hence, a different approach to the development of each child. Likes baby to mess around with small toys? To your health! Let them shift them, just be careful not to pick up small objects in your mouth, since there is a danger that one of them will swallow a little one. With all this, the crumb may not like to move. Cheat, put your favorite toys away from the child, but a short distance so that the baby’s interest does not develop into a cry of powerlessness. The baby will stretch, trying to get an object, make some kind of body movements, as a result, it will move in the right direction. So, little by little, the child will realize that he himself can achieve a certain goal. As you probably noticed, it tells clearly and in detail about what a child should be able to do at 7 months, the table. If he lags behind emotionally and verbally, take the boy often in your arms, talk, sing songs, play. This will compensate and stimulate the development of the baby. It is not worth saying to the crumb that he is a man, therefore he should not cry if trouble happened to him. Sympathy and support should always be shown and never harmful. What should a child be able to do at 7 months? Komarovsky calls the same skills: sitting, crawling, getting up, and so on, but again with the proviso that not all children know how to perform this or that action at this age.

what a child should be able to do at 1 year and 7 months according to Komarovsky

About games and bans

To the question "what should a child be able to do at 7 months of age", the table above answers quite clearly. But after all, along with the skills of motor activity, kids, in addition to joy, give their families concern for the safety of the crumbs and the integrity of some things (telephones, remotes, etc.). When the child begins to move independently, it is necessary to make it a rule to remove all dangerous or broken objects away from children's eyes and hands. But, if you accidentally forgot your phone or remote control from the TV on the coffee table, and the baby got to them and slobbered, do not scold the baby, because he is interested in everything. In this way, children learn the world. Just be careful and next time, to avoid troubles, clean things higher. In general, you need to get used to the word “you can’t” speak to the baby only when it comes to really dangerous situations and things:

  • stitching and cutting objects;
  • gas stove;
  • everything connected with electricity;
  • matches.

Too frequent "impossible" will lead to the fact that the baby will attach less importance to the prohibitions. You can say “no need” about other things, for example, “touch mother’s phone, it can break”. Or just at first shake your finger at the crumbs and say “well-well-well”, accompanying your actions with accessible explanations.

The first year of a small person’s life is very important and significant. The baby is going through several stages of development. At seven months, many crumbs begin to move and thus expand their territory. And this is very important for a new impetus in the development of the baby. With the onset of motor activity, the formation of the brain is also stimulated. Your baby begins to slowly enter adulthood. The very beginning of this path comes at the age of seven months. Be patient and help the baby in this! Good luck and more positive emotions!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E19857/

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