Incorporation - what is it? Unified State Register of Legal Entities

Each company should work officially, for which it is required to register correctly. Information about OKVED codes, legal address and other characteristics of the organization is entered in a special register called the register. What is a register (state register of legal entities)? This registry is represented by a large database containing information about all companies.

Register what is it

The concept and purpose of the register

It contains numerous information about all the firms represented by legal entities that officially operate on the territory of the Russian Federation.

It is engaged in the maintenance of this register of the Federal Tax Service, namely, various departments of the service. All data in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is entered on the basis of registration documents of companies, and they are important for creating a tax base and accounting for firms.

It is important to know not only what the USRLE is, but also what this registry is intended for. Using the data contained in it, different actions can be performed:

  • opening a bank account by companies;
  • notarization of various documentation;
  • making various transactions with real estate;
  • participation in auctions and tenders;
  • verification of potential counterparties;
  • change in the scope of activity.

All the above operations are performed only when studying the extract from the register. Some data is publicly available, while others are hidden, so the statements themselves are presented in several forms. Confidential information is provided exclusively to the representative of the company about which information is needed.

free tax register extract

What data is entered into the registry?

Information from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is considered the most significant and important for each company. All changes in the functioning of any company must be promptly entered into this register, and only three days are allocated for this, otherwise significant penalties may be applied to the company.

Incorporation - what is it? This is a registry containing information about each company:

  • name of the organization, which should be full, abbreviated and company;
  • legal form of enterprise;
  • legal address;
  • information about all the founders, namely their name, passport data and places of permanent registration;
  • notarized copies of constituent documentation;
  • dates when any changes were made to the founding papers;
  • the method of creating a legal entity, since the company can be opened from scratch or appear as a result of reorganization;
  • date and reasons for the termination of the company, for which the liquidation or reorganization procedure is being carried out;
  • size and form of authorized capital;
  • data about all licenses;
  • information about an individual who has the authority to act on behalf of the company;
  • information about open branches and divisions;
  • TIN of the legal entity;
  • OKVED codes, on the basis of which the company can engage in one or another type of activity;
  • bank account details.

Information from the register

Information is provided in special extracts from the register. They are presented in several forms, and confidential information, for example, bank details or passport data, is provided only if it is requested by the company itself, and not by third parties.

When is information entered in the registry?

Entry to the USRLE is done in different situations:

  • company opening, its reorganization or liquidation;
  • registration of constituent documentation or making significant adjustments to it;
  • company data is becoming obsolete and needs to be updated.

Each company is obliged to inform the Federal Tax Service about any adjustments that are made to its constituent documents so that changes to the USRLE are made in a timely manner.

How are data entered in the register?

Information is entered into this register according to certain rules. It exists in electronic and paper form, and if it is revealed that the information in these documents is different, then the electronic version has the advantage.

changes in the register

The information contained in the registry is open and accessible to each applicant. Only personal information about individuals is hidden, namely their place of residence, phone numbers or passport data.

All information is added chronologically to the registry, and a registration number is assigned to any entry. The first record of each company is represented by the number that it receives during registration.

How to get an extract?

Each person can request an extract from the register, for which a written application is made. Based on this document, the tax inspectorate must provide an extract within 5 days.

The issuance of information from the register is made in different forms:

  • standard statement;
  • copies of requested documents;
  • certificates in the established form, on the basis of which the applicant is notified that the requested information is not in the register.

register data

If information is required to a representative of state bodies, then a free extract from the USRLE is provided by the tax inspectorate. A document of a company that expects to receive information about itself is offered free of charge. In all other cases, you will have to pay a state fee to receive it.

Types of statements

Different types of extracts can be obtained from the USRLE, moreover, they differ from each other in what data they contain.

Type of statement

Her features


This version of the document is issued to applicants as a standard. Publicly available information. Any individual can request this statement.


Here there is data on all participants of the legal entity. The document contains confidential information, namely the addresses and contact details of the founders. There will be no information on the settlement accounts of a legal entity. Only a company representative can request an extract. It is issued in conjunction with registration papers or when amendments are made to the register.


It is certified by the seal of the tax office and consists of several pages. The document is stitched and issued within 5 days. Contains basic information about an individual. It is allowed for a fee to receive an urgent statement in one day.


It includes only open data, is issued for a short period of time and is sent to the applicant’s email address.

The choice of a specific document depends on what kind of information the applicant needs. If you urgently need to receive information, then you will have to pay a state fee for this. A free extract from the USRLE in the tax is transmitted upon receipt of information by the company itself.

What is an extract for?

Firms request this document for various purposes. The human resources department can check the full-time employees to make sure that they do not work in competing organizations.

The owner of the company can prevent, based on the data from the register, the seizure of the organization by other aggressive enterprises. The credit control service verifies company registration information. Company accounting can correctly invoice and verify registration information.

Record in Unified State Register of Legal Entities

With the help of an extract, each person can be convinced of the advisability of finding a job in a particular company.

What data is being requested via the Internet?

The Federal Tax Service offers the opportunity, using its official website, to each person to receive information from the register through the Internet. Data can be presented in two forms:

  • electronic certificate of a specific organization, which contains data on the activities of the company;
  • an electronic certificate of the name of a certain person to find out if he is registered as an individual entrepreneur or a company founder.

issuance of register

Using the Internet, it is additionally possible to obtain information about potential counterparties and customers. To do this, you can get data on their registration documents, and this information is updated daily. Even to check the annual reporting of a particular company, you can use an extract from the register.


Having figured out what a register is, each company can take advantage of the opportunities that are offered by this registry. It contains information about all enterprises that officially operate in the Russian Federation.

Data from this registry is considered to be publicly available, so both legal entities and individuals can receive them. Third parties must pay a state fee to access information. Some data is confidential, therefore it is provided only to government bodies or to the firms themselves. There are several types of extracts, so the receipt of a document depends on what information should be received. Apply for documents should be in the offices of the Federal Tax Service of a particular region. To do this, you need to make a statement and give the employees of the institution a passport or power of attorney from the company.


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