Passage TO: step-by-step instruction

Passing maintenance of transport is an important process. It applies to all drivers. This procedure was invented specifically to protect citizens from accidents and other unpleasant events associated with vehicles. After all, a technical inspection is a kind of check of a car for compliance with established quality standards. If the vehicle does not have MOT, it is not allowed to travel on roads. Therefore, drivers have to follow this procedure. But it has many features and nuances. What to prepare for? What points should I pay attention to?

passage then


The first step is to find out what the passage of TO is generally. This process, as already mentioned, is mandatory for all vehicles. This is a kind of quality check of the car.

A technical inspection is carried out in order to allow the vehicle to move on roads, as well as to recognize its serviceability. If a citizen has undergone this procedure, this indicates that the car is in perfect condition, it does not pose any significant danger, fully complies with the quality standards established in Russia.

Avoid THEN is not worth it. In this case, vehicles are prohibited from driving on the road. The car owner will have to be punished (most often the case is limited to a fine and a warning / reprimand) for the lack of a mandatory inspection procedure for the car. If you do not plan to drive vehicles, the check can be postponed for some time.

New cars

How often is it necessary to go through a vehicle? Much depends on the year of manufacture of the machine. The first category is new cars. No need to worry about technical inspection for the first few years.

The thing is that the new transport does not need to be checked for a certain time. The owner is offered as much as 3 years of freedom in this regard. That is, until 36 months have passed since the car’s release, you don’t have to worry about maintenance. But you still have to prepare for this process. After all, sooner or later this procedure will still be required. What is the frequency of maintenance for other categories of transport?

Every two years

It all depends, again, on the year of manufacture of the car. It’s already clear - the new transport does not need inspections. What to do after the 3-year period from the date of release of the car expires?

what you need to go through

From this moment, the owner must organize the passage of maintenance. The exception is cases when transport management is not planned in the near future. In such circumstances, a technical inspection is allowed to be carried out immediately before leaving the settlement. The phenomenon is very rare, because often in Russia you can get a reprimand for it, or even a fine. It is almost impossible to prove the fact of "downtime" of the vehicle.

How often is maintenance required? Checking a car that was released over three years ago is carried out every two years. And a similar procedure will wait for the owners of vehicles until the car is 7 years old inclusive. What's next? On this score, there are special rules that apply in Russia to this day. What will be the frequency of maintenance for other categories of vehicles?

Annual inspections

If it is a question of very old transport, it will be necessary to check it annually for compliance with the quality and serviceability standards established in Russia. The thing is that once a year maintenance threatens all cars that have reached the age of 7 years. Old vehicles should be checked more often, this is normal.

This is not all that drivers should know. Some categories of vehicles (not only personal cars) are also subject to annual inspection, but already regardless of the year of manufacture. These machines include:

  • cars in which the maximum permissible weight exceeds 3.5 tons;
  • transport with special signals;
  • any car designed for driving instruction.

It is such features that MOT passes through in its frequency. But the above rules often apply to passenger transport. What to do if quality control of other machines is necessary?

the main changes in the rules of passage are

Twice a year

In Russia, there are special rules for passing a technical inspection, depending on which category a particular vehicle belongs to. In addition to the previously listed situations, one more point can be highlighted. The thing is that the frequency of maintenance for other categories of transport "cars" is able to be 2 times a year. When is this possible? If:

  • it is a bus;
  • we are talking about a taxi (represented by a car);
  • the check is carried out for freight transport, which provides for the possibility of transporting more than 8 passengers (without a driver's seat);
  • the subject of the audit are special means and trucks equipped for the transport of dangerous goods and substances.

Perhaps these are all the features that include the frequency of passing technical inspections of machines of one or another category. Now you should find out other features that await drivers.

passing that information

What check

How does the passage proceed? This information is very useful for drivers. It is important to know what exactly is checked in the car. Then you can prepare for the process in advance. Accordingly, obtaining permission to ride on the roads of the village will not pose any danger to the owner. During the inspection of the car will be checked:

  • brake system;
  • steering;
  • wipers and washers;
  • tires and wheels (up to checking the height of the tread pattern);
  • external lighting devices;
  • engine (including the study of the concentration of harmful substances in the produced gas);
  • other components (glasses, seat belts, mirrors, and so on).

The owner of the vehicle will also be required to have a special driver’s first aid kit, warning triangle, and a fire extinguisher. All this must be mandatory, otherwise you can stay with an unsuccessful technical inspection. Pay attention to the expiration date of the fire extinguisher and first aid kit - it should not be expired. If the time is nearing after which it will not be possible to use the previously listed components, the driver will be warned about this.

periodicity then for other categories

Preparation Tips

What do you need to go through MOT? There are some tips that will help you to cope with this procedure without unnecessary problems. It has already been said that the driver’s first aid kit, warning triangle, and fire extinguisher should be prepared in advance. If the expiration dates expire, it is recommended to immediately replace the listed components. Additional safety net.

Collect the driver’s first aid kit is not necessary. It is bought ready-made in automotive stores and accessories. There you can buy a small fire extinguisher.

Before you go to the place of passage of the technical inspection, the car will have to be washed. If this is not done, some problems may arise during the procedure. Inspection can either stop or make a decision that the vehicle does not comply with existing quality and safety standards.

Documents for inspection

The first steps on the path to success have been made - the transport has been washed, equipped with everything necessary. What's next? The next stage is the preparation of all necessary documents for verification. What do you need to go through MOT? Among the papers that the driver must take with him for inspection, there are:

  • citizen's identity card (civil passport);
  • Vehicle Title
  • vehicle registration certificate.

No more documents are required from the driver. Already directly during the test, a special diagnostic card is generated and issued. It will indicate the result of the inspection.

If the vehicle was not delivered to the place of maintenance by the owner, you will additionally have to show a power of attorney. Otherwise, the inspection will not be carried out. Only the owner or a person authorized in the prescribed manner have the right to drive a car, as well as to undergo maintenance.

Submission for verification

The next stage is the departure to the vehicle inspection point. Previously, this procedure was carried out only at the place of registration of the car. For this, the owner had to deliver the car to a specific vehicle inspection point. But the main changes in the rules for passing MOT allowed citizens to carry out the idea where it suits them.

then for other categories of transport

Now you can visit absolutely any accredited center / diagnostic test point. It does not matter in which city and at what address the procedure will be carried out. The owner of the transport just has to deliver the car to a specialized company. You can also use the traffic police units.

As soon as the vehicle is delivered to the inspection site, all previously listed documents will be required. Next, the driver simply waits for the results. The employees of the diagnostic center inspect the components of the vehicle, after which all indicators are recorded in the diagnostic card.

As soon as the procedure is completed, the owner is issued a vehicle diagnostic card. This completes the entire maintenance procedure. You can continue to drive on the roads. If it turns out that the car cannot be allowed to move around the city, the driver eliminates all the problems and goes through the technical inspection of the machine again.

Do I have to pay

These are the rules for conducting maintenance at the moment in Russia. No one has the right to evade this process. Before you go to the centers of automobile inspections, one more point should be clarified. It's about the cost of the procedure.

Some are inclined to believe that this process is worthless. This is not true. In fact, the cost of technical inspection depends on the region of residence, as well as on the category to which this or that vehicle belongs. The cheapest motorcycle inspection is around 200-300 rubles. But buses will require owners to pay cash in the amount of about 1,500–2,000; passenger cars on average require 700–800 rubles. It is recommended that you find out more accurate information at specific car inspection centers in various regions.


What else should you pay attention to? The thing is that the passage of MOT is an obligatory procedure necessary to ensure auto insurance under the CTP system. Recent changes indicate that a citizen is required to inspect the car within 10 days after the expiration of the last diagnostic card. Next, CTP is already acquired. These are not all the features that the owner must consider.

Due to changes in the rules for the purchase of car insurance, it can be noted that the presence of a diagnostic card when buying insurance is not necessary. That is, the first document itself should be. But to present it is not necessary. After all, all the information from the diagnostic card of the vehicle is transferred to a single data registry of the car. If, during the acquisition of OSAGO, a driver is requested from a driver for a vehicle diagnostic card, a violation of the rules established by law can be invoked.

Late punishment

In general, in connection with the latest changes, for most drivers the administrative penalty for driving without maintenance has been abolished. The owner may be reprimanded. And nothing more.

then for other categories of vehicles

But the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation states that some categories of transport (or rather, those that are subject to a suitability test 2 times a year) will incur a fine on the owner in the absence of a technical inspection. The amount of money collected is not too large - only 500-800 rubles. This norm is specified in article 12.1, paragraph 2 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.

It turns out that you can do without any punishments. But this does not mean that a technical inspection is not necessary. Buying insurance without it is very problematic. Also, the traffic police will constantly stop the driver. They will not impose a fine, but they can threaten with the deprivation of a driver’s license or the seizure of a vehicle. If it turns out that some kind of working vehicle did not pass the technical inspection, the company will be reprimanded, fined, and they will also start checking the rest of the cars. At this time, may suspend the work of the corporation. Especially when it comes to a transport company engaged in the transport of passengers.

That's all. Now it’s clear what is the passage of MOT. Inspection procedures are not really as scary as they seem. No problems will arise for those who monitor their car. The rest will have to prepare in advance for verification.


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