Paustovsky, “Hare legs”: a summary and the main characters

Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky - a famous Russian writer. In his works, he sang the beauty of nature, spoke about the need for careful attitude to it. It was interesting for the writer to observe the state of mind of a person who is in close interaction with nature. Paustovsky was sure that communication with her changes a person, awakens sincere feelings in him, makes him merciful. An example of this can be many of the author’s works, including the work “Hare Paws”, a summary of which will be presented in the article. Most often, in his creations, the author described real events.

Facts from the biography of the writer

Konstantin Paustovsky was born on May 19, 1892 in Moscow. Father was a railway employee. In his heart he was a great romanticist and dreamer, it was these qualities of character that were passed from father to son. The family changed their place of residence many times. Kiev is one of the cities where the future writer had a chance to live. Here he entered the gymnasium and successfully completed it. During his studies, his first story was written and published.

summary of the tale hare paws

After graduating from high school, study was continued first at Kiev and then at Moscow University. However, with the outbreak of World War I, training had to be interrupted. The young man worked as part of the field sanitary brigade, which, together with the Russian army, had to retreat across the territory of Poland and Belarus. The events of the October Revolution and World War II also did not pass by the life of the writer. Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky lived 76 years, he died on July 14, 1968.

What inspired creativity

The thirst for wanderings never left the writer. And after trips and travels, new works have always been born. Paustovsky managed to visit many corners of the country, he also visited abroad. Yekaterinoslav, Taganrog, Moscow, Kiev, Odessa, Sukhumi, Batumi, Tiflis - this is just a small list of cities visited by the writer. And in some of them he lived and worked.

summary of the story hare paws

Konstantin Georgievich was a versatile person. He tried himself in various fields of activity, which could not but affect the enrichment of his life experience. It also helped in literary work.

It is also important that Paustovsky met such talented people as Ilya Ilf, Eduard Bagritsky, Valentin Kataev, Mikhail Bulgakov. Communication, joint work with them influenced the development of the writer's talent as a young author.

Writer's literary heritage

Peru Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky owns a large number of stories, which were published both separately and as part of numerous collections. The work "Hare legs" has just such a story. The story was reprinted many times during the life of the writer, he is popular now. In addition, readers are interested in Paustovsky's essays, novels, and novels.

hare legs protagonists
The Tale of Life is the main literary work of the writer, on which he worked from 1945 to 1963. An autobiographical work consists of six books. Each of them describes a certain stage in the life of the author, which was inextricably linked with the history of the country.

All works by Paustovsky are distinguished by a fascinating plot, a special manner of presentation of the author. At the same time, neither age nor the literary preferences of the reader matter. For example, the story “Hare paws” can not leave indifferent neither an adult who has seen much in his life, nor a child who is just beginning to learn the world.

Meshchersky region

Konstantin Paustovsky traveled all over the country. Many places impressed him with their uniqueness, the beauty of nature. But the writer had a special relationship with the Meshchera region. The modest Central Russian nature inspired creativity the most.

For many years, the writer lived in Moscow, but from time to time he went to Oka, to Tarusa. It was after visiting these places that Konstantin Paustovsky could write the most inspired works. The story "Hare legs" was also born in the Meshchersky side.

Are works in demand by a modern reader?

The works of Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky are included in the curriculum of primary and secondary schools. And this is no coincidence. Reading the stories of the writer, children learn to understand nature, change their attitude towards it. In addition, they learn to empathize, empathize, which is especially important in people's lives.

Young readers are very fond of such stories as “Badger Nose”, “Rubber Boat”, “Cat-thief”, “Hare Paws”. The main characters of these works are respected, the children sincerely sympathize, trust them. Many characters can learn everyday wisdom.

Summary of the story "Hare legs"

The events described in the work take place in the vicinity of Lake Urgen. It was in those places that Paustovsky liked to be. After one of these visits, the author had the idea to write the story “Hare legs”. The main characters of the work are well known to the writer. From them he heard the story that formed the basis of the story.

hare legs summary

Vanya Malyavin and his grandfather - an avid hunter - these are the main characters of the story.

Once during an hunt an old man caught a forest fire. As you know, a fire in the forest destroys everything in its path, sometimes it is sometimes impossible to survive in such a situation. However, the grandfather survived. And the old man considered the hare to be his savior - animals feel better than humans on which side danger can approach.

Running away from the fire, the hare led along with his grandfather. When the danger was over, the hunter discovered that the hare was very badly injured - his legs and stomach were burned. The old man considered it his duty to cure the animal. About this and is narrated in the story "Hare legs". The summary of the work can be expressed in the thought that good must be paid for with good, no matter what the cost. Van and grandfather Larion had to overcome many obstacles before the helpless animal was cured.

The story of the cure of the hare began with a visit to the veterinarian, who rudely refused to Van, laughing at him and his grandfather Larion. But on the way of the boy met the compassionate grandmother Anisya. She advised Vanya to seek help from a children's doctor Karl Petrovich, who lived in the city.

The doctor was discouraged when an old man came to him with an unusual patient. Karl Petrovich’s decision seemed to be unshakable - he never dealt with animals and will not do this. Nevertheless, the perseverance of his grandfather prevailed - the poor animal was healed by the doctor.

Characters characters works through children's eyes.

In the story "Hare legs", a brief summary of which is described above, shows the different characters of the characters. This is especially appreciated in a work when it is recommended for children's reading.

story hare paws

After answering the question which of the heroes evokes sympathy, it is necessary to discuss the characteristic features of each of them. The conversation can be organized on the basis of questions:

  1. What did the boy like Vanya Malyavin like?
  2. What kind of person was Anisya's grandmother?
  3. What are the main character traits of grandfather Larion.
  4. What can you tell about Karl Petrovich?

It is imperative that readers pay special attention to negative characters so that, by analyzing their actions, children learn to distinguish between negative traits of a person’s character that cause hostility among others.

Characteristic of grandfather and grandson

The story "Hare legs" is built so that in its content Paustovsky almost does not give a description of the appearance of the main characters, their character traits. The inner world of these people becomes clear from their actions.

It becomes clear to little readers that the old hunter is a kind and helpful person. He is overwhelmed with a sense of responsibility and duty. He is ready to endure humiliation, ridicule in order to save the poor beast.

It is worth noting that the grandson, despite his age, has the same character qualities as Larion. Compassion for a sick hare, a feeling of gratitude to him for saving his grandfather make the boy run through the forest, listen to the humiliation from the veterinarian. All the actions of Vanya cause sympathy among the readers.

paustovsky story hare paws

Paustovsky, "Hare legs". Reader Reviews

If after acquaintance with the content of the story, the children have a desire to share their impressions of what they read, then we can say that the pedagogical goal has been achieved.

Experience shows that the summary of the story “Hare Paws” is not able to convey all the features of the plot of the work, the personality of the characters of its heroes. That is why the full response of the story gets a real response in the soul of the child. Reviews of young readers about him are most often enthusiastic.
Children take the side of the story's goodies. They sympathize with the sick animal and enjoy the happy ending of the story.

What give the reader the works of Paustovsky

Having become acquainted with the whole work or having read only a brief summary of the tale “Hare Paws”, readers can draw a lot of useful and interesting information for themselves.

rabbit paw product
The description of nature that Paustovsky masterfully gives is fascinating. A person involuntarily begins to feel his presence in the depicted corner, which positively affects his emotional sphere.
The work "Hare legs" (a brief summary or its full version) makes it possible to gain a lot of knowledge about the nature and life of animals. For young readers this is very important. In addition, the active vocabulary is enriched, the ability to understand the characters of people develops .
The book shows the struggle of man with the elements of fire during a forest fire. But overcoming human callousness was just as difficult. The writer inspires optimism in the soul of the reader when he shows that one can cope with any difficulties. Konstantin Paustovsky wrote the story “Hare Paws” in order to show that a person should live in an environment of goodness, which he himself creates.

The benefit of reading the works of Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky is enormous, and it is obvious.


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