Do-it-yourself terracing of the site: features, interesting ideas and recommendations

At all times, people sought to cultivate and ennoble land, and this led to the appearance of terracing. If you are a happy owner of a country house or have a private house in which you live, and you have your own piece of land, then most likely you want to ennoble it. Do-it-yourself terracing of the site is quite laborious. In addition to a huge desire, you must have skillful hands, a tool, a lot of patience. Our article is aimed at making you familiar with the principles of terracing, its fundamentals. You will also receive proper recommendations and interesting ideas.

Sloping terracing

Any owner of a house with a plot in the private sector dreams of a flat terrain, but in most cases we are faced with natural bumps and slopes. To make such a relief your advantage, you can make a terracing of the site, which consists in creating wide areas with a cover, which will be convenient for the whole family or friends to spend time while on a hill. Artificially created steps and squares look flawless, they can be located simply along the slopes or decorate the approaches to ponds, areas with vineyards. Properly made terraces will become a feature, not a disadvantage of your site. At the edges of the platforms and steps, you can plant fruit trees or just ornamental plants. If the slope is large, the creation of several areas is ideal. If it is not so steep and high, then it is quite possible to create one terrace. In any case, you will only win by refining your territory.

terracing of the site

Principles of creating terraces

Terracing of a site is the creation of a land mass, which consists of canvases, bulk and excavation slopes (vertical or inclined), berm - untouched parts of the slope located between the terraces.

Many create terraces in steps, where the excavated lower slope becomes bulk to the upper. Terrace areas must be protected with rollers, which will protect against erosion of the soil. Terracing the site allows you to increase usable space, increase the functionality of the soil.

To create an expressive design, it is necessary to use a variety of props and stairs, so first of all, evaluate the condition of the soil and the type of relief.

Analysis of the surface and soil quality is carried out using eye surveys, and it is necessary to visualize terracing. Once you have imagined what your site will look like, take measurements to determine how many terraces you can create. Consider every little thing, including the size of the backwater.

terracing of a summer cottage

Why do you need an analysis of the state of the relief?

Terraces are up to six meters wide, and the height can reach eighty centimeters. After analyzing the relief and soil, you can:

  1. Assess the functionality of the territory.
  2. Create a vertical layout according to all the rules.
  3. Create the perfect composition of platforms and stairs.
  4. Choose the right plants to decorate your terraces.

After you evaluate all the parameters, come up with a design, it will be easier to create a work plan.

Layout plan, vertical layout and dimensional reference

Vertical layout refers to artificial terrain changes to create terraces. These activities include adding soil or cutting it. Terracing a summer cottage by this method means that the terrain must be divided into separate fragments that will comply with the rules of marking.

If you plan to create such complex objects as a pond, rockery, alpine hills, flower beds and mixborders, you will need to create a center plan that needs to be drawn at an approximate scale.

DIY terracing


"How to make the terracing of the site on your own?" - Many landowners are interested. To create a magical country on your own, you should adhere to the basic plan. So, what stages will precede the appearance of terraces in your garden?

  • Creation of marking of the processed area. It must be protected by pulling the threads on the driven pegs.
  • It is necessary to add soil at the bottom and cut off at the top. This will reduce the angle of the platform.
  • Creating drainage systems and, if necessary, laying pipes for water supply.
  • Concrete preparation of steps and retaining wall.
  • The device of falls, hills and mixborders.
  • Decorating with facing of steps and retaining walls.
  • Paving paths and paths with tiles or stones.
  • Preparation of sites for planting plants.
  • Installation and placement of architectural elements.
  • Planting, filling reservoirs.

sloping terracing

First peg

In order for the terraces to have a clear horizontal, it is necessary to create conditional horizontal lines that are cultivated with pegs and ropes. First, the peg is driven in on a slope, then the site is divided into segments equal to one and a half widths of the created terrace. Subsequent points for driving in pegs are found using a level. So you form the first horizontal, followed by the rest. After this, you can begin to add to create a flat area. It is recommended that they be created not strictly horizontal, but with a slight slope so that rainwater can drain from them without forming a puddle. Retaining walls need to be strengthened by bedding.

Retaining walls

It is necessary to prepare a wooden container, lay the sod in it, and strengthen it with pegs on top. After that, large stones are laid out, after them - smaller ones. Next you need to attach a small, solid mesh. After that, apply the solution and decorate the wall with bricks, stones or tiles.

If the slope is too steep and high, specialist calculations and concreting are necessary. The same walls must be created as a foundation.

how to make a terracing plot

Wall reinforcement

To strengthen the straight walls, buttresses or pilasters are used, which can also serve as steps or ramps.

The erection of supporting walls is possible with concrete, stone, brick, wood or gabion with different fillers.


In such a simple way, you can create beautiful scenery on your site that will decorate and give comfort. In fact, everything can be more complicated than it seems after reading the article, but it's definitely worth it!


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