Why do cats purr when stroked?

This question begins to torment the owners of fluffy lumps from the first day, when the kitten crossed the threshold of the apartment. Pleasant relaxing sounds cannot be repeated, and the riddle "Why do cats purr?" becoming more intriguing. Many experts conducted all kinds of experiments, but could not find a scientific explanation for this habit of pets. Sometimes for no apparent reason, and sometimes quite naturally, cats begin to meow, run and purr.

Where does this unique sound come from?

Despite a long study of this issue, it is difficult to determine the reasons unequivocally, but nevertheless, the main situations were established in which the cat begins to purr.

why cats purr

Only when born, blind and helpless babies find their mother precisely by this sound, so she reassures them and notifies her presence. Thanks to this, the kitten can determine where its cherished source of food and drink is located, and the mother cat, having heard the rumbling of its cubs, remains calm for their health and mood.

The cat begins to make rhythmic sounds in those moments when it is really good for him and emotions just roll over, for example, on the owner’s lap. Substituting his soft tummy and ears under his arms, the pet starts its motor and cannot stop for a long time. Try to scratch your pet by the ear, and you will understand why cats purr when stroking. A smile of pleasure and delight literally spreads out on the fidget's face.

Other situations when cats purr

Among other things, the cat also starts to make similar sounds when she is unwell, so she tries to calm herself and relax herself. This is extremely rare.

Why do cats purr differently when angry? If someone outside is standing near the bowl, the animal can start turning on the motor, but more aggressively, making it clear that any threat to its food is extremely outrageous.

why cats purr when stroking

When the kitten hunts, it is in a state of excitement and begins to make the most ridiculous and amazing sounds.

Why do cats purr when they fall asleep? Everything is extremely simple here: for pets it is one of the methods of dealing with insomnia, like for a person, for example, counting sheep or listening to the sounds of rain.

How does a cat engine work?

Cats can purr for hours without apparent reason, accompanying their song with all kinds of overflows. Despite the fact that it seems that the animal begins to breathe more often, this is not so, the respiratory process is not accelerated even for a second. The cat motor works both on inspiration and on exit. In this way, a certain vibration is created, and the vocal cords at this moment close and open thanks to the muscles of the larynx. So, a stream of air passing through the ligaments is converted into a characteristic sound.

why cats purr when they fall asleep

An interesting fact is that in fact, cats make far more sounds, but not all of them can perceive the human ear. The purring frequency range is from 25 to 150 Hz. The most amazing thing is that it is this frequency that is used in medicine for bone healing. Perhaps this is the answer to the question of why cats purr and lie down on a sore spot. Perhaps, in this way, they are trying to cure a person with the help of sound therapy.


Our furry favorites are fraught with many secrets and still not unraveled mystical things. The question of why cats purr is just one of millions of questions related to the habits and lifestyle of these animals. In any case, cats definitely like being stroked, and sometimes they begin to purr only after hearing something good about themselves. Have you ever noticed how they react to praise or just to gentle treatment? Namely, they understand when they are treated with love, and try to show reciprocity by all available methods.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E19868/

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