Hydrangea Diamond Rouge panicled: planting and care, reproduction, reviews

For many gardeners and owners of personal plots, panicle hydrangea has become a favorite plant that creates a special atmosphere, transforming any territory beyond recognition.

This is a shrub (or sapling) from the family of Saxifragidae native to the Far East. There are many varieties and varieties of panicled hydrangea, but breeders do not stop there - every year new, more advanced varieties and varieties appear that perfectly tolerate the vagaries of the weather, delight flower growers with amazing flowers of various sizes, shapes and the most incredible shades.

hydrangea diamond rouge

The height of the hydrangea bush of this species ranges from one and a half to two meters (depending on the variety). From other types of hydrangeas, this variety is distinguished by a special form of inflorescence. Small graceful flowers are collected in a pyramidal shape panicles. Inflorescences can exceed thirty in length and twenty centimeters in width.

The plant blooms profusely, forming a luxurious crown, from June to October. The bushes begin to bloom three to four years after planting. Today we want to introduce you a new variety of hydrangea - Diamond Rouge, which is considered to be one of the most beautiful in its family. If you follow simple rules for the care of bushes for a long time will delight you with magnificent flowering.

Panicle Hydrangea Diamond Rouge: description of the plant

This is one of the most compact panicle hydrangeas. She admires the rich red color and magnificent lush inflorescences up to forty centimeters in length, which consist of sterile flowers. Inflorescences have a pyramidal shape.

Hydrangea Diamond Rouge (owner reviews confirm this) is a true innovation - it is the most beautiful variety of panicle hydrangea that currently exists. In early July, flowers with large sepals open with absolutely white flowers, which turn pink after a few days, and after three weeks acquire a saturated red color. By August, it becomes even more intense, purplish red. Flowering lasts for several weeks.

panicle hydrangea diamond rouge

Hydrangea Diamond Rouge, a description of which can now be found in many publications on floriculture, blooms profusely and continuously. Shades of flowers can vary depending on the type of soil and weather conditions. The bush in height, as a rule, does not exceed one and a half meters, with many strong and strong shoots, each of which is crowned with a luxurious inflorescence.


Panicle hydrangea Diamond Rouge has decorative foliage - in spring the latter is painted in bright green color, in autumn it changes shades from purple to orange. The leaves have an oblong shape and a velvety surface. They are opposite.

diamond rouge hydrangea flaws


Hydrangea Diamond Runge has a surface root system that extends widely beyond the crown and, like most Far Eastern plants, prefers coolness. This explains the need for annual spring mulching of the trunk circle. Mulch retains moisture in the soil and supports its fertility, which, no doubt, has a beneficial effect on the flowering of the plant.

Panicle Hydrangea Diamond Rouge: planting and care

This is a photophilous plant, but it also develops well in partial shade. Panicle Hydrangea Diamond Rouge usually lands in the open ground in autumn or early spring. It is difficult to tolerate dry seasons, and in moist soils the plant feels great. That is why it is necessary to carefully monitor the quality of irrigation.

The landing pit should be made quite wide - at least seventy centimeters in diameter. This is necessary so that the roots are evenly distributed. It is seasoned with a portion of organic and mineral fertilizers and is well moisturized. It is important to know that when planting a seedling, do not deepen the root neck. It is necessary to water abundantly covered with soil and a well-compacted pit.

Hydrangea Diamond Rouge can be planted in open ground in the fall, but only in the southern regions. Before planting a seedling, you must choose the right place. And in this case, several factors are important.

panicle hydrangea diamond rouge description


This type of hydrangea does not tolerate direct sunlight, so half-shaded areas are most suitable for it. In the sun, hydrangea does not grow well, its inflorescences are smaller.

The soil

Hydrangea Diamond Rouge, the planting and care of which is not too difficult even for a beginner in floriculture, prefers clay or loamy fertile soil. In sandy soil practically does not develop. For this variety, loose, rich in organic, fertile, moderately moist soil with a neutral or acidic environment is most suitable. On this soil, flowers acquire a more saturated shade.

An acidic culture medium for this luxurious plant can be created using ordinary whey. If it enters the soil, its bacteria will create a favorable environment for the plant. In addition, soil can be acidified by adding sawdust, half-ripened needles, and brown peat to it.


Hydrangea Diamond Rouge is a moisture-loving plant, therefore it does not tolerate the proximity to the same plants, lovers of moisture. It is more expedient to plant ground cover flowers, for example, saxifrage, under the crown.

hydrangea diamond rouge description

Caring for the bush after planting

Hydrangea Diamond Rouge is responsive to care. Observance of simple rules will help to achieve abundant bright flowering on a healthy powerful bush.


It should be plentiful and regular (in the dry period at least twice a week). After watering, loosen the soil to prevent cracking of the top layer. Mulching with peat or needles will help you with this.

Top dressing

At the beginning of bush growth, nettle infusion (diluted) is useful. Mineral fertilizing should be done carefully, but regularly (every ten days). For this, water-soluble fertilizers are added, which are added to water for irrigation. From organics, diluted bird droppings and slurry are suitable. In addition, iron chelate is suitable for processing plants . The fertilizer spacing should not exceed fifteen days. Otherwise, the flowers will be small and faded.


Hydrangea Diamond Rouge needs annual pruning. Thanks to this procedure, the plant will remain attractive for a long time and bloom for a long time, delighting the gardener. In autumn from the bush, it is necessary to cut off all remaining inflorescences, weak and old branches growing inside the bush. For the winter, it is recommended to leave no more than twelve strong shoots.

Spring pruning is carried out before the buds open. The shoots of an adult plant are cut into two or three buds, young - three - five. This will allow the bush to gain strength over the summer period. Flowering becomes more intense and lush. Spring pruning is usually combined with top dressing.

panicle hydrangea diamond rouge planting and care

Old hydrangea bushes require rejuvenation. To do this, shoots must be cut off under the stump. In two years, the bush will fully recover.

Pruning after flowering

Often, many people think that dry inflorescences look very impressive and decorative in winter, covered with hoarfrost or snow, so it is better to cut them in the spring. However, experienced flower growers are sure that it is better to cut inflorescences in the fall, especially for bushes with thin stems. During heavy snow or freezing rain, branches may break off. This risk increases many times in those cases when the bush was formed into one trunk and more closely resembles a standard tree.

If we neglect pruning, over time the bark on the old trunks cracks, weak, random shoots thicken the crown, the bottom of the bush is exposed, the inflorescences remain only at the top. In addition, the flowering intensity is reduced.

Shelter for the winter

In the northern regions, where winters are severe enough, young seedlings, as well as adult plants, need winter shelter with spruce branches or any other covering material.

Hydrangea propagation

Hydrangea Diamond Rouge propagates in the following ways:

  • cuttings;
  • layering;
  • seeds.

Reproduction of this plant by seeds is impractical. The fact is that the seeds of this plant are very small, give weak unprotected seedlings, and a full-grown bush, pleasing with flowering, can be obtained only after four years.

The most common propagation is by cuttings. Cuttings are cut from annual shoots. As a rule, their ripening occurs in June, when the bush is covered with buds. You need to know that cuttings cut in autumn and spring take root much worse.

hydrangea diamond rouge planting and care

How to prepare the cuttings?

The cut off piece of the shoot must have at least three pairs of buds, with the lower cut at a distance of two centimeters. The upper cut is five centimeters apart. The lower leaves must be removed, leaving no more than two. The remaining leaves are cut off halfway.

Chopped shoots are soaked in water for several days. And then they are treated with a growth stimulant. Rooted cuttings in a container with a peat-sand mixture (2: 1). Planting material is buried by two-thirds. Top soil mixture is covered with sand. Seedlings must be covered with banks and put them in the shade. It is necessary to maintain humidity in containers, otherwise the cuttings will not take root. Watering and spraying is carried out daily. The first roots will appear in three weeks. After this period, cans can be removed and watering plants continued regularly.

hydrangea diamond rouge panicle reviews

In winter, containers with cuttings are placed in a cool (but not freezing) place. At this time, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the seedlings in order to prevent the appearance of fungus. Young seedlings can be planted in open ground in August, next year. By this time young shoots will appear on them. If flower buds appear during this period, it is better to cut them off so that the plant grows faster.

Propagation by layering

This method is quite simple: bend mature annual shoots into a dug groove 25 cm deep, after making shallow cuts on them. In the groove of the layering, it should be pinned or fixed with a stone. The upper part of the layer should be above the upper soil layer in a vertical position. The groove is covered with earth and moistened. Next spring, young shoots will appear on the layers.

Do not rush to separate them from the uterine bush. This is usually done after a year, when the young plant is strong enough. It is noteworthy that in this case all varietal properties of the mother bush are preserved.

Use in landscape design

This hydrangea looks organically and planted in groups, and as a tapeworm. Bright tones of inflorescences effectively stand out against the background of woody forms, harmoniously combined with variegated plants.

Gardeners reviews

In almost all regions of our country hydrangea Diamond Rouge is panicled today. Reviews of this luxurious plant can be read in almost all floriculture publications. Exquisite flowering of huge inflorescences, fairly simple maintenance, a perfect combination in landscape design with other plants, high winter hardiness - these are the qualities that Diamond Rouge (hydrangea) is valued by gardeners. The disadvantages of this plant are minor - the need for winter shelter in the northern regions and a large need for moisture, which does not allow for a long time to leave the plant (for example, when leaving on vacation).

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E19981/

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