Club "Egoist", Moscow: address, reviews. Strip club for women

The daily bustle of such a large metropolis as Moscow directly requires that there be plenty of entertainment. Only their great variety can help residents and guests of the capital to escape from everyday problems, temporarily get out of their heads working and household issues and just relax.

Today, there are a lot of places for leisure in Moscow. There is a hippodrome, cinemas, restaurants, museums, galleries and other popular places for the general public.

There are also very unusual places, such as a club for women or for men. Not everyone will go to such places because of their specificity. However, for some part of the population this entertainment is very popular.

Moscow never sleeps

Planning your Moscow leisure in the afternoon and evening is quite simple. A lot of establishments work during these hours, so among them everyone will surely find a place for themselves where he will be pleased to go. Another thing is at night, when some citizens are already sleeping peacefully in their beds, and most of the entertainment is no longer working.

club for women

However, not all guests and residents of Moscow dream in the dark. Some, on the contrary, prefer to have fun at night, because under the starry sky you can often afford something crazy and unusual.

In order to get a lot of interesting impressions and the most vivid emotions, some girls choose some special club for women, and guys choose a men's club. These establishments, filled with music, interesting lighting and a considerable number of beautiful and naked bodies, daily attract the most sophisticated visitors to their walls. You can have a great time in them in a good and non-trivial company, allow yourself to fulfill quite daring fantasies and recharge your batteries with the most enchanting emotions for a long time.

One of these institutions - the strip club Egoistka (Moscow) - is well known in certain circles. Here every night a lot of women and girls gather who want to relax and forget for a while about their household chores.

Night club "Egoist"

Perhaps many people think that only men like to watch striptease. However, women are also greedy for the beautiful bodies of representatives of the opposite sex, so the Egoistka club (Moscow) will never be left without visitors. After all, it is here that any lady can enjoy incendiary shows performed by sultry handsome men, participate in dances with them and even allow herself some liberties in relations with men.

egoist club moscow

The Egoist night club in Moscow occupies four floors in a beautiful 19th-century mansion. In this space, the wildest fantasies of girls come true, and the stage and the auditorium turn into a real pool, where you can arrange the most incredible and erotic swimming.

For lovely ladies, all conditions have been created here, thanks to which they will find themselves in an amazing world of affection and endless male attention. On the ground floor you can personally witness the performances of local handsome men and enjoy cocktails and dishes from the menu, sitting at comfortable tables. On the second floor of the club there are amazing apartments with a jacuzzi and service, like in a hotel.

The third floor consists of special lodges, each of which is designed for no more than 20 guests. From here you can follow everything that happens on the stage and next to it, while remaining virtually invisible to other guests. The fourth floor offers visitors a special room for a private contact dance, but it can only be girls who have gold cards of the club, or those invited by the manager. There is also a sauna and karaoke, in which Moscow ladies have great unforgettable intimate parties.

Where is the "Selfish"

The Egoist Club (Moscow) is quite easy to find. It is located on Gilyarovskogo Street, at 4, p. 2.

egoist club reviews

You can get here from the metro station "Sukharevskaya", the road will be only 200 meters. Another metro station nearby is the Prospekt Mira. True, itโ€™s much longer to go from this station, namely 700 meters. Itโ€™s better to leave the radial station rather than the roundabout.

Who can attend the club?

As mentioned above, the Egoist Club (Moscow) is a female strip club. Any lady can visit him if her age is more than 18 years. If the administrators have doubts about the number of years of the client, they can ask her to present any document in which her identity and age will be confirmed. For the pleasure of visiting the institution, women have to pay 700 rubles. At the same time, if it is planned to celebrate a birthday or a bachelorette party, the hero of the occasion is admitted to the club for free.

nightclub egoist in Moscow

A man may also be inside the โ€œEgoistโ€, but for this he needs to be accompanied by a woman and pay a rather considerable amount - as much as 10 thousand rubles.

What pleases the โ€œEgoistโ€ of visitors

Any night at Egoist is incredible programs and shows featuring handsome and stunning muscular men. Every new hour, local dancers show a new show, while each subsequent one becomes more frank and erotic. During the performance, girls can enjoy both solo and group numbers of handsome men. And thanks to the musical, lighting and visual effects accompanying any show, the programs in the club cause a frantic delight among all visitors.

Quite often, girls celebrate their birthdays here or girls celebrate on the eve of weddings. If you are going to visit the "Selfish" in honor of an event, do not forget to tell the administration when booking a table. In this case, the culprit of the celebration and her friends will find a pleasant surprise that will add an unforgettable highlight to this already unusual and memorable night.

Special club activities

In addition to exciting shows on the stage, which at any moment can turn into a pool, the Egoistka Club (Moscow) offers its visitors a unique Crazy Menu. With its help, any guest will be able to translate their wildest fantasies into reality.

Sensual private dance, erotic massage, dance on stage, swimming in the pool or a romantic evening with any of the club's men - all this will be available to the guest the very moment she expresses her desire and pays money for it.

Do you need an escort of a terrific gentleman to an event or even to relax? Such services are also available here, the main thing is that the customer has enough money for this. Indeed, for example, any handsome person will become a companion to the event for 15 thousand rubles, and to take a man with him on vacation, you will have to pay him 25 thousand rubles. per day.

Night Club Reviews

Very many ladies are very pleased to visit the Egoistka Club in Moscow. The reviews of the guests of this institution praise the local show programs and all the guys who perform not only them, but also the whims of the women who are here. The atmosphere of the holiday is always fun and reigns here, which many lack in a series of gray everyday life.

strip club egoist Moscow

However, there are also enough negative reviews about the โ€œEgoistโ€. They concern more managers and waiters of the club. Many complain that extra points appear in the accounts, so they advise you to carefully check all checks. Sometimes managers do not pay attention to some problems and conflict situations, which also does not do them any honor.


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