Tire frog for garden decoration

Increasingly, passing by the entrance of a multi-storey building, you can see various crafts with which residents decorate their territory. Usually they are made of waste. This is either tires from cars, or plastic bottles of different colors and volumes. All this unnecessary trash is very convenient for various crafts. Tire swan, snail, turtle and frog have gained popularity and have become frequent guests in the local area. You can create a beautiful site design without investing in it practically nothing but your labor and time spent.

tire frog
There are several ways to make a frog. Each of them is quite simple, so it all depends on the number of wheels that you have available and their size. All tires must be prepared in advance for use. To do this, they must be washed, dried and painted with green paint. If there is no green, you can use any other, which means that you just have a fairy-tale character. Do not want to paint, leave it as it is.

A cute frog from tires is obtained from three blanks. You can use two wheels of the same size. If their dimensions are large enough, then you can not mount an additional tire. Now it all depends on what exactly you want: to make a toy for children or a beautiful flower garden. First of all, we stack the two lower tires. If you settled on the floral version, then we fall asleep into each wheel the land for planting. Then lay the third tire on top. You can also pour earth into it. Now we make eyes out of plastic buckets or bottles. We draw cilia and mouth with paints. The figurine is ready. It can be slightly embellished by adding paws from a hose and cut out pieces of wood. We plant flowers in the prepared ground. The result was a very nice flowerbed of tires - a frog that will decorate any garden plot.

from the frog
If you have two small wheels and one large, then you can make another figure, which will also look very original. We put a large green tire, then vertically set two small ones next to them, they will be instead of the eyes. For greater clarity, we use old plastic basins. One, which is larger, is painted with red paint and laid on the first wheel, and two smaller ones are used for installation in vertical tires. The tire frog is ready. It is better to use it in the playground.

An equally interesting option is obtained from two tires mounted on top of each other. Here the lower wheel should be more powerful than the upper. In order for such a frog from tires to stand steadily, they must be fastened with a metal rod. For beauty, you can sew up the voids of the wheels using linoleum. Paint everything green, and then draw eyes and mouth. Instead of paws, plastic bottles will do. You can make a frog princess, give her an arrow and attach a crown.

make a frog
Even if you have only one tire, do not be discouraged. From it, too, you can get a cute frog. This option is better to use under the flower garden. We stack the wheels, fill the void with earth. On the wheel rim we draw a mouth. We make eyes and paws out of bottles. You can plant a cute frog on a tree. It will take quite a bit of material. From the main part of the tire we cut a piece, it will be the back. And from the camera we make paws. We fix everything together on a tree. To make a cute figure to decorate the site, you can use any unnecessary thing. It can be a bucket, a basin, an old helmet and even a toilet. Everything will fit and go to decorate your garden, even stones.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E19939/

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