How to get rid of hogweed on the site: tips from experienced summer residents

how to get rid of hogweed on the site
Hogweed is a large umbrella plant, widely distributed in our country. As a rule, it very quickly captures the territory, crowding out all the rest of its "brothers." In this regard, the question "How to get rid of hogweed on the site?" becomes very relevant.

Grass hogweed in a summer cottage is a much more serious problem than it might seem at first glance. From other weeds, which are completely harmless, they are distinguished by, firstly, their size (it reaches 2.5 meters in height), and secondly, the danger to human health. Contact with leaves or stems of hogweed can provoke severe burns, since the substances contained in the juice of this plant significantly increase the sensitivity of the skin to sunlight. This weed is especially dangerous for families with children, because the kids make blowguns from the cow parsnip , after which they suffer from burns.

Those who are interested in how to get a hogweed from a site, must understand that it is quite difficult to do this, because the plant is tenacious, with a strong root system, and its seeds are able to lie in the ground for several years, waiting for favorable conditions. However, there are time-tested ways to help get rid of the poisonous adversity.

how to get a hogweed from a site

To stop the spread of hogweed, it is possible to tighten each inflorescence (they are gathered in white umbrellas in white hogwarts) tightly with an opaque plastic bag and leave until the seeds ripen. When the hogweed has faded, its stems will dry out, and the bag of seeds can be burned. If you cut off the inflorescences immediately, the weed will produce new ones. The plant does not spread by root shoots, therefore, the proposed method helps to stop the capture of new territories by the cow parsnip, however it does not solve the problem of how to get rid of the cow parsnip on the site completely.

grass hogweed
A more complicated method is the annual digging of the earth with the removal of all rhizomes. It is very important not to miss a single root, otherwise a tenacious weed will germinate again. You can plant on the same plot of land reclamation plants that grow quickly and are able to "hammer" a hogweed: legumes, cereal grasses (hedgehog team, rump), potatoes.

How to get rid of hogweed on the site, if the above methods did not help? Almost any plant needs sunlight to live, so one of the most effective methods is to use shading covering materials. This should be done in early spring, when weed shoots just appeared from the ground. The canvas is spread directly on the site occupied by the cow parsnip and fixed with the help of a load - a layer of land is ideal for planting other plants.

Another method is the use of glyphosate-based herbicides. They should be used with caution. Herbicides are best used pointwise, and in no case do not allow them to get on cultivated plants; in addition, if there are children or pets in the house, they can be hurt. In this case, one should ask not only the question โ€œHow to get rid of the cow parsnip on the site?โ€, But also: โ€œHow to do this as safely as possible?โ€


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