What to call a cat? Name selection for a cat by color, character and horoscope

It is difficult to say how this happened, but this is a fact - charming pussies with a very wayward character took possession of our hearts completely and irrevocably. And this is not surprising, because for their contented “meow” life, many people are ready for almost anything. Therefore, we dedicate them to recordings on social networks, posting funny photos in the same place, viewing images of other mischievous pussies and thinking that our own is in any case much more beautiful, smarter and funnier than the others. And this is natural, because each owner has his cat (namely, these cute creatures will be discussed in this article) - the very best.

However, when the animal first appeared in a particular family, it looks like a blank sheet. And the owner’s task is to put bright colors on him, which will reflect the nature of the pet. It is very simple to do this: the upbringing of condemning bad deeds and praising good deeds will help raise a real cat lord. It all just starts with the most basic factor affecting how a tiny kitten will become years later. And this is the name given to him. For this reason, you can’t neglect this complex and very serious matter under any circumstances!

But what is the name of the cat? How to choose that nickname that will correspond to the appearance and character of the animal when it grows up? We have found answers to these and other important questions and we are in a hurry to share them with the reader as soon as possible.

Without changing traditions

Animals are not much different from humans. And if we take into account the special love that each owner has for a small lump, which, curled up in a ball, sleeps on his hands, then it becomes completely obvious - you can’t call a kitten anyhow. After all, the chosen nickname will affect his fate and character in the same way that a name affects a person. But if the owner is completely desperate and has no idea what to call a charming fluffy, he should think. Perhaps you should not try to rediscover America, but give your baby one of the traditional nicknames?

For example, Russians have the most popular names - Vasya, Petya, Vanya, Sasha, and animals have them - Barsik, Kuzya, Murzik, Vaska, Fluff, Stepka, Murka, Masha, Nyushka, Dusya, Dunyasha. However, some owners want to highlight their favorite. Therefore, they prefer to call the cat more original.

cat name by nature

Interesting names from cartoons and films

TV is a very important attribute of our lives. Adults and children often watch it and involuntarily fall in love with the heroes that look at us from a blue screen. And then they give their pets the famous nicknames. For example, fans of the cartoon “Prostokvashino”, beloved by all children, call the furry men, especially the striped ones, the Matroskins. Those who respect the well-known red cat (how to name a pet of a similar color - find out further) give their furry nickname Leopold. Or Basilio - in honor of another cunning of a dark color. But if the pet is not a cat, but a real lion, then Boniface will most likely call him. Just like a cute and funny resident of the zoo, which flaunts the streets in a blue-and-blue vest.

In addition, many famous nicknames are borrowed from Western cartoons. For example, the amazing story “The Lion King” tells us about another representative of the feline family. He turns from a small kitten into a large and majestic cat named Simba. And this is the next answer to the question "what unusual names for cats exist." But those who were shocked by a bright-orange creature dancing to their fiery rhythms call their favorites Garfield. If the kitten is absolutely black, then fans of mysterious and mystical stories will not be able to come up with a name other than Hippo. In honor of the unusual cat from the book of Mikhail Bulgakov and the film of the same name about the Master and Margarita. For cats, the owners most often choose the name Bagheera. Moreover, the animal is far from always distinguished by a black coat color.

In honor of a beloved hero

There are a lot of films and cartoons in which cats play the main roles. However, despite this, very often the owners call their pussies human names. The most commonly used nicknames are Watson and Sherlock. They are suitable for pets that do not like to sit still and are constantly in search of adventure. A few unusual names for cats gave us the story of the musketeers, the author of which is Alexander Dumas. Thanks to her, Aramis, Porthos, D'Artagnan and Milady began to be called their favorite mustachio-striped. Ancient mythology offers us a different spectrum of names: Artemis, Demeter, Athena, Hephaestus, Isis, Irida, Zeus, Heracles, Icarus, Osiris, Perseus.

And also the following nicknames for cats are quite resounding - Ostap, Zorro, Barnaby, Othello, Asterix, James, Ludwig, Casper, Taffy, Tiffany, Nefertiti, Kassandra, Cassiopeia, Calypso, Cleopatra (Cleo), Brutus and Caesar. And from classical literature, readers draw such names for pets as: Dubrovsky, Hamlet, Gatsby, Woland, Berlioz, Lensky, Werner, Bulba, Longren, Plyushkin, Assol, Undina.

how to call a cat an interesting name

The owner’s musical preferences also sometimes become apparent thanks to the name of his animal. And for them, the question is not a problem, which reads as follows: "What is the name of the cat?" For example, fans of the popular foreign group “Nirvana” can give the cat a nickname, and the cat can be named after the soloist - Kurt or Cobain. Another simple and original version of the nickname for the kitten is the name Freddy. Like the founder of Quinn.

In addition, many owners, wishing to name their pet in honor of a celebrity, opt for one of the following names: Buckingham, Houston, Goliath, Guinness, Genghis Khan, Newton, Euclid, Charles, Socrates, Homer, Columbus, Chaplin, Elvis, Voltaire , Einstein, Chanel, Freud, Zidane, Lacoste, Cicero, Jackson, Celentano, Edison, Tyson, Schumacher, Darwin, Dickens, Sigmund, Confucius, Franklin, Roosevelt, Churchill, Josephine.

Name by the name of one of the thousands of cities in the world

Reflecting on, say, a black and white cat, we can conclude that it is not worth inventing something unique. Indeed, in order to distinguish your favorite among others, you can give him a nickname like Pyatnyshko or Pyatnashka, Polosik, Polosatik, Yin-Yan, or some other that describes his appearance. However, many people choose a name for their pet, focusing on their preferences, memories, feelings. As a result, every day animal nicknames bestowed in honor of a beloved, memorable and beautiful city are gaining great popularity. For example, the following are considered fairly common: Bodaybo, Dubai, Cologne, Vegas, London, Munich, Cairo, Dresden, Madrid, Bender, Shanghai, Hamburg, Zurich, Amsterdam, Dusseldorf, Insar, Tallinn, Boston, Memphis, Sydney, Milan or Milan , Paris, Gagra, Sparta, Warsaw, Vienna.

Long names

Our reader can easily choose one of the above unusual names for cats, but now they are quite common. But after all, each owner of his pet is the very best and, undoubtedly, unique! For this reason, many people look for favorites with such delightful names that any majestic lord could envy them. And we will consider several of them in the next paragraph.

Recently, people began to treat cats almost as equals. And this affects not only the fact that the owners buy clothes for their pets and equip their own room, but also that the nicknames they select are appropriate. And this is not surprising, because human names have a full form and diminutive - Grigory and Grisha, Valentin and Valya, Nikolai and Kolya. But what if you really want to call the cat an interesting name?

If the reader cannot think of anything like this, we suggest that he dwell on one of the options proposed below:

  • Barsik - Barcelona.
  • Busik - Bussival.
  • Barbie - Barbarella.
  • Archie - Archibald.
  • Arnie - Arnold.
  • Bonya - Bonaparte.
  • Lucic - Lucifer.
beautiful nickname for cat

Character Names

Perhaps it’s no secret to anyone that there are no two people who are absolutely identical to each other in the world. After all, each of us has our own habits, manner of behavior and communication. We are distinguished by their appearance and character, as well as thousands of other features inherent in only one person. However, it is naive to believe that only we are so unique. Animals are also not alike. And this is easy to see by looking at two kittens of the same breed that came from the same parents. This is surprising, but even being brought up in the same environment, they can behave completely differently. For example, one will be a more active, friendly and plentifully eating animal, and the other a quiet loner who intercepts food, as they say, from time to time.

And it seems to be right to give the cat a name by nature. But will this aggravate the situation? No wonder there is a wise saying: "As you call a boat, so it will sail." After all, it reflects the true essence of the fact that nicknames have a strong influence on the further fate of the pet. Therefore, calling your baby a Prankster or Shalun, it is worth considering. Because with age, a kitten from an unruly fidget will turn into a healthy cat, which cannot survive a single day without troubles. And this will greatly complicate the life of the owner.

However, tormented by the question "what to call a cat, given the features of its character", it is worth considering the following options:

  • Ataman.
  • The master or the Lady.
  • Pirate.
  • Tarzan.
  • Rogue.
  • Bully.
  • Darkness.
  • Typhoon.
  • Baroness.
  • Freak.
  • Sheriff.
  • Zhivchik.
  • Skoda
  • Bully.
  • Baron.
  • Prince.
  • Lizun.
  • The snitch.
  • Demon.
  • Monster.
  • Shock.
  • Spinning top.
  • Zhorik.
  • Optimist.
  • Lucky or Lucky.
  • Athas.
  • Mister.
  • Tsarapich.
  • Barmaley.
  • Bamboo.
  • Cynic.
  • Marquise or Marquise.
  • Pharaoh.
  • Master.
  • Bandit.
  • Boss.
  • Dandy.
  • Narcissus.
  • The Knight.
  • The sultan.
  • Thunder.
  • Major
  • Marshal.
  • Senator.
  • Savage.
  • Boatswain.
  • Sleep
  • Meteor.
  • Sip.
  • Dad.
  • Fyrkun.
  • Bayun.
  • Zamarashka.
  • Fidget.
  • Chuchundra.
  • Grumbler.
  • Lazy person or Sloth.
  • Smartie.
beautiful name for cat

Nicknames on the features of appearance

Another factor that has a direct influence on the choice of a name is the appearance of a funny puss. For example, thinking about how to name a white cat, you can think about what kind of associations its appearance causes. That is what comes to mind when looking at a pet. After all, we must remember: regardless of what he is, a thoroughbred or a mongrel, in the first place a cat is an individuality itself. And this is manifested not only in the habit of walking on its own. But especially the color, length and abundance of wool, the shape of the muzzle and the structure of the body. In addition, there are cats that generally go “naked”! And they also need to pick up a decent nickname. But what to do?

Actually very simple. You only need to focus on your own feelings, as well as on associations, which gives rise to imagination when looking at an expensive pet. If you are guided by this principle, then the question, for example, about what to call a red cat, will not perplex. And the owner will come up with a nickname like the following: Apricot, Orange, Bun, Redhead, Puff, Sparkle, Mueslia, Villi, Butterscotch, Freckle, Sweetie, Ginger, Zolotinka, Chester, Citrus, Croissant, Chitos, Tsypa, Ryzhik, Biscuit, Jam, Gingerbread , Candied fruit, Cheburek, Zolotze, Peach, Fox, Cupcake, Sun, Gold, Amber, Jasper, Yashka, Belyash, Medok, Pancake, Muffin. For a black cat, you can choose one of these nicknames: Chernysh, Simon, Black, Dragon, Spartak, Nesquik, Dakar, Hitchcock, Felix, Salem, Batman, Joker, Severus, Gizmo, Ugolek, Silver, Sinbad, Smok, Little Devil, Black Sea, Cerberus, Bes, Dantes, Night, Lariska, Olive, Cloud, Horror, Blackberry. What to name a gray cat? The best option for the nickname will be such as Doctor House, Raisin, Pate, Fog, Smoke or Haze, Stalker, Cheshire, Stepashka, Halva. And for white - Badi, Draco, Yogurt, Coconut, Iceberg, Lucius, Zephyr, Milkivey, Diamond, Bosco, Malfoy, Bucks, Masyanya, Eraser, Julien, Rafinad, Umka, Eskimo. One of the following names is ideal for a white cat: Vanilla or Vanilla, Jasmine, Waffle, Milka, Moon, Sour cream, Dewdrop, Skittle, Risinka, Weasel, Olive, Cheesecake. Also very funny names for a white cat and a cat: Sugar and Salt, or white and black - Salt and Pepper.

And everything seems to be good. But how to choose a beautiful and interesting name for a sphinx cat that does not have a wool coat? Find out in the next paragraph!

what to call a kitten

The relationship of nicknames and breeds

Some people of all cats prefer the sphinxes the most - funny, bald and a bit alien creatures. Others can not imagine their life without the Persians - fluffy fat belts with flat noses. And still others respect Maine Coons exclusively. However, the choice of the original nickname for each representative of different breeds can also cause problems. In order to prevent this and to orient our reader a little in the abundance of the most beautiful and sonorous nicknames for cats, we selected many options for what to call a purebred cat. And here they are:

  1. For sphinxes - Ramses, Tutankhamun (Tuti), Papyrus, Anubis, Imhotep, Ka-Kau, Harahuti, Walter, Hassan, Mystic, Stark, Tahir, Wulf, Darcy, Tagir, Cairo, Lefort, Maharaja, Iffi, Lady, Dyna, Nymph Degira,
  2. For the British - Glasgow, Bristol, Chester, Sheffield, Windsor, Oxford, Brighton, Leicester, Cambridge, Stich, Marley, Stanley, Harley, Bradford, Barney, Marcel, Velvet, Brandy, Bucksy, Bruno, Fiji,
  3. For Scots - Zhador, Beysin, Ullis, Dundee, Safir, Quentin, Darling, Crawford, Bastin, Francesca, Carminella, Gabby.
  4. What is the name of the Maine Coon cat? The best option can be chosen from the following - Bruce, Titan, Spike, Roquefort, Gulliver, Balthazar, Hunter, Mufasa, Azazello, Orion, Cobalt, Silver, Babai, Murphy, Dakota, Jupiter, Alaska, Utah, Marilyn, Vesta, Atlanta, Stace , Nala, Buffy, Greta.
  5. For the Persians - King, Onyx, Frankie, Jean, Crystal, Choco, Irbis, Adonis, Solomon, Marcus, Aurora.

Nicknames reflecting eating habits

The kitten that has just appeared in the house is still very tiny. And to determine its future character and manner of behavior is quite difficult. Therefore, picking him the right and suitable nickname is also not easy. After all, there is a risk that the name chosen for the kitten is not suitable for an adult. Therefore, in this case, it is necessary to decide what to name a cat - a British, a Scotsman, a Persian or the most ordinary outbred - based on his taste preferences. The most original nicknames of similar subjects are:

  • Mr. Kolbaskin.
  • Waffle.
  • Donut
  • Ricek.
  • Baton.
  • Dill.
  • Pate.
  • Cucumber.
  • Roll.
  • Pie.
  • Watermelon.
  • Kefir.
  • Hamster.
  • Jujuy.
  • Pumpkin.
nickname for cat

Funny, rare and unusual names for cats and cats.

We have repeatedly mentioned in this article that each owner considers his pet the best, beautiful, funny and completely unlike the rest. Therefore, thinking about how to name a white cat, black, gray or red, and trying to give it a unique nickname, some people sometimes opt for ones that seem strange and funny to others. Nevertheless, even among them there are quite worthy, original and funny. For example, the following can be distinguished: Van Helsing, Cactus, Rocky, Godzilla, Lunatic, Whack, Edelweiss, Chuck Chuck, Schnapps, Whiskey, Pikachu, Hottabych, Skryznyak, Thimble, Kiwi, Aesculapius, Eskimo, Datura, Plysik, Ficus, M , Unesco, Zebulun, Menthol, Eugene, Neutron, Duhanchik, Cosmos, Duremar, Martian (Marsik), Dergunchik, Elbrus, Buttercup, Trophy, Forest, Emerald, Fantomas, Chevrolet, Ernesto, Poof, Traffic light, Typhoon, Fantus, Lak Grosh, YouTube, Sapphire, Corkscrew, Shpuntik, Gypsy, Ninja, Juventus, Pie, Pixel, Beads, Vinegar, Carabas, Iron, Yandex, Google, Pipo, Lyamur, Z deacon, Ficus, Cent, Goofy, Chupa Chups (Chupik), Schumacher, Hacker, Tristan, Zenith, Flagellum, Jedi, Astrologer, Turquoise, Happiness, Lovely, Sphere, Oklahoma, Jersey, Ulica, Brooch, Geranium, Apathy, Freshness .

How to choose a name for a pet by horoscope

Very often the owner likes not just one, but several names at once. And what do you call a Scottish cat, a Persian, a British, or an ordinary cur in this case? Many breeders prefer to give their pets all the nicknames that came to mind. As a result, the pets are referred to as: Roger St. James, Devlin Edinburgh Smith, Crawford Oliver Tetris, etc.

However, in this case, there is a risk that the nickname will not fit the animal and will bring him only misfortune and misfortune. To prevent this, you should select a name according to the horoscope. And in this master elementary knowledge of numerology will help. First you need to calculate the number of the name. This can be done easily using the table in the picture below.

nickname for cat

In addition, thanks to her, you can find out what qualities of the animal’s character will be strengthened by the chosen name, and only then decide what to call the fold cat or the most ordinary one. Suppose the owner chose Kronos. Then the number of the name is the number "8". Because: 3 + 9 + 7 + 6 + 7 + 1 = 26 = 2 + 6 = 8.

Now find out the number of birth. Only for this it is necessary to know exactly the day when the pet was born. For example, this happened on February 10, 2018. That is 10.02.2018. Then the number of birth will be the number "5". Because: 1 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 14 = 1 + 4 = 5.

The name that matches the number of birth is best suited. If such a nickname cannot be picked up in any way, then it is permissible to use a nickname whose number is less than the birth number. Only under these conditions will it be possible to choose the most successful nickname.

Knowing the approximate date of birth of the pet, you can choose his name according to the horoscope. To do this, determine its zodiac sign, calculate the number of the name, and examine the table below.

horoscope cat name

If you can’t choose the original nickname, you should not despair. Indeed, in the famous film “Breakfast at Tiffany's”, the main character Jane had a cat named Cat. Apparently, she was not tormented by the question of what to name the cat. He is a Briton, a Scot, Maine Coon - it does not matter. Everything was quite obvious to her. Perhaps the reader should name his pet in this way?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E19905/

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