What can a nursing mother eat: a list of allowed foods

The birth of a baby is a big event in the life of a woman. I want the baby to grow healthy from the first days. To do this, it is very important to maintain breastfeeding. But remember, all the foods that the mother eats, get into the milk and passed on to the baby. That is why a woman's menu should be balanced.

What can a nursing mother eat? Many women are very worried that due to bans they will remain hungry. Do not panic - the list of products is extensive and varied. The menu should contain fruits (bananas, apples), vegetables (except cucumbers and tomatoes), meat (ban on lamb and pork), dairy products, cereals. Let's not get ahead of ourselves and sort things out in order.

The first days after natural birth

What can a nursing mother eat on the first day after delivery? Doctors consider the "hospital" food to be the best food. It is lean, not greasy, does not contain seasonings and spices, is prepared from those products that will not cause colic and allergic reactions in the newborn.

What microflora the child will have depends on the first meals. Therefore, it is so important to choose the right products. What should be in the diet:

  • Porridge. You need to cook them exclusively in water, without adding salt and sugar. The following cereals are preferred: oatmeal, millet, buckwheat. But rice is prohibited. It will cause constipation in mom and baby. Corn porridge is also desirable to exclude - it can provoke bloating and colic.
  • Sour-milk products of minimal fat content. These include kefir and natural yogurt without additives. Pay attention to the timing of the products - you do not need poisoning during this period.
  • Bouillon. The best meat option is turkey. When cooking, it is preferable to use fillet or breast.
  • Rye or bran bread.
  • Water, green tea.

Now you know what you can eat a nursing mother who is in the hospital after childbirth.

The diet of a woman after birth complications

What can a nursing mother eat after cesarean section? In this case, the diet will be slightly different from the menu of women after natural birth. Get ready for the fact that the first 24 hours after surgery, doctors are not allowed to eat at all. All useful components for maintaining the general condition of a woman enter through a dropper.

A woman in labor is allowed to drink water with a few drops of lemon juice.

On the second day, the food will be as follows:

  • Dairy products. Kefir (0.5% fat), cottage cheese.
  • Chicken broth in third water (after 2 boiling water is drained).
  • Buckwheat porridge.
  • Galetny cookies.
  • Rosehip, green tea.

Ideally, what can a nursing mother eat after a cesarean section should be determined individually by the doctor.

is it possible for a nursing mother

How to improve bowel function and overcome constipation during breastfeeding?

Due to the fact that the nutrition of women who breastfeed babies is not very diverse, they often face constipation. What can a nursing mother eat to avoid this problem?

Doctors recommend the following prescription:

  1. Kefir (0.5% fat) - 250 ml.
  2. Walnut - 1 piece.

Pre-fry the walnut kernel and eat it with kefir.

But it is worth remembering that nuts are a strong allergen. If the child is suffering from diathesis or skin rashes have been noticed, this method of getting rid of constipation will not work.

Monthly Nursing Mom's Nutrition

In the first week after birth, a nursing woman should adhere to a strict diet, but in the future the list of consumed products can be expanded.

What can you eat a nursing mother, depending on the age of the child:

  • First month. The main dishes on the menu should be: chicken stock with the addition of a quail egg, porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat), vegetable stew (without the use of potatoes), low-fat meats (rabbit, chicken), fruits (bananas, green apples).
  • Second month. The babyā€™s stomach is already a little stronger, the microflora has improved, so you can gradually add new products to the menu. It is allowed to try boiled beets, cottage cheese casserole with pumpkin, pasta of hard varieties, natural sausages and sausages, pastries.
  • Third month. In the menu, you can gradually introduce products that affect the taste of milk: onions, honey, juices, nuts.
  • Sixth month. Seafood (properly and well cooked), corn, peas, natural mayonnaise, white breads are allowed.

Long live the vitamins!

A nursing mother must definitely think not only about the baby, but also about her health. Therefore, vegetables should be included in the diet:

  1. Zucchini. You can eat daily in the form of stews, casseroles, pancakes, rolls. The only limitation is pickled zucchini. This vegetable copes well with edema, improves bowel function and relieves constipation.
  2. Tomatoes At first, it is better to use in baked or boiled form.
  3. Potatoes. The composition contains an indispensable thiamine, which has a good effect on the development of the child.
  4. Bell pepper (yellow or green). Rich in vitamins and trace elements.
  5. Lettuce. Lettuce contains folic acid and the entire vitamin complex.
    what can you eat a nursing mother

Of fruits, it is better to give preference to bananas, apples (with the exception of red varieties), pears.

Often, specialists are asked whether it is possible for a nursing mother to eat fruits and vegetables in the first month after giving birth? Doctors recommend consuming these foods in small quantities. This is the only way to get the necessary complex of vitamins, to strengthen your physical state of health.

Getting carbohydrates

So, what can I eat after giving birth to a nursing mother? Of course, foods that are good for proteins and carbohydrates. These elements can be obtained from meat. Doctors recommend eating a rabbit, turkey, young veal. But about chicken - a moot point.

Experts have proven that this meat can provoke an allergy in a child. But as practice shows, it is the chicken that most lactating women prefer to eat.

When choosing meat, it is important to consider the following factors:

  • Keep an eye on the freshness of the product.
  • Choose homemade meats. In this case, you can be sure that the bird was not fed with hormones and antibiotics that would adversely affect your health.
  • The meat should be eaten boiled and stewed. The amount of protein and vitamins in a fried product is several times less.

Is there a need for fish dishes while breastfeeding

Can a nursing mother eat fish in the first month? Of course, this product is rich in vitamins, microelements, irreplaceable phosphorus, calcium and acids.

The limitation is stockfish and raw. These products are unsafe, a woman can easily become infected with parasites and various infections.

What varieties are acceptable for nursing:

  1. Heck, pollock. This fish is easy to cook, the meat is quite soft, tasty. It's nice that there are very few bones.
  2. Perch, pike perch, pike. These varieties are best served boiled. They make a good, rich ear.
  3. Burbot, herring. Such fish is best baked, for example, on a carrot pillow.
    what can you eat a nursing mother in the first

It is better not to eat mussels, crabs, shrimps, even when the baby is already a little older. These seafood are very allergenic and can cause anaphylactic shock.

Healthy fiber

What can you eat after giving birth to a nursing mother in order to restore her physical health and not harm the baby? The most affordable and useful product is cereal.

Preference should be given to oatmeal, buckwheat, millet. These cereals improve intestinal motility, do not cause increased gas formation, and prevent rotting in the stomach.

what can a nursing mother in the first month

Rice is allowed to be added to the diet starting from 5-6 months after birth. At this time, most babies are already starting to receive complementary foods, so the problem with constipation, which may arise from this cereal, does not threaten them.

But semolina, barley and pearl barley porridge is prohibited. They contain gluten, which provokes diathesis and allergies in children.

Note sweet tooth

Do you want to know what can a nursing mother eat from sweets in the first month? We will disappoint you a bit, nothing can be done. The fact is that chocolate is a strong allergen that can not only cause diathesis in a child, but also lead to colic and even diabetes.

If it is absolutely unbearable, from the third month, experts are allowed to eat caramel or Raffaello sweets in small quantities.

is it possible for a nursing mother in the first

Is it possible to drink milk: all the pros and cons

Is it possible for lactating mother to milk? In this matter, the opinion of experts was divided. Some of them believe that this product perfectly increases lactation and does not have any negative effect on the baby.

Others are sure that this is the strongest allergen, which in 80% leads to the appearance of redness on the child's body and itching. And it really is true. Milk contains a special protein called casein. It is he who can provoke an allergic reaction.

Despite this, milk is a very valuable and healthy product. It contains the most important components:

  • vitamins and easily digestible trace elements;
  • calcium, which is so necessary to strengthen the baby's bone tissue;
  • all kinds of amino acids.
    Is it possible for lactating mother to milk

But if the child still has a negative reaction to cow's milk, then you should not be upset. After all, there are other products that can replace it:

  1. Goat milk. It is much more useful than a cow product and is absolutely safe for babies.
  2. Baked milk. It can be used by nursing mothers after the child is 2-3 months old. The thing is that the product is quite fat and high in calories.
  3. Powdered milk. It is additionally enriched with a vitamin complex.
  4. Dairy products. When choosing them, you need to pay attention to fat content. It should not exceed 2.5%.

What to add to the diet of a nursing mother

Many nursing people are interested in what can be added to the diet to increase lactation? Specialists offer the following options:

  1. Special teas for nursing based on herbs.
  2. Vitamin complexes.
  3. Natural fresh.
  4. Dried fruit compotes.
  5. Tea with ginger.

Well, of course, do not forget about the correct water balance.

Stop Products List

What you can eat for a nursing mother in the first and subsequent months after giving birth has been described above, now I want to stop on the list of products that are banned.

Among them are the following:

  • Products that belong to the strongest allergens: chocolate, red caviar, mackerel, crayfish.
  • Alcohol. It has a negative, toxic effect on the body of the child.
  • Coffee, strong black tea. These drinks have a bad effect on the babyā€™s nervous system.
  • Garlic. Able to change the taste of milk, give it a specific smell. Many women often complain that the baby completely abandoned the breast after they ate a garlic bun.
  • Citrus fruits, exotic fruits and vegetables.
  • Products containing a large number of preservatives and dyes: cakes, cakes, soda.
  • Any smoked and pickled products.
  • Fatty varieties of sausage and meat, lard.
  • Beans, brown bread. These foods cause gas and colic in babies.
  • Semi-finished products. You do not know what products they were prepared from.
  • Raw fish. It may contain dangerous bacteria and worms.
  • Fast food.
    what can you eat a nursing mother in the first

This is the main list of products that are strictly prohibited during breastfeeding. But remember, everything is individual. If you see that after eating one or another dish, the baby has colic, redness, itching, then immediately review your diet.

Expert Advice

Talking about the role of breast milk for children is not necessary, thanks to him, the baby receives a strong immunity. In order for feeding to be successful, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Introduce new products that your child is not familiar with, gradually: no more than one ingredient within 2 days.
  2. Try to eat a new product in the morning. In this case, if the baby has an allergic reaction, you will definitely notice it.
  3. If the baby is sick or his teeth are being cut, it is better not to introduce new products and dishes into his menu during this period.
  4. Remember, for the first 6-7 months, any diet is forbidden to mom. Your task is to feed the baby, and take care of your figure later.
  5. Eat only fresh, natural foods. Pay special attention to their composition.
  6. If the child is prone to food allergies, your diet and menu should be agreed individually with a specialist.
  7. All foods must be heat treated before being eaten. Forget about blood meat and your favorite rolls.
  8. Can not do without sweets? Replace chocolates with pastille, marshmallows, dried fruits.
  9. If you notice that the child does not respond well to any product, immediately remove it from your menu. Remember, you can try it again no earlier than a month later.
  10. Try to comply with the daily calorie intake of foods. It is 2500 kcal.

After giving birth, a woman should take care not only about herself, but also about the health of the crumbs. Remember: breast milk for babies is irreplaceable. But so that the baby is not tormented by colic, gas, allergies, you need to properly create your menu. What products are allowed to nursing mothers, was described in detail in the article. Use our tips, and your lactation will go without problems.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E19909/

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