How is the Autumn Festival in the senior kindergarten group?

A real holiday for preschoolers are matinees organized in a preschool educational institution. Kids are happy to prepare for the upcoming celebration, and look forward to it. One such event is the Autumn Festival. In the older group of kindergarten, this matinee is bright and memorable. How to organize an event in order to achieve the educational and educational goals set by teachers? The answer to this question is in our material.

Autumn Festival in the senior group of kindergarten

The goals of the autumn party

Why and how to spend the Autumn Festival in the senior group? If matinees for the New Year or March 8 is a common occurrence in kindergartens, then what is the content and purpose of the autumn holiday is not entirely clear.

In fact, such an event has an important educational and educational value for preschoolers. The objectives of the Autumn Festival are as follows:

  • to consolidate children's knowledge about natural phenomena, changing seasons, signs of autumn, the concept of "harvest", the work of workers during the collection of vegetables and fruits, the significance, complexity and importance of such work;
  • to develop independence, initiative, creative abilities;
  • to teach to solve problem situations, to listen to the opinions of others, to argue their own;
  • educate creative thinking, originality, creativity.

Scenario: preparation features

How to script Autumn Festival (senior group)? The kindergarten has a certain amount of material and technical equipment, including a hall for events, equipment, the presence of costumes and decorative elements, as well as methodological developments and literature. Assessing the indicated possibilities of the preschool educational institution, one should start choosing the plot of the holiday.

Children of the older group can be interested in modern fairy-tale characters, unusual light and sound effects, creative design. The actual solution will be to hold a holiday in the form of a quest, for example, "Smeshariki meet Autumn." The fact is that older kids are already quite independent. If younger pupils play the role of an observer and can only imitate the activities of an adult, then the children of the older group are ready for independent execution, active participation.

Autumn festival in kindergarten senior group

The task of the teacher, as well as the parents of the kids, is to attract children to the active work of preparing and implementing the holiday. But we must not forget that the adult must still manage and control the process. However, not direct instructions, but only recommendations, friendly advice to guide the activities of the child.

The role of children in preparing for the matinee

As mentioned above, older preschoolers should be as involved as possible in the preparation for the event. Adults need to remember that the purpose of the event is the development of children. Therefore, it is important to listen to the ideas of the kids, their desires. Thus, children will develop self-confidence, they will learn to be responsible for their actions, to solve problematic issues. With such an organization of children's activities, the Autumn Festival in the older group of kindergarten will become memorable and informative. The scenario of the event should be adjusted depending on the capabilities and abilities of the participants.

Autumn Holiday Scenario (senior group), kindergarten

What can a child do during preparation for the Autumn Festival:

  • choose and learn a poem from those proposed;
  • determine the role at the matinee (adult advice is important here, since the child is not yet able to really assess his abilities);
  • take an active part in the preparation of props, costumes, decoration of the hall;
  • to offer your ideas;
  • organize and participate in peer rehearsals.

Family work

In order for the Autumn Festival in kindergarten (the older group), as they say, to succeed, it is necessary to properly organize work with the family of pupils. The home rehearsals of the rooms are not even so important as the direct participation of parents in the life of the child, the provision of assistance to the baby, the correct moral attitude before the performance, and support.

Unfortunately, not all parents understand the importance of such participation. Just think, the Autumn Festival in the older group of kindergarten, nothing special - that’s what the fathers and mothers who are busy with work and everyday problems think. In fact, everything is very serious for the child - because he will perform on stage, he is entrusted with the role. He is afraid of misunderstanding, ignorance, uncertainty.

Autumn Festival in the senior group of kindergarten, script

It happens, there is another situation - excessive custody. Adults can not realize that their baby is already independent enough to show their creativity, to realize ideas. Performing everything instead of the child, parents kill any desire of the baby for independent activity and thinking.

Most adults simply do not think about such issues, thereby making unknowingly serious mistakes in relation to their own child. Therefore, professional help is needed here. The teacher should correctly inform the relatives of the pupils about what the baby expects of them, what is the role of the parents in preparing for the Autumn Festival, what specific tasks exist. Only in this case, the work on organizing the matinee will be pedagogically sound and effective.


The content of the event depends on many factors: the creativity and imagination of teachers, the capabilities of children, the focus of pre-school education, material and technical equipment, etc.

How is the Autumn Festival in the senior kindergarten group? Such an event will be interesting for kids and effective from a pedagogical point of view, if you apply new technologies and some methods tested by time and experience. You can advise some interesting points in the scenario of the matinee:

  • dance and rhythmic numbers;
  • songs about autumn;
  • creative numbers (individual and group);
  • fabulous guests;
  • “Surprise moment”;
  • gifts for children.

Hall decoration

Each children's matinee is decorated with a thematic hall, and the Autumn Festival in the older group of kindergarten is no exception. To create an atmosphere of celebration, fairy tales, you should think over the design and the materials necessary for this in advance. Parents can decorate the room. Children can also take part in this process to the best of their ability by making any accessories or crafts (for example, hanging leaflets made of colored cardboard, autumn garlands and more).

Autumn Festival in the senior group of DOW


Carnival costumes always delight preschoolers. Therefore, it will be a good idea to hold a costume festival Autumn in the senior group of DOW. Children can be, for example, mushrooms, hedgehogs, squirrels, fruits or vegetables - here the imagination is not limited. The choice of roles depends on the scenario of the event.

How to spend the Autumn Festival in the senior group?

Competition program

Due to psychological and age-related characteristics, preschoolers cannot focus on monotonous activities for more than 5 minutes. Older children and quickly get bored only passively contemplate what is happening. That is why the Autumn Festival in the senior group of the kindergarten (event scenario) should contain a competition program. Toddlers will enjoy taking an active part in various games. It can be relay competitions, creative or intellectual games. But it is important to adhere to the general theme of the event, namely, all games should reflect the theme of autumn.

How is the Autumn Festival in the senior kindergarten group?

For example, 2 teams can participate in sports: squirrel girls and hedgehog boys. Games can be the following: "Collect edible / inedible mushrooms", "Bast basket of nuts", "Stocks for the winter" and others.

If the matinee is costumed, then you can not do without a competition for the funniest (unusual, bright) costume.

Holiday guests and surprise moments

How to spend the Autumn Festival in the senior group of kindergarten? Such an event without fabulous guests will not be bright and memorable. For older kids, you can play a whole plot, for example, as Summer does not let Autumn into kindergarten. And in order to rectify the situation, children need to complete a series of tasks. Undoubtedly, such a holiday will appeal to both kids and adults.

Surprise moments will help to switch the attention of children. What could it be? For example, you can apply at the climax a “balloon surprise” filled with leaves and colorful balloons. The so-called living dolls will not leave indifferent either adults or children.

autumn holiday script senior group kindergarten

How to complete the holiday?

Kids cannot be left without surprises! What to present for the Autumn Festival in kindergarten? The older group can already appreciate not only toys, but also symbolic presents. For example, Autumn itself can surprise kids and give them a large basket of fruits or home-made fragrant cookies.

The Autumn Festival in the senior group of kindergarten by the joint efforts of teachers, parents and the children themselves should be a memorable, informative event. The event is designed to perform a number of tasks: to consolidate knowledge, increase the motivation of students to learn and simply entertain, cheer up guests and participants.


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