The largest monument to Lenin in the world. The largest monument to Lenin

Countries around the world periodically compete in the construction of the highest architectural objects. Winners are entered in the Guinness Book. The limitation was a height of 25 meters. There is a list of the highest statues in the world. This list also includes the largest monument to Lenin in the world.

the largest monument to Lenin in the world

Above 25 meters

This list includes 58 objects, or rather statues, whose height is equal to or greater than 25 meters. All statues are built to their full height, and their height is considered without a pedestal.

The highest world statue depicts the Buddha of the Spring Temple. It is located in the Henan Province of the People's Republic of China. Its height is 128 meters without a pedestal. The monument was built in 2002. The idea of ​​constructing such a statue came about after the Taliban bombed Buddha statues in Afghanistan. China condemned such barbaric, moreover, systematic destruction of Buddha’s heritage.

It is noteworthy that the three of the highest world monuments consist of just Buddha statues. The second tallest (115.82 meters) statue of Buddha is in Myanmar (built in 2008), and the third, one hundred meter, is in Japan, in the city of Ushiku, 50 kilometers from Tokyo. It was built in 1995.

The largest monument to Lenin in the world takes 53 place in this list.

Statues of Russia

The top ten of the highest world statues includes the Russian monument "Motherland Calls!" This 85-meter monument is dedicated to the heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad and was built on the Mamaev Kurgan in the Russian city of Volgograd. This is an allegorical image of the Motherland, which calls its sons to battle with enemies. It was built in 1967.

the largest monument to Lenin

By the way, the New York statue of Liberty is significantly inferior to the Russian statue. Its height is 46 meters. But the Ukrainian "Motherland", standing on the high bank of the Dnieper in Kiev, reaches 62 meters.

Among the largest Russian statues are the 35.5-meter “Alyosha” (memorial in Murmansk), as well as the largest monument to Lenin in the world — the 27-meter — in Volgograd, and the “Soldier and Sailor” (monument to the defenders of Sevastopol, 27 meters).

Finally, they conclude the list of the highest world statues with two 25-meter Russian monuments - “Worker and Collective Farm Girl” and another monument to V. I. Lenin in Dubna.

Where is the biggest monument to Lenin

It would seem that the largest monument is located somewhere in Moscow or St. Petersburg. But still, the largest monument to Lenin in the world is located in Volgograd. It is not just tall, it is truly gigantic: together with the pedestal - 57 meters in height, and the sculpture of the leader - 27 meters. It is not difficult to find it: the structure is located right on the banks of the Volga in the Krasnoarmeysky district.

It is interesting that earlier on the site of giant Lenin stood another political leader of the Soviet Union - Joseph Stalin. This monument was erected in 1952, in honor of the opening of the Volga-Don Canal, during the Stalin era. The authorship belonged to the famous Soviet sculptor Vuchetich, who also developed the project of Mamaev Kurgan. Stone Stalin was much lower than Lenin - only 24 meters. However, its uniqueness was in that it used the rarest native copper. However, the monument stood for only nine years (before the fall of the Stalinist regime), and then was destroyed in one night. There was only an empty pedestal, which the people nicknamed "hemp".

the largest monument to Lenin in the world photo

And in 1973, on this very spot, the largest monument to Lenin in the world was erected (photo above). By the way, the famous Vuchetich again took up the project. Initially, they planned to make only a bust of the leader. But then such an idea was discarded, and in Volgograd appeared its “whole” Lenin. Monolithic concrete was used to create the monument, and the pedestal was tiled. By the way, Volgograd Lenin weighs nine thousand tons! It is even listed in the Guinness Book of Records, because the largest monument to Lenin is a huge monument ever created in honor of a real person.

Second by size

The second largest monument to Lenin is located in the science city of Dubna. It was created by the sculptor S. M. Merkurov, who, incidentally, belongs to the authorship of another of the highest monuments to Lenin in the world. It was built in Yerevan, its height is 19.5 meters.

The monument in Dubna was built in 1937 and erected on the banks of the Volga, where the Moscow-Volga canal originates. It is made of natural stone. The height of this giant is 25 meters, and together with the pedestal - 37 meters. By weight, it reaches 540 tons.

Old-timers of Dubna still remember when on the opposite bank of the river there was a second, the largest monument to another leader - Stalin.
However, in 1961 it was removed, or rather, blew up, as it did not work to dismantle due to the lack of drawings.

Vandalism act

The largest monument to Lenin in the world in Kharkov

In September of this year, radically-minded participants in a rally called “For the Unity of Ukraine” destroyed the largest monument to Lenin in the world (in Kharkov). Vandals had to tinker for a long time. First, they sawed the statue's legs, and only then with the help of ropes pulled it off a huge pedestal. At the same time, law enforcement officials silently watched the situation from the outside and did not even intervene.

What prevented stone Lenin from protesting is still not clear, but a year earlier attempts were made to demolish it. The authorities promised to punish the perpetrators, but so far nothing has been done. They did not begin to restore the monument, but decided to dismantle it completely, together with the pedestal.

Monuments to Lenin in different countries

where is the largest monument to Lenin
The newspaper Moskovsky Komsomolets cited data that in 2003 in Russia there were about 1800 monuments to Lenin, as well as a large number of busts. It is clear that in all the former Soviet republics there were also monuments to the leader of the proletariat. Although after the collapse of the USSR, some of them were demolished.

Surprisingly, the monument to V.I. Lenin was also erected in many countries of the far abroad. According to some reports, there were 23 such countries. And even in Antarctica there is a monument to Lenin, it was built on the site of the Antarctic station called the “Pole of inaccessibility”.

Monuments to Lenin are in Great Britain, Norway, the Netherlands, India, Mongolia and other countries of the world. But the largest monument to Lenin in the world rightfully belongs to Russia. Because the figure of a revolutionary leader played a big role in the historical past of a huge country.


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