All about the game Fallout 4. Description of the plot, perks and satellites

Fallout 4 can safely claim to be one of the best games of the last decade. The thing is that this RPG has truly unlimited possibilities, as well as bewitching magic, thanks to which you do not want to leave this post-apocalyptic world. But the time has come to summarize the many hours of wandering through the Fallout 4 wasteland. A description of the game, abilities, weapons, plot, teammates and much more awaits you in this short review.

fallout 4 description

Plot plot

An incredible adventure will begin at that terrible moment when the whole world will freeze in anticipation of a grand war. A government agent will knock on the door of our hero or heroine, who will warn about the place of salvation in the event of a nuclear strike. And this will be at least by the way, because just a few minutes after his departure, we will observe how the whole world flies to tartarara. At the last second, we, together with our half and little son, will hide in the doorway of shelter 111, avoiding death from a blast wave. But it turns out that here we will be frozen in a cryochamber, because government programs have not been canceled in Follaut 4.

fallout 4 perks description

The description will continue as soon as we open our eyes next time. Our hero will watch how the unknown deal with the spouse (or spouse), take away the child, and again lose consciousness. Having come to our senses, we set off in search of our son, and here the adventures begin. It turns out that more than a hundred years have passed since the end of the war and the peace that we remember has ceased to exist. He was replaced by the poisonous and unfriendly wasteland of Fallout 4.


Description of all adventures will take more than one hour. But during the trip, our hero will visit many interesting places both in Boston itself and on its outskirts. We will learn about the rules of life in the post-nuclear world and learn how to survive in it. Having spent some time searching, the hero goes on the trail of a mercenary, allegedly missing. But all roads lead to some secret Institute engaged in kidnapping and creating "synthetics", and we will go there. And there we will find answers to questions that appear during the passage of the storyline Fallout 4, a description of which is in this block.

fallout 4 story description

After killing one of the agents and taking his lighthouse, with the help of a teleport we set off under the ground, where our destination is. There we have to find out the whole truth: Sean, our son, who is already 60 years old, heads the Institute. Why was he abducted? What was needed was the untouched radiation of the baby’s DNA, which Sean possessed, frozen with his mother. Why didn’t the main character be killed? The thing is that he was considered a donor of valuable material. How did we get out of the cryochamber? Yes, our aged son let us out. And he did this mainly as an experiment. Can we survive in this world and get to the truth? The game has several endings, depending on which side the main character will take.

Fallout 4. Description of perks

As in any RPG, the hero will have to pay a lot of attention to pumping his character. The SPECIAL system, familiar to us from the previous parts of the series, has been greatly simplified, and it is much easier to understand. As before, there are several basic skills in the game, such as strength, endurance, charisma, luck, dexterity, perception, and intelligence. Each skill has its own specific perks attached, and their number depends on how much the hero has pumped this or that skill. For example, a character with an intelligence characteristic of 7 units will be able to pump the first seven perks in this column.

fallout 4 walkthrough description
We will upgrade the hero in battle, searching for small dolls or magazines, completing the main and side quests that Fallout 4 is so rich in. It will take a long time to describe the perks, which are already 70 in the game. But I want to note that any of them is quite useful and its pumping is worth the effort.


It is not necessary to travel alone in the vastness of Fallout 4. The satellites, the description of which you will find later, will bring many benefits. First of all, each partner, except for the dog, has its own character and history. Also, any companion, if enough friends with him, can help the hero with the study of perk or ability.

fallout 4 satellites description
Companions have their own equipment and skills and will help more than once in battle. Features of satellites worth remembering:

  • You can take only one on a trip.
  • After parting with a partner, you can find him at the place of the first meeting or in the settlement to which you tied him.
  • The satellite is immortal, but with strong damage goes to the knockout.
  • A partner can be used by giving a command to bring an item, make reconnaissance, and so on.
  • Companion has unique abilities and perks.
  • With a fairly good relationship with a satellite, you can start a romance.

But this is not all the possibilities of the game Fallout 4, the description of which is in front of you. The game is not in vain called by its developers "a world without limits." So its passage will bring pleasure and will not seem like a time spent in vain.


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