The strangest names you have ever heard. List of weirdest names

An innocent baby is born. Parents give him a name that will accompany him to the gravestone. Scientists estimate that a person hears his name about 1.5 million times in his life!

The mystery of the name

weirdest names

The ancients attached great importance to the name of man. They believed that the character, inclinations, talents, health and the future fate of the child directly depend on him. Therefore, sometimes the children were given the strangest names that you could imagine: Oak, Eagle, Snake, Lubomyr, Chaste, One who brings good news, Bright, Like a lion and many others.

Modern astrologers represent a whole science about the meaning and compatibility of names, about their influence on karma. They claim that a name can carry both a blessing and a curse.

The hidden influence of a person’s name on fate is also confirmed by scientists, explaining this by the fact that it consists of sounds of a certain height, which irritate significant parts of the brain, thus affecting both the bearer of the name and those around it. In addition, a certain color corresponds to the wavelength of sound vibrations, which means that the name is not black and white, but has a certain color, which also affects the character of its owner.

Unusual male names in the USSR

strange names in the USSR

The strangest male names appeared in Soviet times. In those years, ideology played a huge role, so patriotic parents abandoned the old philistine names. They noted their sons with neologisms born of the October Revolution, the successes of Soviet heroes, scientific discoveries, honorary professions: Potassium, Wolfram, Comrade, Median, Steam Locomotive, Decembrist, Atheist, Tankist and others.

But parents showed real creativity, inventing names as derivatives of slogans, revolutionary appeals, party leaders: Arville (Vladimir Ilyich Lenin’s army), Wedlen (Lenin’s great affairs), Kukutsapol (corn — the king of the fields), Whist (great historical labor force), Vilyur (Vladimir Ilyich Lenin loved the Motherland), Papyrus (party pyramid), Pile (Voroshilov arrows) or Divisor (Lenin’s affairs are alive) and many others. The fantasy of the people was inexhaustible!

the strangest male names

Some of the weirdest boy names even sound indecent. They evoke interesting associations among modern people: Wil (Vladimir Ilya Lenin), Constipation (for order), Pervsovrat (the first Soviet stratostat), Thief (Great October Revolution), Pofivstal (fascist winner Joseph Stalin).

Children bore these strange names in the USSR proudly. Over time, the pathos of the era subsided, but new generations still remained marked by a story that was embodied in the unusual and sonorous middle names of the children of those who were called, say, Osdwar (a special Far Eastern army) and Roblen (born to be Lenin).

Unusual female names in the USSR

the strangest female names

They were awarded sonorous names in the style of the era and the girl. They were proudly called: Omega, Dresina, Iskra, Traktorin, Stalin, Artak (artillery academy), Velira (great worker), Lagshmivara (Schmidt camp in the Arctic), Gertrude (heroes of labor), Dinera (child of a new era) or another version of Doner (daughter of a new era), Krarmiya (red army), Lapanalda (papanin's camp on an ice floe), Raitiya (district printing house), Bestrazheva (Beria - guardian of the revolution) and others.

The female names of the 20s of the USSR are somehow uncomfortable for the modern ear - Dazdrasmyga (long live the bow of the city and village) or as a variant of Dazdraperm (long live the first of May) or Nixerha (Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev).

I wonder how all these names sounded in a diminutive form.

There are many amazing male names in the world.

Lovers of creativity are in all countries of the world. The desire to stand out from the crowd, to be known as the original, to express oneself pushes parents to give boys the strangest names:

weirdest names

- Lennon - in honor of the famous John Lennon named his son Lazma Gellacher.

- Gulliver - this is the name of the son of G. Oldman.

- Homer - in honor of the ancient Greek philosopher named heir Richard Gere.

“Dandelion is the name of Keith Richards' son.”

- The Blue Angel is a strange name given by Dave Evans to his boy.

- A jet plane is not a nickname, it is the officially registered name of the son of John Travolta.

- Ocean - Forest Whitaker decided that this name would make his son as strong as the ocean. By the way, the name of the father is translated into Russian as "forest".

- Inspector Pilot - a name in honor of the hero of the famous song is a descendant of Jason Lee.

- Hurray - optimistically and joyfully named his newborn son Alex James.

- Baby - David the Spiritual gave such an affectionate name to his son. But the son has grown up and is reluctant to respond to him.

the strangest female names

Interestingly, the strangest names in the world are given to their kids by stellar parents, while among the others, the traditional names are Jack, Sam, Nick, Tom and William.

Female names of the world, surprising and even bewildering

- Little Trixie - that's the name of Bob Geldof's daughter.

“Apple,” Chris Martin and Gwyneth Peltrow called their beauty.

“Hazelnuts,” Julia Roberts implied, giving such an original name to her daughter.

- Honey flowering - such a name was given to his little princess Bob Geldof.

- Bell-Madonna - this unusual double name Jerry Halliwell called her daughter.

- The Goddess of Love names her heiress Lil Moe.

- Heavenly Tiger Lily - Michael Hutchence called his daughter in the spirit of the American Indians.

- Ireland is the heiress of Alec Baldwin.

Not all of the strangest female names in the world are listed. Original parents baptize their children with the names of celestial bodies, cities, states and countries, book, movie and cartoon characters, the names of flowers, trees and animals.

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These are really the strangest names!

weirdest names in the world

The longest name on the planet consists of almost 1,500 letters. It takes as long as 10 minutes to read it. Prior to this, the longest name belonged to an American and consisted of 598 letters.

The name of a schoolgirl in Hawaii from 102 letters could not be written in a classroom journal.

The famous Picasso lost to everyone. His full name consists of only 93 letters!

The American Jackson couple are very fond of their children. Perhaps that is why they gave them the names Tonsillitis, Laryngitis, Meningitis, Appendicitis and Peritonitis.

Another couple named their daughters Wu, Gu, Mu.

The ideological Jennifer Thornburg at the age of 19 took the name "Put an end to anatomy."

The strangest names in Russia

the strangest names in Russia

Officially, from 2009 to 2012, unusual names were registered that the Russians gave their offspring:

- To the boys: Hazard, Andres, Aristarchus, Garib, Gus, Mahmudahmadinejad, Prahlada (yes, that’s the name of the boy), Kassper the Beloved, Luka and Happiness, Arkhip-Ural, Hero, Aladdin, Salad Latuk, Ogneslav.

- For girls: Russia, Buzzing, twins Zita and Gita, Viagra, Privatization, Angel-Maria, Princess, Queen, Juno, Joy, Fun, Diamond, Diamond.

The correct name

The vanity of parents can turn into serious problems for a child in life. A child can become an outcast among peers, resulting in all kinds of complexes, nervous breakdowns. All this places great responsibility on parents who choose a name for their baby.

Psychologists advise:

- Take into account the sound of the name along with the middle name.

- Do not give children binding names: Count, Strongman, Beauty, etc.

- Do not name children in honor of their favorite characters. The name Harry Potter or Monster High is unlikely to please an adult child.

- It is undesirable to give children the names of historical figures. Not very loyal can be met by society such names as Napoleon or Pinochet.

Abroad there is a service of linguistic name verification. Experts verify that the planned name for the child sounds worthy in other languages ​​of the world.


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