Plastic windows for a summer residence: selection and installation

Country house. For many amateur gardeners, this word is fond of hearing, as well as for those who like just outdoor recreation, to the singing of birds, the rustle of the wind in the crown of trees. Comfortable living largely depends on the condition of the building, on how warm and cozy the house is. One of the criteria for comfort is the windows that give the structure an aesthetic appearance. Well and, of course, energy saving and thermal conductivity should be called important factors of glass structures.

Window plastic

Plastic windows: device

In the era of modernity, old, uncomfortable, uncomfortable wooden boxes with frames are replaced by new, modern ones with the use of PVC. A plastic window for a summer residence, as for any other room, is the most original solution. In this option, price and quality, design and comfort are successfully combined. What is a plastic window? For a summer residence - an irreplaceable option. The frame is made of PVC (polyvinyl chloride) profile.

Window for a summer residence

Types and characteristics of PVC profiles for plastic windows

A profile is a construction molded from PVC plastic. Inside it is equipped with partitions forming several independent parts-chambers, the number of which determines the thermal conductivity of the frame. The more such sections, the less heat will be conducted outside. The number of cameras in the profile is from three to eight. Separate profile elements using special apparatuses are welded into a closed loop (frame), which can be divided by partitions into two or more parts. Of these, at the option of the customer, some will be deaf (not opening), while others will be opened using fittings. According to the thickness of the walls of the chambers, the profiles are conventionally divided into three classes:

  • Class A - with a thickness of internal walls from 2.5 mm, external from 2.8 mm. It has optimal thermal insulation and is the most popular.
  • Class B - internal walls from 2 mm, external from 2.5 mm. Windows from this profile hold heat worse in the room (by 15%), have less resistance to deformation.
  • Class C - all those remaining that do not meet the standards A and B. No strict requirements are imposed on them.

It is definitely worth mentioning the profile for "objects". This option is used for the manufacture of windows installed in non-residential industrial premises. Due to the thin walls, the structure is not resistant to deformation, does not contribute to the preservation of heat in the room. At first glance, it is very similar to the option for residential premises. Sometimes it is possible to read object symbols on a film to protect the profile. It is not uncommon for dishonest companies to offer their customers products at low prices. They just can be made from this profile.

Plastic Window Profiles

Profile selection for the future window

Choosing a high quality profile is visually difficult. But still there are signs according to which it becomes realistically determine its reliability. The rough surface of the plastic indicates artisanal production methods, such a product is considered a cheap fake. The surface of high-quality plastic should feel like even, smooth, with no stains.

Important: in order not to stumble on a fake profile, it is worth considering the manufacturer's markings on the inside of the frame. The presence of the appropriate brand, production date, other data indicates the authenticity of the product.

Selection of profile width and thickness

The most widely used option for windows is the classic profile for residential premises with a width of 58 mm. In particularly severe climatic conditions, material with a parameter of 70 millimeters is in demand. And finally, the profile of the premium group has the highest characteristics of sound and heat insulation. But few manufacturers use such products in their work.

By thickness, a profile is selected with dimensions from 2.5 to 3.0 mm. However, it is unsuitable for heavier window constructions, since the welding site will be weakened. Accordingly, the entire frame will be less reliable strength.

Profile cameras

The number of cameras determines the width of the profile. Designs using a 58 mm product are characterized by a maximum number of 3 chambers. This is enough to keep you warm. For the 70 mm - four and five cameras. This type is the most popular for residential premises. A 90 mm contour has 6 or more partitions. The more partitions and air voids in the structure, the more heat and sound insulation the window unit has.

Double-glazed windows

Very often, users confuse the number of profile airbags with the number of double-glazed windows - structures of several glasses assembled with sealant and frame in a bag.

Plastic window cut

Between the sheets of glass is a space filled with air. In some products, gas is injected instead of air, which significantly reduces the thermal conductivity of the unit. Thus, in a single-chamber double-glazed window there are two glasses (one camera). This design is characterized by low weight, but poorly retains heat. Single-chamber plastic windows for summer cottages can be used, provided that this room is used only in the warm season. Very often for the winter, the dachas are simply locked up and put on an alarm until the next warm season.

PVC plastic window

For an apartment, a house, a heated cottage, installation of plastic double - chamber windows is required.

Double-glazed window

Such a package contains three glasses and, accordingly, two cameras. Three-chamber packages are much less commonly used. These structures are heavier and allow less light to pass through. Their use is justified in harsh conditions, at an ambient temperature below -35 ° C.

Important. When choosing a profile, pay attention to the sealant. Having less than two is unacceptable. In this case, condensation may occur and, as a result, the formation of fungus and mold.

Window selection

For the right choice of a plastic window for a summer residence, you need to understand in what conditions it will be used. If the house is planned to be heated in order to live in it in the cold season, then you will have to choose an expensive high-quality profile and a two-chamber double-glazed window. Such a window will better contribute to the preservation of heat in the room. If living in the winter is completely excluded, you can save money and choose an economy-class plastic window, that is, single-chamber, with a cheaper profile. If there are several windows in the house, it is worth considering which of them will be deaf and which ones will open. Deaf for the price is much cheaper. They do not have to buy mosquito nets. For high-quality ventilation of the room, one open window may be enough.

It is necessary to first determine the size of the windowsill. Pots with flowers and maybe some design elements will comfortably fit on a wide surface. The cheapest plastic windows for summer cottages will meet the following criteria:

  • cheap profile with few cameras;
  • single-chamber double-glazed window;
  • cheap accessories (handles, curtains, micro-lift, reciprocal level).

You can significantly save on the purchase of a finished window. The manufacturer and the companies installing window blocks always have such structures. Often there is a situation when the window did not fit the customer, or that one for some reason refused it. Such products are significantly cheaper and put up for sale.

Windows made to order sizes will be much more expensive. The cost of the window unit will also increase in a non-standard form. An example is a triangular plastic window for a summer residence, intended for an attic.

Dimensions of a window for a summer residence

Window with window

If for some reason it was not possible to pick up a ready-made plastic window for a summer residence, you will have to order it by taken measurements. For such actions, you can invite a representative of the company that installs the blocks. If the owner has enough experience and is able to install the window unit himself, then making the appropriate measurements is also not difficult. The size of the plastic window for the cottage depends on the desire of the developer or on the size of the existing window if it is being replaced. Measurement is carried out using a tape measure. It is necessary to consider the size of the gaps for installing a plastic window. When measuring the window opening from the outside, it is necessary to leave a gap between the frame and the opening of 4 cm in width and 2 cm in height. Indoors from the installation location of the window unit, the length and width of the window sill are measured.

When placing an order, you should pay attention to the accessories of the hardware. Cheap low quality parts will affect the life of the design. Do not forget about such an important element as a mosquito net, the presence of which will protect the inhabitants of the country from the invasion of blood-sucking insects. The grid can be made at the request of the customer on the curtains (mounted directly on the frame) or on metal spring latches. These are mounted on a grid frame and simply inserted into the window opening.

Plastic window installation

In this process, 2 actions should be noted:

  1. Dismantling the old (when replacing).
  2. Installation of a new one.

It is not worth stopping at the dismantling of the old window. Removing frames with glass from a wooden box using a hacksaw, the old frame needs to be cut in 2 places. With a mount, carefully remove the box from the window opening.

To install a new frame you will need:

  1. Hammer drill.
  2. Screwdriver.
  3. The level is horizontal.
  4. Plumb line.
  5. Polyurethane foam.
  6. Dowels and screws.

First, it is required to clean the niche for the window from the old plaster, sealing elements (tow, rubber), and then you can proceed with the installation (installation) of the plastic window. For this, it is worthwhile to lighten the entire structure first by removing the double-glazed windows (the way to install the window with unpacking). Only the profile is mounted. Using a plumb line and level, mark the installation location of the window in the niche. Using a puncher, prepare holes for anchors (6-8 mm in diameter) or dowels with self-tapping screws. The distance between the anchors should not be more than 70 cm. Set the above gaps in width and height. Using fixing material, fix the frame in the window opening. When installing the windowsill, it should be noted that the space from it to the bottom of the niche is filled with a solution. In spite of this, many installers use pieces of foam and polyurethane foam to simplify work and save material. But such a decision is not correct.

frame fixing

After installing the window sill indoors and attaching the tide outside, you need to make sure the frame is correctly positioned in the opening. To do this, we again use tape measure, plumb line and level. Only after checking all the parameters can you start filling the voids with foam. It should be used with caution to exclude its contact with the surface of the plastic and window sill. The protective film is not removed during installation.

After the foam hardens, you need to cut off the excess with a knife and you can install double-glazed windows in their places, fixing them with glazing beads. Important recommendation: it is necessary to plaster the slopes outside the premises for several days (5–7) in order to protect the visible areas of the foam from environmental influences and destruction.

There is another installation method - without listing. In this case, the window is installed without removing the double-glazed windows. This method is a bit more complicated due to the significant weight of the glasses. All installation operations are the same as above.


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