DIY summer bags - it's easy!

Very often, having stumbled upon an interesting handbag in the store, we understand that it was made in the simplest way, and we learned the lessons on creating such bags at school at labor lessons. And it is precisely at this moment that an irresistible desire to create envelops us. But often these impulses end only in finding the answer to the question of how to sew a bag of leather or fabric. But those original handbags are also made by craftsmen, and you and I will be able to create something similar. The easiest way to make summer bags is with your own hands, because for their manufacture you can choose an interesting and fairly thin fabric, which a household machine can easily handle.

DIY summer bags

First, let's look at the theory to collect our thoughts and determine the course of work.

  • Inspiration.

Not everyone can just take and draw a sketch of the finished product, so you need to find a photo of the bag you like and, starting from the model, move on to the next stage.

  • Pattern on paper.

If you made a choice and decided to create denim bags with your own hands for yourself and your beloved daughter, you will not need patterns here. They are sewn very simply, you just have to cut off the legs, lay a seam at the bottom and sew on the handles. But if you were attracted to more complex models, then you will have to do some calculations and transfer them to paper. As an option - the pattern can be found on your own, the main thing is that summer bags are already sewn by someone with their own hands. It is better to take it from forums where craftswomen and needlewomen communicate, so to speak, first-hand.

how to sew a leather bag

  • Material selection.

Do-it- yourself summer bags can be sewn from any material. Even if the fabric of your favorite color is too thin, it can be stabilized with non-woven or doubler. So, we choose for the bag the necessary piece of fabric for the top and lining, threads matching the fabric and the necessary accessories (zippers, rings, etc., based on the model).

  • Cut fabric.

Here we need a paper pattern, cloth, a piece of soap and scissors. We lay out paper blanks on fabrics, circle the contour with soap and cut out, leaving allowances for seams. If you have chosen a thin fabric, and it needs stabilization, then put a duplicate fabric on top of the inside of the part and iron it with a hot iron, then cut the part.

  • Assembly of parts.

When all the details are cut out, it remains only to assemble them together. The assembly steps are determined by the model of the bag, more precisely, its embossed seams, the shape of the bottom, the presence of pockets and so on. The first part is going to the front of the bag, then the lining, which can also be a variety of pockets and dividers. And the final stage is the connection of the pad with the top of the bag.

DIY denim bags patterns

They say that one who is knowledgeable is armed, so, having passed the theory, it's time to start practicing. In fact, sewing summer bags with your own hands is not so difficult as it might seem at first glance. Therefore, stop putting off this interesting activity for later, turn on your imagination and get down to business. Believe me, the result is worth the time and effort spent, because after the work done you will receive an original and one-of-a-kind handbag.


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