Spotted dogs: breeds with names and photos

For all the time of coexistence with dogs, people managed to breed more than four hundred breeds. Each of them differs from the others not only in character, but also in appearance. Some can be identified by their short flattened face, the second by their luxurious long hair, and the third by their unusual, eye-catching color. In today's publication, the main features of spotted dog breeds will be considered.


These are quite ancient dogs with an obscure history. According to one version, they appeared in Ancient Egypt and from there they got to Europe. According to another theory, their homeland is the Croatian province of Dalmatia, in whose honor they got their name. They were introduced into the USSR in the 80s of the XX century and quickly gained popularity among local breeders. In 1991, on the initiative of S.V. Petrakov, a club of lovers of this breed was created.

spotted dog

Dalmatians are spotted dogs that differ in average size. Depending on gender, the height of an adult is 54-62 cm with a mass of 24-32 kg. On an elongated head with a straight nose bridge, strong jaws and a moderately pronounced nose, there are dark round eyes and thin hanging ears. A strong, proportionately folded body with a flat back, a voluminous rib cage and a slightly sloping croup is covered with short, stiff white coat with evenly distributed, clearly defined brown or black spots.

Dalmatians are funny, good-natured animals that are easy to train. They are very emotional, sensitive and touchy. These dogs need constant communication with people. Lack of attention turns them into closed, indifferent animals.

English setter

Great Britain is considered the birthplace of these graceful spotted dogs. In the history of their origin, there are still many unexplained moments. To this day, experts argue about who the representatives of this breed came from. According to one version, their ancestors were primitive spaniels brought from the British Isles.

spotted dog breed

English setters are not too tall, well-built dogs. Depending on the sex, the maximum height of an adult is 65-69 cm. Expressive eyes and hanging ears adjacent to the cheekbones are located on an oval, high-set head with a clear transition from the forehead to the muzzle and slightly drooping bruises. The graceful body of a typical setter is covered with a thick, silky, slightly wavy coat of white color with multiple spots. On the ears, sternum, abdomen, inner thigh and hind limbs there are tows. And the tail of the animal is decorated with a luxurious suspension.

English setters are spotty dogs whose photos cannot convey all their nobility and grace. They are very calm, affectionate, smart and contact. These energetic and hardy dogs perfectly train and are able to prove themselves in hunting in different places. They get along well with children and adequately cope with the role of a companion.

Great Dane

Despite the enormous popularity of these animals, many white spots remain in the history of their origin. According to one version, they were bred from Asian fighting dogs that came to Europe with nomads. According to another theory, among their ancestors are Old English bulldogs and hunting boar dogs. To facilitate the bone, greyhound blood was rushed to them.

Marble dogs are large spotted dogs, the minimum height of which starts at 72 cm. Expressive almond-shaped eyes and highly set hanging ears, which can be stopped in puppyhood, are located on a large, harmonious head with a pointed muzzle. The impressive body of a square or slightly stretched shape is covered with short, smooth, shiny wool of a white color with torn black spots, the layout resembles a marble pattern. In addition, the standard allows the existence of gray animals with dark marks.

Marble Dogs are a breed of large spotted dogs with a friendly, balanced and judicious disposition. They are not inclined to manifest causeless aggression and are easily amenable to training. With proper education, they make good guards and loyal companions.


Germany is considered the birthplace of these animals, and among the ancestors there are cops brought there from France, Flanders and Spain. German breeders began to pour blood on them pointers and local dogs used to feed prey.

photo of spotted dogs

Kurzhaara is a hunting breed of spotted dogs with a harmonious body, noble posture and well-defined sexual dimorphism. The average height of these animals is 60-65 cm. On a dry head with a long wide muzzle and strong jaws covered with tight-fitting lips, there are dark brown eyes and high-set, flat, drooping ears. A slightly stretched body with a strong back and a flat top line is covered with short, rough, stiff hair of a spotty color. Most often, white or dark marks or specks are scattered on a brown background.

Kurzhaars are complaisant, friendly, and peaceful dogs, mistrustful of strangers. They love to bark and are not too eager to bother with children. They are not at all playful and will not bother the owners, insistently demanding attention.


Great Britain is considered the birthplace of these animals. According to one version, their ancestors were ancient Roman stunted hounds. According to another theory, they came from the Celtic dogs. Translated from English, the name of the spotted dog breed, a photo of which will be presented below, means β€œhound”.

small spotted dog

Beagles are medium-sized animals that visually resemble foxhounds. Depending on the sex, the height of an adult varies from 33-38 cm, and the weight is 8-16 kg. On a powerful, coarse head with a blunt muzzle filled and moderately pronounced bruises there are almond-shaped eyes surrounded by tight-fitting eyelids. The entire body of the standard representative of this breed is covered with thick dense wool of two- or three-color color. Most often, red, red, chocolate or black marks are evenly scattered on a mostly white background.

Beagles are friendly animals with a well-developed hunting instinct. They are absolutely not suitable for the role of a guard and do not show aggression or distrust of outsiders.

Basset hound

These short-legged spotted dogs with long ears were bred in Europe in the middle of the XIV century. Initially, they were used for hunting small game. But today they have turned into good companions adapted to live in urban conditions.

what is the name of the spotted dog

Bassets are medium-sized dogs whose growth reaches 33-38 cm with a mass of 23-29 kg. The proportional pleated head has dark diamond-shaped eyes and long drooping ears. Squat, short-legged body of a typical representative of this breed is covered with dense thick wool of different colors. Most often, white individuals with black or fawn markings are found.

Bassets are aristocratic good-natured people with high intelligence and a well-developed scent. They are endowed with a peaceful, affectionate disposition and a sonorous voice.

English Pointer

Those who are not the first to hear the name of a spotted dog bred to search for game will be interested to know about the history of its origin. English pointers are direct descendants of dogs that came to Britain from continental Europe. The brought livestock was actively crossed with local breeds. Not the last role in the formation of modern pointers was played by the Greyhounds, Bloodhounds and Foxhounds.

Representatives of this breed can not boast of impressive parameters. The height of the adult dog is 61-69 cm, and the weight does not exceed 30 kg. The moderately stretched body of the pointer is covered with short, dense wool of a three-color, black, brown, red or yellow piebald color.

These animals are endowed with an energetic disposition. They are very attached to their owners and get along well with children. In the presence of strangers, the pointers demonstrate politeness and estrangement.

Brazilian Terrier

This is one of the youngest breeds. Brazil is her homeland, and among her ancestors are Foxes and other, smaller terriers.

This spotted dog, with a photograph and the name of which many of you first met thanks to today's material, grows up to 33-40 cm at the withers and weighs no more than 10 kg. It is easy to recognize by its narrow sternum, cropped tail, flat triangular skull and short, tight-fitting coat.

spotted dog with long ears

Brazilian terriers are endowed with an active cheerful disposition. They are extremely temperaments, smart, cheerful and alert. These animals love to play and dig deep holes. They need strict and consistent education. Otherwise, these dogs turn into independent and naughty stubborn.

Australian shepherd dog

Paradoxically, America is the birthplace of these animals. Their ancestors were Basque Shepherd dogs imported to the USA from Australia. In addition, the blood of collies, Bernese mountain dogs and Pyrenees flows in the veins of the Aussi.

Australian Shepherds are medium sized dogs. Their height does not exceed 58 cm at the withers, and the mass is not more than 32 kg. They have a flexible, well-balanced body and beautiful almond-shaped eyes. On the powerful short-faced head of the Aussi there are small semi-erect ears. The entire body of a typical representative of this breed is covered with a moderately long and relatively stiff coat of different colors.

Australian Shepherd Dogs are spotted dogs endowed with a friendly and sociable disposition. They are easy to learn and get along well with children. Moreover, they are distrustful of outsiders, but do not need compulsory socialization.

English raccoon hound

Despite the name of the breed, its homeland is not Great Britain. It was bred by American breeders in the XVII century. These animals received official recognition in 1905 and have since been actively used for hunting.

English raccoon hounds are slender and graceful spotted dogs with well-developed muscles. Depending on the sex, the height of the adult varies from 53-69 cm with a mass of 18-30 kg. On a large elongated head there are very soft hanging ears and beautiful dark eyes. The harmonious body of a typical representative of this breed is covered with short, moderately stiff and shiny white coat with red spots or specks. In addition, the standard allows for the existence of black and white and three-color individuals.

English raccoon hounds are active dogs that need regular long walks. They have a highly developed hunting instinct. Therefore, they can not be lowered from a leash in crowded places and close to busy tracks.

Cavalier king charles spaniel

These little dogs have a very long history. At one time they lived in houses of aristocratic nobility and were used for bird hunting.

breed name and photo of spotted dogs

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are small animals whose height does not exceed 33 cm, and the mass is not more than 8.2 kg. On a harmonious round head with a wide forehead and a smoothed occipital protuberance, there are huge expressive eyes and long ears covered with adorning hair. A strong square body with a developed chest is completely covered with a soft silky coat of two or three-color color.


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