Best aquarium lamps: rating and reviews of manufacturers

High-quality lighting is a very important factor for the harmonious development of aquatic vegetation and the life of fish. To maintain the necessary balance, you need to take care of competent lighting of the entire area of ​​the aquarium. We will figure out what the lamps for aquariums are, how to choose the right option and which brand should be preferred.

What are you for?

Aquatic plants, like terrestrial ones, need a stable light source. This is due to the process of photosynthesis - the formation of organic matter from inorganic in green leaves in the light with the use of carbon dioxide. If you look closely at the surface of plants, you can see small air bubbles on their leaves and stems - this is oxygen released during photosynthesis. The more intensive the process of life, the more air bubbles. To start the photosynthesis process, chlorophyll absorbs the red and blue rays of the spectrum.

With insufficient lighting, the reverse process begins. Plants begin to use oxygen and emit carbon dioxide. Nutrients surrounded by oxygen decompose and heat begins to be released. Therefore, a correctly selected lamp for an aquarium for plants is the main factor affecting the health and usefulness of the development of living organisms and aquatic plants.

Another important point is the use of inorganic substances in the photosynthesis process, such as:

  • nitrogen;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • manganese;
  • iron.

In order that the soil is not depleted, it is necessary to apply mineral fertilizers. In the case of aquarium plants, top dressing is applied in the form of liquids. Remember that in poor or insufficient lighting, a high concentration of carbon dioxide in the water and an excess of minerals become unclaimed. Photosynthesis will not occur in the absence of the necessary lighting. Therefore, it is very important to take care of all the components of the normal functioning of the life of the plant water world in your aquarium.

Fluorescent lamps

Fluorescent lamps

The principle of operation of these lighting devices is the ability of mercury vapor and inert gas in a sealed bulb to charge and emit ultraviolet light, which is converted into visible light using a phosphor.

Fluorescent lamps are able to emit the luminous flux necessary for plants to produce organic substances and normal life. Such light stimulates the growth of plants. The lamp itself has the shape of a tube. Compared to incandescent lamps, it has a more economical energy consumption and does not emit such a large amount of heat. The luminous efficiency of a 20 W fluorescent lamp is exactly the same as that of a 100 W incandescent lamp. Service life can reach 20,000 hours. After the lamp breaks down, it must be disposed of, since if the integrity of the structure is violated, fluorescent lamps are capable of releasing toxic substances hazardous to human health. The luminescence of fluorescent lamps is heterogeneous, flicker is visible even with the naked eye. This is due to the power of the lamp from an alternating current source.

Fluorescent lamps for the aquarium can give a glow of various spectra. Depending on this, the external color manifestation of the lamp light changes. Phyto lamps have a red-blue glow, fluorescent lamps - cold white or warm white.

LED lamp

LED lamp for aquariums

An alternative to a fluorescent lamp is a LED-based lamp. You can convert existing fluorescent lamps T8 and T5 under LED lamps for the aquarium. The life of the LEDs is in the range from 30,000 to 50,000 hours, the light is steady, not flickering, since the LEDs are connected to a constant current source. In terms of energy saving, they also win. Thanks to the materials used, LED aquarium lamps are classified as environmentally friendly light sources. The lamp housing and the surface of the LEDs do not heat up during operation.

Most LED daylight emitting white light has voids in the spectrum at a wavelength of 480 nm. This is exactly the kind of lighting that the pupil of the human eye reacts to. Such a protective function of the body is associated with the prevention of traumatic situations with a sharp increase in light. In this case, the retina and lens take damage from blue light. Many manufacturers have already made adjustments to the production of LED lamps so that their glow does not harm the eyesight of a person.

The negative side is the cost of LED lamps. It is an order of magnitude larger compared to fluorescent ones. LEDs become less bright over time, this is due to their burnout. Depending on the emitted spectrum, you can choose an LED lamp that will give light different in purpose and color scheme.

Halogen lamps

This is a type of incandescent lamps, which are characterized by greater durability and energy saving. The quartz balloon inside the lamp is filled with a pair of bromine or iodine halogens. On the base side there is a reflective surface, due to which the light stream is directed in one direction. The base itself is represented by two diodes, the distance between which can be from 3 to 10 mm. Halogen lamps are used for spot lighting in a modern room design.

For aquariums, halogen lamps are rarely used. The reason for the lack of demand for this type of aquarium lighting is the high cost of these lamps and high energy costs.


To understand which aquarium lamps are most suitable, consider the rating of lighting products, which was created based on customer reviews. Among the huge variety of aquarium lighting devices, the following models stand out for their greater prevalence:

  • 7th place. Hagen Sun Glo. A fluorescent lamp that emits a spectrum that mimics natural sunlight. The length of the lamp is 46 cm, the power is 15 watts. Price from 400-650 rub.
  • 6th place. Hagen Flora Glo. Medium-bright spectral fluorescent lamp for the aquarium. Length - 59 cm, power - 20 watts. Price from 600-900 rub.
  • 5th place. T5 Hailea Exstra Reef. Spectral fluorescent lamp. Length - 55 cm, power - 14 watts. Price from 180-500 rub.
  • 4th place. JBL Solar ultra Natur LT 39WT5-HQ 9000K. A wide range of fluorescent lamps. Length - 85 cm, power - 39 watts.
  • 3rd place. Osram T8 Fluora. Phytolamp with extended ultraviolet spectrum. It emits a pink glow. Length - 60 cm, power 18 watts. Price from 500 to 800 rubles.
  • 2nd place. JBL Solar ultra marin day. Fluorescent lamp emitting a spectrum of daylight. Length - 74 cm, power - 35 watts. Price from 1300-1700 rub.
  • 1st place. Sylvania GRO-LUX. Fluorescent lamp with a predominant red and blue glow. Length - 120 cm, power - 36 watts. Price from 700-1100 rub.

Lamps can be changed or combined periodically. A red-blue fluorescent lamp can be installed with a daylight lamp. LED bulbs can complement the main light source.

Lamps with socket T5 and T8

T5 and T8 fluorescent lamps

Which lamp to choose for the aquarium to determine the characteristics of the lighting device and take into account the nuances of its use? It is necessary to understand the existing model range and understand the fundamental differences between the actions of various options.

The most common type are lamps for the T8 aquarium. They are represented by a large assortment in stores and have the following characteristics:

  1. There are no failures during power surges.
  2. Operating time can reach 12000 hours.
  3. Operating power is in the range of 18-36 watts.
  4. The amount of mercury in the lamp cavity depends on the size and is 15-25 mg.
  5. The diameter of the flask is 26 mm.
  6. When powered by an alternating voltage, a change in light occurs, so it is necessary to install additional equipment, which is not cheap.
  7. Low power saving.

T5 lamps for an aquarium are a more modern option of lighting. The stores do not have a very large assortment of these new products due to the relatively recent appearance of such lamps and the high price tag on them. More advanced T5 fluorescent lamps for the aquarium have the following properties:

  1. No additional equipment is required to start and operate the lamp.
  2. Service life - more than 20,000 hours.
  3. Operating power is in the range of 14-35 watts.
  4. The light output level is 10% higher compared to the T8.
  5. Energy saving is much higher than that of T8 lamps. Savings can be up to 80%.
  6. Lamps are smaller with more emitted light than T8.
  7. The pulsation of the light flux is much lower and almost invisible to the naked eye.
  8. High price.

From the comparative characteristics it can be seen that T5 lamps are the best lamps for the aquarium, they are bright and convenient to use. The problem of energy saving when lighting an aquarium is acute, so the lamp should burn most of the day. T5 lamps are more practical in this respect than lamps for T8 aquariums. Despite this, they are used much less frequently. The reason is the very high cost of T5 lamps compared to T8 lamps.

How to choose a lamp

Choosing a lamp for the aquarium

In order to determine the choice of a lamp for illuminating the aquarium, first you need to choose the right power. If the inhabitants of your aquarium are shade-loving fish and algae that do not need bright light, then the power is calculated based on the rule: 0.2-0.4 W / l.

When illuminated by a lamp with a power of 0.5-0.8 W / l, the plants will feel comfortable, the vital processes will proceed stably. This power option is considered standard for most types of aquariums.

If in your aquarium plants are planted very densely and there are a large number of them, then the lamp should be at least 0.8-1 W / l. Otherwise, some of the plants simply will not receive light and will die over time.

If you have decided on the power that the lamp should give out, then now you should think about the type of lighting itself. For plants, a phyto-lamp having a blue-red glow will be more useful. This spectrum of light accelerates the process of photosynthesis, and therefore accelerates the growth and production of oxygen. Ultraviolet light purifies water from pathogenic microflora. Fluorescent lamps have a wide range of glows - they are a universal source of light. You can use several types of lamps at once.

Ultraviolet lamps

UV lamps for the aquarium

Such lamps, as you know, kill all pathogenic organisms, so the fish’s life cycle will be longer, they will be sick less often. Ultraviolet light purifies water, makes it transparent, prevents the occurrence of turbidity that occurs when plants bloom. This type of radiation is useful for some species of plants and fish. When irradiated with ultraviolet, the growth and development process accelerates.

A small UV lamp for the aquarium will be useless with a large volume of capacity. The rays are simply not able to penetrate to great depths. Therefore, the feasibility of installing UV lamps for large aquariums is not justified. An ultraviolet lamp will not replace your filter for water purification. It can only reduce the manifestation of factors affecting the appearance of turbidity, but such a lamp is not capable of completely purifying water. It will not replace the fluorescent lamp, which is able to penetrate into the lowest layers of water.

Powerful UV lamps are also placed in special devices called sterilizers. Water passes through the device for several cycles and is cleaned of bacteria, small algae, viruses and other elements of pathogenic microflora. An ultraviolet lamp for the aquarium in this case should emit light with a wavelength of 250 nm, this will allow you to control the number of pathogens of fish diseases.

DIY aquarium lighting

LED aquarium lighting

The easiest way to make a lamp for an aquarium with your own hands is the LED system. Buy LED strip is not difficult. For illumination of the aquarium, it is better to use 5050 brand tapes. They have 5 * 5 mm LEDs. The color of the glow can be taken blue-red or red-orange. In addition to the LED backlight in the center, you can install a cold white fluorescent lamp.

To fix the backlight, it is necessary to build a cover, which will be fixed on the sides of the upper part of the aquarium. PVC material is suitable for this, it is light in weight, inexpensive and easy to process. The height of the lid should be such as to fit not only the LED lighting system, but also the external filtering system.

We take the sizes from the aquarium and transfer the sizes to the PVC sheet. Cut out the details with a clerical knife. We glue the parts, we get a box of lids. On the sides from the inside to the walls we glue furniture plastic corners, they will play the role of fasteners to fix the lid on the aquarium. We install additional stiffeners from PVC sheets. All seams are treated with sealant.

For stationary use of the cover, you need to make a hatch for feeding fish. In this case, you do not have to lift the lid every time. If desired, you can make a cover for the hatch. On one side of the cover, make holes for the wires. Tape the lid with foil inside.

DIY LED aquarium lighting

Distribute LED strips on the inside of the cover. Outside, you can decorate the cover with acrylic paint or self-adhesive film.


The health of its inhabitants and plants depends on the correct choice of a lamp for lighting an aquarium. If you chose the right lighting, then your aquarium will not only look beautiful, but the life of organisms in it will become full and comfortable. Plants will grow and develop, providing the necessary oxygen for the fish.


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