What to give the child from headache: drugs approved for children

All children are too sensitive to various pain sensations. And any unpleasant symptoms that they may feel are painful. As a rule, the little ones begin to be capricious, sabotage, reluctant to eat and sleep poorly, their behavior at this moment leaves much to be desired. And the more intense the headache, the worse the child’s behavior, and the more vagaries. In this article we’ll try to figure out what the symptoms of headache are for babies, and what to give the child from headache, how best to cure the baby, so as not only to relieve the pain, but also not harm him?

Adults and children: is it possible to be treated equally?

Almost all adults know that if there is a temperature, fever, painful manifestations, you can take the usual "Paracetamol" or "Nurofen." They perfectly reduce the temperature and anesthetize, relieving them of discomfort. Armed with this knowledge, parents, without thinking much, carry out the same actions, trying to help their child. But to do this is absolutely unacceptable! So what should be done in this case? What pill to give your child a headache? Is it really necessary to consult a doctor?

what to give the child a headache

There are cases when it is simply necessary for the baby’s body to provide an opportunity to fight the disease on its own. It is enough to provide supportive measures with the help of healthy fortified foods. In this way, you can harden the body, slightly increase its immunity and develop an antigen for a specific disease stamp.

Headache symptoms

If the baby’s usual behavior suddenly changes to tearfulness and moodiness, parents should immediately respond, paying attention to his health condition. It is much easier if the child is already 3-5 years old, because he can explain what his state of health is and where the localization of pain is.

What to give the child from a headache? The 6 reasons presented to your attention below will play an important role in resolving this issue.

  1. Improper nutrition. The use of sausages and sausages at an early age accumulates harmful carcinogens in his body, which (in addition to their toxicity) can constrict blood vessels, which can have sad consequences for the baby's body (unlike an adult).
  2. Head injury. This is one of the main causes of headaches in children. The consequence may be a concussion, causing severe pain in different parts of the brain. Here you need to urgently contact a doctor!
  3. Neuralgic problems. If the baby often complains of a headache, the mother may suspect that the trigeminal nerve is damaged. An important indicator of this is a short and intense attack of pain.
    which pill to give the child a headache
  4. Migraine. It has already been proven that babies can also suffer from migraines. This disease is inherited, from ancestors to descendants. Attacks, as a rule, are manifested in the form of a sharp throbbing pain. Sometimes you may experience nausea, vomiting, or even severe dizziness.
  5. Vascular disorders. Some of the babies may suffer from hypertension, which occurs due to the fact that blood flow in the brain is disturbed. When the pressure changes sharply, the vessels either expand or become excessively narrowed, which brings the baby discomfort. Important: consultation with a neurologist or pediatric pediatrician is necessary.
  6. Problems of a psychological nature. All children are much more sensually and emotionally perceive everything that happens to them. Because of this, they often experience emotional overload. Stress or depression for babies is very dangerous. It is necessary to teach the baby to talk with parents, share problems, talk about everything that happened to him during the day. If the mother feels that there is no positive dynamics, one should turn to a child psychologist or psychiatrist for help.

The form of release of medicines, depending on the age category: for the smallest

What to give the child from a headache? To alleviate your baby’s headache and relieve unpleasant symptoms associated with it, you can give him a drink of medicine. But be sure to seek the advice of a competent pediatrician! Only he is able to determine the cause and prescribe the optimal treatment.

what can a child get from a headache

For infants and young children, rectal suppositories are more convenient to use. If the medicine is administered in this way, it will be absorbed into the blood faster, and the therapeutic effect will last much longer.

What is the medicine to give the child a headache when he is no longer a baby? When the baby grows up (preschool age), rectally, he may not want to take the medicine. Syrups and suspensions with different flavors will come to the rescue. This will attract children, and they will be more willing to use such a medicine.

The form of release of medicines, depending on the age category: for adolescents

What is better to give the child a headache? Children of senior school age and adolescents can be treated with capsules and tablets. They can drink them outside the house, on their own.

what medicine to give the child a headache

The conclusion is simple: each form of drug release has an advantage over others. The pediatrician must select a medicine based on the age of the child, the cause of the pain and the degree of pain.

It is important for parents to remember! Give the child medicine only with a very severe headache. If the baby can tolerate, it is better to simply cheer him up or apply alternative methods of treatment. One of the easiest options is a healthy, sound sleep.

Safe for baby's health medications

How can one figure out among so many drugs what to give a child from a headache? There are relatively safe medications that children of all ages are allowed to use. The main thing is to observe the correct dosage and the interval between doses of the drug. The safety level for babies and the intensity of the action of the drug depend on compliance with these conditions.

Paracetamol-based drugs. They are able to alleviate a headache in a child, normalize body temperature, reduce fever. The release form is suspensions, suppositories, tablets and capsules, which makes it possible to use Paracetamol as an anesthetic for babies from birth.

better to give the child a headache

The drug is ibuprofen. He, like the previous one, is the safest for the body of a peanut. As a rule, Ibuprofen itself and preparations containing it can be given to children from the age of 6 months of age.

Nimesulide. Doctors recommend this drug only when the previous two pains have not been quenched. When the medicine is used for the first time, it is better to give the child half the indicated dose.

These are the main drugs that can alleviate the condition of the baby. But mother in no case should forget that self-medication can only do harm. The best way out of the situation is to see a doctor.

Headache in babies. How to treat if the pain is frequent and the migraines are serious?

Best of all, as mentioned above, the treatment of young children should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. If a child often has a headache or is tormented by migraines, medications that can help are as follows.

what to give the child with severe headache

  1. "Paracetamol" (suspension or suppository). It was already mentioned a little higher. It remains to add something else. It should be used at the rate of 10 mg per 15 kg of body weight of the child. Yes, this is one of the safest drugs, but its side effect may be impaired liver function.
  2. "Acetylsalicylic acid". It will help if the pain is not very severe. But you can’t give it to children under two years old.
  3. “Ibuprofen”, “Naproxen” will come in handy if mom is trying to figure out what to give her child with a severe headache.
  4. Ergatamine. It is not prescribed for children under 11 years old. There are contraindications, you need to read the instructions.
  5. "Sedalgin" (up to 12 years old can not be taken) and other drugs, the active substance in which is phenacetin.

If the baby has frequent migraines, then ...

Despite the wide selection of drugs, mothers are worried, what can be given to a child from a headache? For those children who experience severe and frequently recurring migraines, doctors usually prescribe the following medications:

  • "Dihydroergotamine" in tablets or drops (minus the side effect is vomiting and a possible allergic reaction).

what to give the child a headache 6

  • Beta blockers. But they are contraindicated in those babies who have diseases of the cardiovascular system.

How does your baby react to food?

So, what to give the child from a headache? If the cause of the baby’s painful sensations is a reaction to food, so that the migraine does not recur, you must follow a strict diet, excluding cocoa, chocolate, eggs, tomatoes, cheese from the child’s diet.

And of the drugs, antidepressants and massage are usually prescribed; acupuncture; physiotherapy, which is aimed at relaxing the muscles; non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - Aspirin (do not give to children under 12 years old), Ibuprofen.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E19992/

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