Do I need a moped license? Law on the rights to mopeds. When will the rights to the moped be introduced?

Many vehicles require rights to travel. For example, you cannot drive a car without them. But many are wondering if the rights to a moped are needed? Not so long ago, the management of this transport was allowed without such a document. But even then, many were interested in when the rights to a moped will be introduced? More details about changes in the law are described in the article.

What is a moped?

A moped is a transport equipped with a bicycle pedal drive with a chain transmission to the rear wheel. There is also a freewheel and a brake in the rear wheel hub. The brake is applied by turning the pedals in the opposite direction. The rear wheel has a chain sprocket from the engine.

Do you need rights to a moped

The engine starts like this: the driver squeezes the clutch, after which it starts off, like on a bicycle. When speed is gained, the clutch is released and the motor shaft rotates. Then you can move around on the motor. Since there is no gear shift, on steep climbs it is necessary to stimulate the engine by pedaling.

Mopeds have an early motorcycle circuit. Their design is simple and light. The vehicle is designed for cycling when the engine is off due to pedaling. Since the saddle is wide and low, it improves ride comfort.

Rights in 2017

Since the emergence of mopeds and scooters in Russia, many questions have arisen about the rules for managing this transport. Not everyone understood the nuances of riding on this transport. A few years ago, many were interested in when they introduce the rights to a moped?

when the rights to the moped will be introduced

Since 2013, special rules began to apply. They must be observed by persons managing such funds. This is the answer to the question whether the rights to a moped up to 50 cubic meters are required. Previously, these funds were not classified as mechanical, nor did they require a driver’s license. Because of this, minors began to manage it, and this leads to accidents.

Are moped rights now entered? Today, the Federal Law "On Road Safety" is in force. This tool can be managed by people who have special rights. The rights to mopeds and scooters are not needed if the engine is less than 50 cubic meters. They must not travel at speeds above 50 km / h.

When planning to obtain rights to mopeds with a special electric motor, their power cannot exceed 4 kW. Then the movement will be legal. Such transport requires category M. rights

Driving without a document is against the law and leads to administrative liability. The fine may be 5-15 thousand rubles. With repeated violation, you need to pay up to 30 thousand rubles, in addition, correctional labor is appointed.

Document Purpose

The question of whether a moped needs rights can be answered positively, because it is provided for by law. The reason for the appearance of this innovation was the difficult situation on the roads. A lot of accidents began to occur. Often accidents occur due to the fault of drivers who controlled mopeds and scooters. A driver’s license has been introduced to minimize such situations.

rights to scooters and mopeds

There are several advantages of this innovation:

  1. The minimum age of drivers who must be 16 years old is established. Previously, younger people could drive a moped.
  2. Mopeds and scooters have gained the status of full-fledged transport, so they must be registered, assigned numbers to them.
  3. Drivers can only drive them with a license, which is provided only after passing the exam.

Previously, mopeds did not have numbers, so they were not identified during accidents. This caused serious problems. Now drivers meet the requirements that apply to all participants in the movement.


To obtain rights to a moped in Russia, you must pass an exam at the Department of Internal Affairs. By order of the Government of the Russian Federation after this event, if positive results are obtained, a certificate is provided in the traffic police unit. The exam includes theory and practice. Before training, it is necessary not only to find out the price of this process, but also to choose a teacher.

Examiners may be officials of the traffic police from 25 years. There are some requirements for these individuals:

  1. The presence of higher education.
  2. Driving experience of mopeds from 5 years.
  3. The driver’s license type M / B.

It is better to undergo training in special firms that have licenses to carry out this activity. When there are all documents and permits, a training contract is signed and a fee is paid. If the course is completed, the future driver is sent for an examination in a special unit of the traffic police. It is located at the place of registration.

Where is the training provided?

Everyone who wants to drive a vehicle needs to know whether the rights to a moped are needed. Training can be given to people who do not have serious health problems. With poor eyesight, the indicators can not be more than +/- 8 diopters. Otherwise, a person is not allowed to study. You can not get rights with serious astigmatism, as well as being registered with a psychiatric or narcological clinic.

are moped rights introduced

Therefore, appropriate medical certificates are required from the person. Also need a passport and military ID (if any). In advance, you need to prepare 3 matte photos that have a size of 3 x 4 cm. They are necessary for medical reference. For certification, a photograph is taken in the traffic police.

Training is carried out according to the established program:

  1. Theory - 72 hours.
  2. Practice - 30 hours.

From the practical part, approximately 18 hours are allotted for driving. During the theory period, the driver studies the rules of driving, the device, the maintenance of equipment, the rules for the provision of medical care. He is also introduced to the basics of the psychology of driving and pedestrians.

The theory is handed over to a PC in the form of a test (answer 20 questions). After training the future driver, an exam awaits. But driving around the city does not need to be handed over, you only need to complete several figures on a special track. Training lasts 2-3 weeks. With a positive exam result, rights are granted that will last 10 years.

Who is the document issued to?

Currently, there should be no doubt whether the rights to a moped are needed. A certificate is required. At the same time, rights to a moped are issued to citizens from 16 years of age. You can pass an exam to receive them:

  1. Citizens of Russia.
  2. Persons temporarily residing in the Russian Federation.

rights to a moped in Russia

All citizens can obtain a certificate at the place of application. A document is issued only after passing the exams. Before this, you will need to provide a certificate of a medical examination. This is an important nuance, since rights are not granted if there are contraindications.

If you already have a certificate of another category, then a separate document for a moped is not required. It turns out that the driver may have category B rights, but ride a scooter. This is not a violation of the law. Separate training on the right to drive a moped is required when you are not yet 18 years old, but already have 16.

Nuances of the exam

A driver’s license for a moped is provided on the basis of official requirements, as well as for other vehicles. Driving school is compulsory. This is considered a legal basis, the violation of which is punishable. If theory or practice has not been surrendered, then a retake follows.

rights to a moped 50 cubes

The second exam is carried out no earlier than 7 days after the first attempt. If he will not be surrendered, then the next attempt is provided only after a month.


Therefore, a driver’s license is required to drive a moped or scooter. This will not only avoid responsibility, but also ensure compliance with traffic rules.


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