Reinforced concrete block: scope and features

The reinforced concrete block is made of cable reinforcement and concrete, characterized by moisture resistance and strength. It has gained widespread use in the construction industry: in the creation of a continuous continuous foundation, the installation of wall structures in basements and high-rise buildings. The size of the blocks is selected in accordance with the estimated load on them.

reinforced concrete block


The cost of the product is determined by the components used, size and purpose. It should be noted that this material must be of high quality, since the strength and durability of the building depend on it. Reinforced concrete block has many advantages, among which are the following:

  • Reasonable cost. Reinforced concrete structures are much cheaper than steel structures .
  • Long period of operation. Products can have a constant load for many years, while maintaining their previous density and reliability. Warranty period can reach 100 years.
  • Resistance to biological and chemical effects. Blocks are not subject to the development of microorganisms and mold, as well as to the effects of substances with aggressive chemical composition.
  • Fire safety. The reinforced concrete block is highly resistant to open flames and high temperature values.
  • Ability to carry dynamic and static loads. A building built from such a composite material is able to withstand the mass of any structural elements and soil pressure. Also, he is not afraid of the weight of snow accumulated on the roof, and the impact of the wind.

reinforced concrete floor slabs

Floor slabs

Reinforced concrete floor slabs are used to create interfloor structures in objects for any purpose and incorporate a base of silicate concrete. Products may have a ribbed or straight shape. A characteristic feature of the first option is the gap between the ribs, its length is within 100 cm.

Plates act as supports when creating the floor and ceiling, their brand and dimensions are selected in accordance with the load, the possibility of using additional insulating elements and operating conditions. They are not subject to subsidence and are highly reliable.

Reinforcing products allows you to achieve maximum strength. It is possible to use both standard reinforcement and tense, increasing the degree of tolerance. So reinforced concrete floor slabs gain great durability and reliability.

reinforced concrete block Price

Block Usage

The main purpose is to create load-bearing structures in multi-story buildings. Different brands of products have certain properties and different levels of resistance to constant load in the temperature range from -60 to +50 degrees. It can be used not only to equip the base of buildings, but also for technological basements and wall structures. The most widely used products are FBS type for the creation of foundations and the construction of unheated premises (storage rooms, garages and basements).


For a reinforced concrete block, the price is set within 400-3000 rubles (depending on weight and size). Products are also used in the construction of prefabricated facilities, the constituent elements of which are produced by construction plants and special plants. Due to this, the principle of construction of such buildings resembles the designer. Today, two types of prefabricated base, made of blocks, have gained sufficient distribution - this is a strip and glass foundation. The reinforced concrete elements in the latter embodiment additionally have a load of the supporting frame columns. Use in the composition of the tape base has its own specifics. They act as a pillow, providing uniform transfer of applied loads. It is worth noting that the reinforced concrete block significantly speeds up the process of building a house and reduces construction costs.

reinforced concrete block sizes


Currently, there are several varieties of products, each of which has its own advantages and application features. The most widespread is the composite material FBS, which is also divided into several types. It has the following dimensions: length from 2400 to 400 mm, height and width - from 600 to 300 mm. It is worth highlighting the following varieties:

  • Hollow structures. The internal cavities in them are intended for heat-insulating materials. They are lightweight compared to other types and are used for foundations, standing on a floating or complex soil.
  • Solid products with grooves. They reduce the cost of connecting heating and water networks due to the possibility of laying communications in special cutouts.
  • A continuous reinforced concrete block, the dimensions of which are selected depending on the type of structure, is characterized by the absence of voids and the presence of reinforcement of high strength, which ensures use in seismological conditions.


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