How to apply for an apartment registration certificate: step-by-step instructions

Each property owner must have different documents for this property. These include the registration certificate for the apartment, which is represented by the basic document. It contains data on all the technical parameters of the property. BTI is engaged in its creation and provision. A document is issued in the same way, both for new buildings and for objects located in the secondary market.

Purpose of the document

When making various real estate transactions, it is required to prepare numerous documentation for the owner. It includes the registration certificate for the apartment, so if you plan to sell or donate the object, you need to get this document.

Documentation required in situations:

  • an object is being sold on the basis of the formation of a sale agreement;
  • the apartment is exchanged for another property;
  • redevelopment of the facility;
  • it is required to purchase an apartment using borrowed funds of the bank, for which a mortgage is issued;
  • a data sheet is useful when assessing or examining an object;
  • when calculating the correct calculation of property tax, this document is also needed;
  • The data from the data sheet are used in calculating the optimal payment for utilities.

Therefore, this document is binding upon a variety of real estate transactions.

registration certificate for the apartment

What information does it contain?

Each property owner should know what is contained in different documents for this property. Obtaining a registration certificate for an apartment gives you the opportunity to get a lot of significant information. These include:

  • inventory number of the facility;
  • cost of housing;
  • his exact address;
  • the area of ​​housing, and it is divided into residential and total;
  • year of construction of the facility in which the apartment is located;
  • describes all engineering communications failed;
  • It is indicated when the last overhaul was carried out;
  • it prescribes what materials were used to create the walls and internal ceilings, as well as what materials the interior decoration is made of.

Thus, the information in this document may be useful even to the owner of the property.

When is it formed?

Immediately after the construction of the building and its commissioning, this document is formed. The registration certificate for the apartment is additionally equipped with a floor plan.

Do not confuse the data sheet with the technical plan. The plan is a special drawing diagram, on the basis of which a passport is formed. Information from these documents is transferred to the Federal Registration Service for registration of the object.

Cost of paperwork

The documentation is drawn up in the BTI. Initially, you need to decide whether you need a data sheet when selling an apartment or performing other actions with it. It is important to determine what its value is in order to prepare the right amount of funds in advance.

It is provided only after payment of state duty. It includes payment for the services of a specialist who must visit the facility for research and measurements. The cost may vary slightly in different regions, but it starts with 900 rubles.

Formation term

Often the need for a data sheet arises unexpectedly, and at the same time you need to get it quickly. Therefore, it is important to decide how long the registration certificate for the apartment will be ready.

The process of its formation can take a long time, so it is made in the period from three days to two weeks. The process depends on the employment of specialists, the day of contacting the BTI and other factors.

Do I need a technical passport when selling an apartment

How long is it?

To complete various transactions, it is often required to prepare a lot of documents. This process takes a lot of time, so it is important to know what is the validity period of the registration certificate for the apartment.

The legislation does not specify any restrictions on the duration of the document, therefore it is considered that it is unlimited. But at the same time, it is necessary to conduct an inventory once every five years, which often leads to a change in the data in this document if re-planning is carried out or other adjustments are made to real estate. Therefore, it is advisable to renew your passport every five years.

Document Nuances

Real estate owners really have a lot of questions regarding the use of this document. Do I need a registration certificate when selling an apartment or during its privatization? When these processes are completed, the need for this document necessarily arises.

It will not work to sell the object without a registration certificate. It is checked not only by the buyers themselves, but also by realtors, as well as employees of Rosreestr.

Who gives out?

This document is provided by BTI. In addition, it can be issued by PIB - design and inventory bureau.

You can apply for a technical passport additionally at the MFC, since this center acts as an intermediary between the owner of the facility and the bureau.

documents for the registration certificate for the apartment

Who can get it?

It is important to understand the rules of paperwork. You need to know not only where to get the registration certificate for the apartment, but also to whom the document is issued.

It is provided exclusively to owners of residential premises or to people who are official tenants, therefore they rent an apartment on the basis of a registered lease.

It is allowed to use the help of a proxy, but a citizen must have a power of attorney certified by a notary.

What documents are needed?

The issuance of this passport involves the transfer of certain documentation to the BTI. What documents are needed for a registration certificate for an apartment? To do this, prepare the paper:

  • applicant's passport;
  • confirmation of rights to real estate submitted by the property owner or by a lease officially registered in Rosreestr;
  • correctly composed statement.

Other documents depend on the purpose for which you need to get a passport.

Registration of a registration certificate for an apartment for the privatization procedure requires a social loan agreement or warrant if the process is carried out in relation to a room located in a communal apartment. Additionally, certificate No. 7 is required, containing the main technical characteristics of this facility.

If the property is inherited, then the registration certificate for the apartment is issued only after the submission of the death certificate of the owner, the heir’s passport and a document confirming that the right to this object has been transferred to him.

If a proxy applies for a document, then he must have a properly formed power of attorney certified by a notary.

If redevelopment is carried out in real estate, which must be correctly registered, then it is necessary to prepare documents indicating that all work was legal and was performed with permission from the authorities.

obtaining a registration certificate for an apartment

Order of registration

Obtaining a document is quite simple, since it is not required to prepare many specialized references. The registration certificate for a new apartment is issued in the same way as for old housing. The process consists in the implementation of the steps:

  • necessary documents are collected;
  • they must be contacted at BTI or PIB;
  • an application is filled out at the selected institution, on the basis of which a registration certificate is issued;
  • prescribes the purpose of the paperwork;
  • if you lost a previous document that needs to be restored or just get a copy, then you need to fill out the third form, which does not involve a site visit by a technician;
  • if redevelopment work has been done, then updated information is entered into the document, so you need to enter the data in 4 forms, for which a technician who performs various measurements is invited to the object;
  • for a new building 4 form is also filled;
  • the state duty is paid, and its size depends on the reason for applying to the BTI, therefore it starts from 900 rubles .;
  • a document is issued within one or two weeks;
  • as soon as the transferred papers are carefully checked, a receipt is issued to the citizen in their transfer, and it will indicate when the technician arrives at the apartment, if there is a need to visit him, and also prescribes when you can come for the finished document;
  • on the indicated day, you must come to the BTI department to obtain a registration certificate, and you must have a passport and a previously received receipt with you.

If you just bought an apartment, then it is the owner of the object that should be involved in paperwork for housing. Having figured out how and where to get a registration certificate for an apartment, there will be no difficulties with the preparation of this document.

During the choice of housing, all buyers should check that the information from the data sheet matches the real condition of the property. If there are deviations, then this becomes the basis for a fine, the amount of which is 1.5 thousand rubles. In addition, penalties for illegal redevelopment may be charged . Therefore, if discrepancies are detected, then it is necessary to require the seller of the object to receive a reliable data sheet with all the changes.

Document Validity

The registration certificate is considered an important document for the buyers of the property and the property owners themselves. It is important to understand not only where to order a registration certificate for an apartment, but also how long the received document is valid.

There is no information in the law about how long it is possible to use the document after it is received at the BTI. If you need a passport to various government agencies or apartment buyers, then usually they want to get a document issued no earlier than a month ago. In this case, you can be sure that the information contained in it is reliable and relevant.

It is often offered by homeowners to have a passport that contains outdated data, as it was received before the redevelopment. Such a document no longer has legal force, since it already contains inaccurate data.

According to the law, a technical inventory, according to the results of which certain changes are made to the database, is carried out every five years, but usually the process is not performed in a timely manner. Therefore, the owners themselves must take care to obtain an up-to-date document if it is required for any purpose.

registration certificate for a public service apartment

The cost of the data sheet

You can get it at the BTI or PIB, and it is also allowed to contact MFC employees. It is important to understand not only how to get a registration certificate for an apartment, but also how much money you have to pay for it. To do this, you have to pay a state duty, and its size is set by the regional authorities. Therefore, in different cities, this indicator may vary slightly.

There is no information on the maximum or minimum cost in any legislative act. The price is set standardly within 1 thousand rubles.

BTI is a state organization that can engage in commercial activities, therefore, workers leaving for an apartment, taking measurements, performing an assessment or performing other actions are paid services. Therefore, you must first ask how much the technical inventory costs, and the cost may be different in Moscow or another city.

This amount is influenced by various factors, which include the area of ​​real estate, the time that specialists have to spend on evaluating and measuring, as well as other parameters.

It is required to pay the state duty right away, because without an appropriate receipt an application for a technical inventory will simply not be accepted. If you use the help of intermediaries at all, then the price can increase several times.

registration certificate for an apartment where to get

Can I order online?

Many public services can be issued via the Internet, which greatly simplifies the life of Russians. It is also possible to order a passport for an apartment using the network. State service portal offers this design.

To do this, you need to register and log in to this site. Next, you need to select the appropriate section and assign a time when it is optimal to arrive at the apartment equipment. A special form is filled out, where data on the address and technical parameters of housing is entered. As a result, the date of the measurements by the technician is set, and it will also be indicated when it will be possible to come for the finished document in the BTI.

How to check a document?

Each person planning to purchase a property should correctly pre-check the property so that there is no situation when a house with registered outsiders or illegal redevelopment is bought.

The technical passport is also checked, so you need to ask the seller for this document. It must be received no earlier than one month ago. It is also important that the inventory was carried out no earlier than 5 years ago, otherwise it is very likely that redevelopment work was carried out that was not legally recorded.

Additionally, the provided plan is being studied. It must exactly match the actual actual layout of the premises.

If violations are discovered already after the registration of the contract, on the basis of which the owner of the apartment changes, then the buyer is already responsible for the illegal redevelopment, so he will not only have to pay a fine, but also legalize the changes, and if this is impossible to do, the owner will have to correct all violations.

registration certificate for a new apartment

How to get a registration certificate after redevelopment?

Redevelopment is represented by a special process, on the basis of which significant changes are made to housing. They can consist in changing the area of ​​rooms, installing new doors or windows, as well as in other similar actions. They must be carried out only after obtaining the appropriate permission from the technicians and the administration. Professionals must fully control the process.

As soon as the planned procedure is completed, it is necessary to obtain a new registration certificate for housing. To do this, technicians are called in a standard way that check the documents for the work performed, and also take measurements. If there are no violations or problems, then a passport is issued, in which all legal changes are already recorded.

Thus, the registration certificate is an important document for an apartment or other residential premises. It is required when making a variety of real estate transactions. You can issue it in the BTI. For this, specialists of the institution must make measurements in the premises to make sure that there are no illegal alterations. This document does not have any validity period, but real estate buyers usually ask the seller to obtain a passport for the property being sold immediately before drawing up the contract of sale.


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