What is interesting in Krasnodar: interesting places and sights

Those who like to travel across the vast expanses of Russia should visit Krasnodar. This is a city that has the unofficial status of the southern capital of the country, as well as a major economic and cultural center of the North Caucasus. Krasnodar is divided from Moscow by a distance of 1110 kilometers. The city is located 78 km from the Black Sea and 98 km from the Sea of ​​Azov. Krasnodar attracts many travelers with its cultural attractions and numerous parks.

A bit of history

Where today is Krasnodar, people settled back in the 4th century. BC e. This fact is confirmed by scientists who to this day continue to conduct archaeological research of ancient settlements.

At the beginning of the 18th century. the city became a military outpost, defending the Russian Empire from raids by nomadic tribes. At that time it was called Ekaterinodar. The city was named after this great empress, since by her decree the southern lands were donated to the Cossacks. To this day, these warriors keep their watch, but only on the emblem of Krasnodar.


What is interesting in Krasnodar? Most tourists begin their acquaintance with the city by visiting the main street of the southern capital, which is called Krasnaya. And such a decision is justified. Indeed, in this region of Krasnodar there is a huge number of ancient buildings with picturesque architecture. And street musicians and shady trees will add a little sophistication to an ordinary walk. Here you can have a meal by visiting one of the local restaurants.

Krasnodar aerial view

On Krasnaya Street there is a color music fountain. Its main feature is that anyone who wishes can change the illumination of the jets and their color palette using their smartphone. Currently, this "singing" fountain is the largest in Europe. Not far from it is the Alexander Triumphal Arch, which was recently reconstructed.

Sometimes, tourists mistakenly believe that this street, located in the very center of Krasnodar, is named after the Red Army. However, it is not. In Old Russian, the word "red" meant "beautiful." That is what the main street of Krasnodar was named.

For a long period only dilapidated buildings could be seen here. However, they gradually began to rebuild the street, because of which she changed her appearance and began to correspond to the name given to her.

It was renamed several times throughout the history of Krasnodar. If at first it was Red, then after arriving in the city in 1914, Nicholas II began to be called Nikolaevsky Avenue. The Bolsheviks who came to power returned to its original name. In 1949, the central street of Krasnodar began to bear the name of Stalin in honor of the 70th anniversary of the leader. In 1957, she again became Red.

Among the interesting streets of Krasnodar can be called a rather lively Montazhnikov street. Shanghai University is located here, hosting students to study in China. There are many different catering points on this street. There are several supermarkets located on it.

One of the most important and oldest streets in the city is Stavropolskaya. It began to be actively built up in the 1880s. However, the buildings of the 19th century. it almost did not survive.

House of Ataman Bursak

Among the interesting places and sights of Krasnodar is a building built two hundred years ago, which once belonged to a very extraordinary personality. Its owner was Fedor Yakovlevich Bursak, who at the age of 24 fled from Kiev Bursa to the Zaporizhzhya Sich. All his subsequent life was devoted to the Cossack army and service to the Russian state. Bursak was also under the command of Suvorov during the capture of the Turkish fortress Izmail, and also carried out especially important orders of the chieftain Z. Celegi.

Since January 1800, Fedor Yakovlevich was at the head of the Black Sea army of the Cossacks, becoming his chieftain. Thanks to the decisive measures taken by him on the lands of the Kuban, mountain tribes stopped raiding.

Ataman Bursak's house

Fedor Yakovlevich paid much attention to the development of production and education. In 1803, he opened the first educational institution in the south of the Russian Empire, a year later transformed into a military school. In 1806, the first library began to operate on these lands. Its founders were Fedor Bursak, as well as Archpriest Cyril of Russia.

Thanks to the efforts of the ataman, the Cossacks built a military cathedral around which the outbuilding was erected. They housed bachelors who arrived in Krasnodar from smokers. Bursak also became the founder of the cloth factory, stud farm and shepherd in the Kuban.

In the house of this hospitable Cossack there were many famous personalities. Among them are generals Ermolov and Raevsky, poets Pushkin and Lermontov, as well as the Decembrists Odoevsky, Katenin, Marlinsky and Bestuzhev.

In 1992, the building of Ataman Bursak was restored. Thanks to these works, he managed to return to its original form. Today, it houses one of the branches of the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Monuments of History and Culture.

Holy Trinity Cathedral

What is interesting to see in Krasnodar? One of the most beautiful temples of the city is considered the Holy Trinity. They decided to build it after the Tsar’s family, which decided to visit Ekaterinodar, managed to escape by a miracle during a railway accident. It was after this event that the City Duma decided to build a new church. The first stone was laid in its foundation in 1900. In the summer of 1910, the erected church was lit on Trinity. On its territory, in addition to the main building, there were a school and a parish school.

Today this church is one of the most interesting sights of Krasnodar. Having entered it, you can see the iconostasis, amazing in its beauty. In this cathedral, as in previous times, services are held and prayers are read. The bell, the sound of which can be heard in many areas of Krasnodar, calls upon believers on them.

St. Catherine's Church

What other interesting places are there for tourists in Krasnodar? One of the attractions of the city is St. Catherine’s Church, for the construction of which the Russian-Byzantine style was used. There are five domes in this church. One of them, the largest, is located in the center. Four are smaller in the corners.

In 2012, craftsmen who came to Krasnodar from Moscow and Rostov restored the main dome. They covered it with gold leaf and installed a new cross on its top.

The external walls of the temple have decorative relief masonry. Arched brow is installed over its windows. Along the perimeter of the building are ornamental belts and a patterned cornice. In places on the walls you can see the emerging crosses.

The bell tower of the temple has a connection with its main room and serves as an entrance for it. No less impressive is the interior of the church. Its walls are decorated with paintings made by eminent icon painters and artists.

Temple of Alexander Nevsky

Many interesting places in Krasnodar, where tourists should definitely go, are religious buildings. They are included in the list of the main attractions of the city.

Temple of Alexander Nevsky

What you can see interesting in Krasnodar? One of the most visited objects of the city is the temple, erected in honor of the Right Prince Alexander Nevsky. In former times it was believed that he, as the defender of the Fatherland, is the patron saint of the Cossacks in their difficult service.

This is a magnificent building, over the snow-white walls of which rise five golden domes. Once inside, the first thing that any person feels is freedom and lightness. The bunk iconostasis made of marble makes a great impression. Its length is 11 m and its height is approximately 7 m. The weight of the iconostasis is 42 tons. The work on its inlay continued for 9 months. Framed with white marble and temple windows. Kyoto are made of this stone for them.

Monument to Catherine II

What is interesting for tourists in Krasnodar? Among the attractions of the city is a monument erected in honor of the Russian Empress. Its opening took place in 1907. After the October Revolution, the monument was destroyed by the Bolsheviks. The newly restored monument was opened in 2006.

monument to Catherine the Second

It is located on Red Street. The height of the monument is 13.81 m. Of these, the figure of Catherine, holding a power and a scepter, is 4 m. The sculpture is mounted on a pedestal, at the bottom of which the author placed Prince Potemkin, ataman and Cossacks.

Monument to St. Great Martyr Catherine

What is interesting in Krasnodar? The patroness of the city has long been considered the great martyr Catherine. Her monument was erected in 2009. Travelers can see it on the Central Alley of the southern capital of Russia. The sculpture, whose height is 8 m, is made of bronze. The pedestal on which Catherine stands is shaped like a bell. There is a crown on the head of the great martyr, and an Orthodox cross is above her right shoulder. Small fountains surround this monument.

Shukhov Tower

This attraction of Krasnodar is located near the circus. Shukhov Tower is a hyperboloid openwork construction made of steel. The tower was built in 1935. The engineer V.G. Shukhov supervised its construction. The height of this structure is 25 m.

Today the tower is in satisfactory condition, but is not used for its intended purpose.

Bridge of Kisses

This place is considered one of the most romantic in Krasnodar and is located in its Central District. This is a small pedestrian bridge passing through the bay of the Kuban River, which is called Zaton. It was built in 2003. Since then, the Kisses Bridge has become a favorite destination for newlyweds of the city. As a sign of their eternal love, the couple hang small locks on his railing. The bridge offers a wonderful view of the city park and the Kuban River.

Monument to Lidochka and Shurik

This sculptural composition is also a landmark of the city. Installed it in 2017 near the Kuban Technical University. This idea was proposed by the Governor of the Krasnodar Territory A. Tkachev. Dozens of craftsmen worked on the sculpture.

monument to Shurik and Lidochka

Shurik and Lidochka are prototypes of the heroes of the comedy film L. Gaidai and symbolize students.

Monument called "Sobachkina capital"

The author of this humorous sculptural composition is Valery Pchelin. It is dedicated to the poem of the same name written by Mayakovsky. At one time, the poet had a chance to speak in Krasnodar, and he nicknamed the city "Sobachkina capital."

Established in 2007, the composition is a dog couple in love walking on their hind legs. On the lady and on the gentleman - clothes that were fashionable in the last century.

"The Cossacks write a letter to the Turkish Sultan"

This sculpture by Valery Pchelin is dedicated to the painting of the same name painted by Ilya Repin. It is located on Red Street. All figures of the Cossacks are made in full growth and cast in bronze. Next to the arguing and writing heroes, the author decided to put a bronze bench. Now everyone can sit on it and feel the spirit of the story itself.

City garden

Among the interesting places where you need to go to Krasnodar, there is also this oldest park. It was founded back in 1848. The landscape design of the park was developed by Jacob Bickelmeyer, making this place one of the most beautiful in the city.

During the Civil War, and after the Great Patriotic War, the city garden was desolate. Today you can stroll along the beautiful avenues with hazel, Japanese Sophora, linden and black walnut planted on them. There are many adult and children's attractions in the park. A dolphinarium works on its territory. A beautiful lake awaits vacationers, along the water surface of which swans and ducks swim.

Chistyakovskaya Grove

What is interesting in Krasnodar? Tourists who come to the city are advised to visit the large park, which is located in the very center of the southern capital of Russia. Founded in 1900, it covers an area of ​​36 hectares.

In 2008, the park underwent reconstruction in the spirit of ancient Russian traditions. On an area of ​​8 hectares in its territory was built a children's town. There is also a rope park. He is the only one in the whole city.

Park "Sunny Island"

This object is also included in the list of interesting places in the city. The park, whose name sounds like "Sunny Island", is located on the banks of the Kuban River. Its history began back in 1876. And all this time he was constantly being equipped. New species of flowers and trees were planted on its territory.

In 1959, it became known as the "Park of Culture and Rest." Today this place has a fairly developed infrastructure. Guests can ride on 28 attractions, visit the sports complex with a tennis court, ice rink and other no less interesting venues. A network of restaurants and cafes working in the park, offering cuisine for every taste.

Botanical Garden I. S. Kosenko

What other interesting places are there in Krasnodar? One of the most visited objects by tourists is the botanical garden of the city, bearing the name of I. S. Kosenko. Its history began in 1959 with the opening of the experimental base of the Agrarian University.

Today it is a botanical garden, on the territory of which plants are brought from different parts of the world - America, Europe, Japan, China and other countries and continents. It is spread over 40 hectares and offers to admire 90 species of flowers and 300 species of plants, 70 of which are listed in the Red Book. The Botanical Garden of Krasnodar has the status of a natural monument of the Kuban Territory.

Safari Park

Where is it interesting for children in Krasnodar? A safari park is open for them, which was opened in 2006. It is located on the territory of the Sunny Island, occupying about 10 hectares. Here visitors can get acquainted with more than 250 species of birds and animals, many of which we know only from the Red Book.

Safari Park in Krasnodar

The park has many flower beds and fountains. There is also a pinniped theater, in which sea walruses and seals arrange their performances. The dino park with moving figures of dinosaurs is also located on this territory.


What else can you visit in the southern capital of Russia? Among the interesting places in Krasnodar for children is the oceanarium, which is considered the largest in the region. This building was built in 2011. When developing its project, the most modern technologies were used.

The territory of the oceanarium covers an area of ​​3 thousand square meters. m. There are more than a dozen aquariums in it, in which there are several thousand marine animals and fish. Here you can also see the largest in Russia whole aquarium with a volume of 55 thousand liters. It contains marine predators, which can be observed through the sight glass.

It is interesting

Not many people know that the southern capital of Russia is located in a seismically dangerous area. Despite the fact that the epicenter of earthquakes is at the bottom of the Black Sea, their shocks are felt on the streets of the city. Fortunately, not one of these natural phenomena caused destruction.

There are other interesting facts about Krasnodar. So, the largest river in the North Caucasus flows through the city. This is the Kuban, the basin of which is spread over 58 thousand square meters. km

Among the interesting facts about Krasnodar is its leadership among the cities of Russia in the number of cars per 1000 people. This number is 437. In Moscow, for example, it is 417.

During the war with fascist Germany, Krasnodar was occupied by enemies and entered the top ten cities that suffered the most during the occupation. After the victory, the ruins of the old city were demolished, and then new quarters were rebuilt at this place.

Kuban Cossack Choir

In Krasnodar, there is the Kuban Cossack Choir. In Russia, this is the only folk art collective whose history began back in the 19th century.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E19865/

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