Russian submarine fleet: history

The creation of the first submarine in the Russian Empire can be traced back to 1921. Then, by decree of Peter I, the Russian carpenter Efim Nikonov built the first submarine that Russian history knew. The Russian submarine fleet, the creation of which was planned over the next centuries, was created mainly on paper, although there were exceptions. So, from 1879 to 1881, 50 submarines designed by the Polish-Russian engineer S.K. Dzhevecki were released in Russia, which, however, worked exclusively due to muscular power. The history of the Russian submarine fleet as part of the country's Navy begins in 1906. It was then that Emperor Nicholas II signed a decree on its creation. At that time, in the Russian Empire, there were 10 submarines.

Creation of a submarine fleet

At the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. the leadership of the Russian Empire began to clearly understand the need to create their own military submarine fleet. This need was caused by the successful development of such a shipbuilding industry in Europe and the United States. Some shipbuilding leaders believed that the Russian submarine fleet should be created at the expense of foreign production. Part of it was believed that the Russian Empire should have its own technology and enterprises for the production of submarines.

The decisive factor affecting the management of shipbuilding was the failure of the deal for the supply of American military boats to Russia. After that, a decision was made on the domestic production of the Russian submarine fleet.

The first combat submarine, powered by a gasoline engine, was launched in 1904. This ship was the destroyer Dolphin, also called destroyer No. 133. The Dolphin had advantages over its foreign counterparts. He had a tonnage of 113/135 tons, and developed speeds of up to 9 knots on the surface of the water and up to 4.5 knots under water. When under water, the ship was driven by an electric motor and could carry out raids with a range of up to 28 miles.

However, it was from 1906, after the emperor signed a special decree on the creation of a special class of ships - submarines, and it was customary to count their history. The country's shipbuilding industry in the following years developed at a very fast pace. By 1917, the Russian Navy had 73 submarines.

The development of the submarine fleet in the USSR

The years of revolution and civil war forced the entire shipbuilding industry of the country to practically stop in development for many years. Only in 1926 was a plan adopted aimed at reviving Russia's once-powerful submarine fleet. It is from this time that the restoration of old models begins, as well as the creation of new ones. So, first of all, the creation of submarines of the Decembrist type was envisaged. Six of these boats were launched in the coming years. They replaced the old Bars and at that time had characteristics that were not inferior to those of foreign models. So, Soviet submarines could reach speeds of up to 14 knots and have a cruising range of up to three and a half thousand miles. In addition, they had six torpedo tubes and accommodated up to 53 people. Not the last factor in the successful development of shipbuilding in the country was the appointment of the talented engineer B. M. Malinin to the post of head of the design bureau.

It is worth noting that the Soviet Union conducted active cooperation in the field of shipbuilding with Germany. So, for equipping submarines of the Decembrist type, diesel engines were delivered from Germany. In addition, German experts provided technical assistance in the process of creating submarines of type C. They had high combat characteristics and were actively introduced into the Soviet Navy. In addition to a large displacement - up to 1073 tons - class C submarines could reach speeds of up to 19.5 knots and make cruises with a range of up to 8,200 miles. They also had six torpedo launchers.

A special achievement of domestic shipbuilding at this time was the design and construction of a submarine of type K. It had an impressive arsenal of ten torpedo tubes and a powerful radio station. In addition, the type K submarine had automatic remote control of the diving and ascent system. She could reach speeds of up to 21 knots, and the range of her sailing hit even experienced submariners - up to 14,040 miles.

history of the submarine fleet of Russia

Post-war time

The development of the shipbuilding industry in the postwar period is characterized by a big leap in the technical equipment of submarines, a significant improvement in their characteristics. Submarines of the post-war production had considerable speed, increased immersion depth, and a large number of torpedo tubes. In addition, the tonnage of submarines and the duration of autonomous navigation increased.

However, the diesel-electric device of the boats remained a serious problem. In other words, the designers had to build a single engine for both surface swimming and underwater.

Nevertheless, oceanic submarines began to develop widely during this period. Together with the sea, they made up two types of existing submarines. Soviet submarines were able to find themselves anywhere in the oceans and conduct reconnaissance activities there.

However, the problem with the ability to maneuver the boat at high speeds, as well as with the need for frequent floats to charge the battery and regulate air supplies, has still not been resolved. Despite this, in the post-war period, the Soviet Union possessed exceptional superiority over the rest of the powers, including the United States, in the quality and quantity of the created submarines. So, superiority was achieved in such important characteristics as speed, immersion depth, professionalism and crew resilience.

Since the second half of the 50s. the country begins a new round of development of underwater shipbuilding. Now the main goal of the shipbuilding industry was the creation and development of ocean nuclear missile submarines. Such boats were supposed to deliver a nuclear missile strike at strategically important enemy positions, being anywhere in the World Ocean. They were also equipped with torpedo protection.

Another type of submarine was multipurpose ships, which were created in order to carry out reconnaissance and patrol activities, as well as to combat nuclear submarine missile carriers, to destroy enemy ships and transport ships.

Russian submarine fleet

The creation of nuclear submarines

The creation of a nuclear submarine in 1958 opened a new milestone in the development of submarine shipbuilding. Thanks to nuclear shipbuilding, the problem of the inability of a submarine to be under water for a large amount of time was radically solved. In addition, nuclear development allowed the submarines to significantly increase their own speed both above and below the water.

The replacement of the motor power of the boat was brewing for a long time. Submarines were not able to carry out long scuba diving due to the weak power of electric motors, despite the fact that they were constantly improved. Gasoline engines were also far from the most efficient in operation. And besides, the need for frequent surfacing was also caused by the constant need for replenishment of air supplies.

The first nuclear submarine created by the Soviet Union in 1958 was the K3 Lenin Komsomol. The laying of the vessel was made in 1955. It had a large number of flaws. Many of her components were made especially for her. So, for her, the standard hull for submarines was not used, but it was designed just such that would maximize its shipping characteristics. Given this, and also, of course, the nuclear reactor, the boat reached a speed of 28 knots during testing. Moreover, this result was not the maximum possible, since the boat’s resources were not used at full capacity. As already noted, she lacked flaws and ill-conceived features. So, the submarine did not have anchors, spare diesel generators and the ability to defend itself. And besides, she had limitations in maneuvering.

It is worth noting, however, that the specially designed mock-ups for it made it possible to train future crew members even before its publication and make them professional, thanks to which the nuclear submarine was able to carry out the tasks assigned to it immediately after creation. The nuclear submarine fleet of Russia allowed it to maintain leading world positions as part of the USSR and to defend its independence in the 90s.

Russian nuclear submarine fleet

Industry development in the 70-90s.

In the late 60s - early 70s. second-generation submarines began to develop. They were distinguished by high speed, improved combat characteristics. Second generation submarines were equipped with an electrochemical air ventilation system to replace the outdated hazardous chemical. They also had improved electronic weapons.

From 1967 to 1992, 48 nuclear submarines were built at three plants in the country. From 1973 to 1982, the USSR produced 18 diesel-electric submarines with a rubber sound-absorbing coating on the hull. Such an innovation has significantly increased their secrecy. In addition, for greater efficiency, modern diesel engines by the standards of the time were installed on them.

From the beginning of the 80s of the last century, the third generation submarines began to be designed and developed. Their distinctive and main features were more advanced weapons and a significantly increased tonnage of the vessel. In addition, work was done to increase the stealth of submarines, and to improve their means of detecting the enemy. The speed of such boats could be up to 35 knots. Crew conditions have also improved. Also, the submarines were equipped with rescue chambers, which allowed in the event of an emergency to fully evacuate the crew from the boat, which is underwater.

Particularly noteworthy are the project 941 Shark submarines, which were the largest submarines in the world. Production began in 1981, and by the beginning of the 90s their number was 6 pieces. The basis of their armament was the 20 largest of its kind solid-fuel rockets. In addition, these submarines were equipped with a sturdy multi-level hull.

Submarines of the fourth generation, developed since the late 70s., In the 90s. they did not receive proper development due to the collapse of the USSR and the financial crisis of 1998. Nevertheless, their design had significant advantages, which manifested themselves in the depth of immersion (up to 400 meters) and in low noise operation.

Modern submarine fleet of the Russian Federation

The Russian submarine fleet at the present stage consists of 76 submarines of various types and purposes. The range of their application includes the destruction of both submarine targets and ships, and the defeat of strategically important ground points of the enemy. This includes diesel submarines, nuclear multipurpose submarines, strategic missile submarines, and special purpose submarines.

The basis of which the Russian submarine fleet consists is made up of boats built back in the days of the Soviet Union. However, it should be noted that after a difficult period in the country until the beginning of the 2000s, the Russian nuclear submarine fleet began to revive.

Strategic Missile Cruisers

A significant part of the military power that the Russian submarine fleet represents is made up of the nuclear submarines of Project 667BDRM Dolphin. The country currently has six such vessels in service. All of them belong to the Northern Fleet. Also a serious threat to the enemy is the project 667BDR Kalmar boats. Unfortunately, now there are only three such submarines in service with the Russian Federation, the newest of which was launched in 1982. These submarines serve in the Pacific.

The 2014 Russian submarine fleet also boasts the presence, although partially in reserve, of nuclear submarines of projects 941 and 941UM Akula. So, in the Northern Fleet there is a cruiser TK-208 Dmitry Donskoy.

Russian Navy submarine fleet

Multipurpose Nuclear Submarines

The composition of the Russian submarine fleet also includes highly combat-ready multipurpose nuclear submarines. Their striking representatives are the submarines of project 971 "Pike-B". Their tasks include the destruction of underwater, surface and ground targets. Their armament consists of torpedoes and cruise missiles. These submarines are part of the Northern Fleet (6 units) and the Pacific (5 units).

Significant power of the multipurpose nuclear submarines of the Russian Federation is the submarine of Project 949F Antei. At the moment, they are distributed between the Northern and Pacific fleets. Their number reaches 8 pieces.

The K-141 Kursk submarine tragically sunk in 2000 also belongs to such boats. It was the largest tragedy of the submarine fleet that modern Russian history knows. Fortunately, the Russian submarine fleet is in a much more reliable state at the present stage than in the early 2000s. This allows you to be sure that the mistakes and tragedies of the past will not be repeated.

The Northern Fleet, among other things, has submarines of projects 945 "Barracuda" and 945F "Condor", complementing the military power that makes up the Russian fleet. The year 2014 was marked by the launching of the modern K-560 Severodvinsk. This boat of the project 885 "Ash" was the latest achievement of domestic shipbuilding. According to the plans of the country's leadership, by 2020 it is planned to produce 8 of these boats.

Russian submarine fleet 2014

Non-nuclear submarines

The largest type of diesel-electric submarines are submarines of Project 877 Halibut. They are in service with the Northern, Pacific and Black Sea fleets. There are several varieties of this project. It is also planned to replenish the Black Sea Fleet with submarines of project 636.3 - B-261 Novorossiysk consisting of 5 units.

Previously, there were significant plans for the introduction of combat project 677 boats Lada. However, the tests showed great flaws in the design of the submarine, as a result of which the specialists had to make significant changes.

Russian submarine fleet 2014

Other types of submarines

The submarine fleet of the United States and Russia, as you know, is a combination of the most powerful submarines in the world. However, in both countries considerable attention is paid to the design and creation of special underwater equipment. So, the new submarine fleet of Russia has rescue deep-sea vehicles of the Prize project 1855. It is known that only the Northern Fleet includes up to ten submarines of various directions, which include both rescue equipment and research.

Of the most famous such vehicles, the AS-12 Losharik boat, capable of diving to a considerable depth up to several kilometers, can be noted. So, in 2012, this device performed research work in the Arctic at a depth of 2 kilometers.

new submarine fleet of Russia

Industry development prospects

Despite the decline of the country in the 90s, which strongly affected the underwater shipbuilding, we can say that with the beginning of the 2000s. the situation gradually began to change. In addition, the submarine fleet is being popularized, memorable dates are celebrated. So, in 2006, the 100th anniversary of the Russian submarine fleet was celebrated, in honor of which festive events were held in many cities, and a monument to submariners was opened in Ufa. In addition, the country annually celebrates the day of the Russian submarine fleet on March 19. The history of the Russian fleet is popularized and becomes publicly available. The profession of a diver attracts many students.

However, the development of the industry as a whole should primarily be based on the design and creation of the latest types of submarines. So, by 2020, it is planned to create up to several dozen new submarines. It is planned to design an updated version of the 677 Lada project using a modern power plant. Thus, a significant step will be taken in the development of non-nuclear underwater shipbuilding.

It is worth noting that the legacy of the Soviet Union in the form of old submarines is gradually decommissioned and replaced with newer models. So, the submarine B-396 of the project of the Central Design Bureau MT Rubin was redone into the Museum of the Russian Submarine Fleet. She was part of the Northern Fleet of the Russian Federation and served until 2000.


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