Do you know what people call a tit?

This small bright bird is unlikely to be familiar to you. There are 65 species of titmouse in the world, of which 11 live in Russia. Titmouse - why are they called that? It is unlikely that they received a name for their color, in which blue is not present in all its species ...

How did the titmouse get its name?

Etymology (a branch of the science of the origin of words) states that this pichuga was originally called a zinitsa because of the characteristic sonorous singing: “zin-zin”.

as the people call the tit

What is popularly called a tit? A little bird, which is dedicated all day in the year. Wise people have noticed the date when individual titmouses begin to pack together, feeling the breath of winter. In the November calendar, this is the 12th in the new style (30th in the old), Day of the Martyrs of Zinovia and Zinovia. The people called it the old festival of tits.

When a bird appears in children, smiles appear on their faces ... It is interesting to observe it: troublesome, nimble and very useful. A family of bluebirds (which, of course, should be protected) reliably protects the garden from pests. Therefore, as the people call the tit in everyday speech? Invariably - affectionately, and often - in tune with the name of certain species of this bird: blue tit, gadget, Muscovite ... Do you feel? In all these nice names, the sympathy of people invisibly sounds.

Most often in the cold season at the houses of people you can see the so-called great tit (its weight is only 20 g). It is this bird that is a recognized singer. Her trill, grunts, whistles and a "bell" give grounds for bird singers to classify her in the second (fairly high) category of singers.

tits why they are called so

Knowing her habits, her adamant disposition, as the people call the tit? Free bird. She does not succumb to training, locked in a cage, will zealously fight for her freedom. Few birds begin to scamper over the rods, scream, show wildness and anger that is amazing for such a tiny bird. Of course, this is not a predator, but the incompatibility of the titmouse and captivity is well known ...

Titmouse ... mysterious bird

What is the magic name of this bird, as the people call the tit, believing in its transcendent capabilities? Nine-word. Old people believed that she was not simple, oh not simple ... It was given to her to possess a prophetic word. Perhaps that is why the people say: "The titmouse senses spring." The real word, sung by a titmouse, awakens nature, lulled by winter blizzards. And this word can also heal wounds, and heal them, extinguish a fire that broke out with a pouring downpour, “open constipation”, kindle love and hatred ... The titmouse knows whether the mystery will come true or not. She feels the approach of trouble. Therefore, people tried to appease her, attract her to the house, crushing her bread, throwing grains ...


In winter, this little bird really needs your help. As if it was said about it, that in winter hunger is much worse for birds than cold. Build a feeder, and in gratitude for this, the tits will revive the view from the window.

as people call a bird a titmouse

What is the name of the bird-tit? God’s bird, and therefore have long been divined from her. They threw grains and pieces of bacon to her, and then they watched that she would first peck. If lard, then livestock will multiply, if grain - to be abundant on the farm.

In the Middle Ages, it was believed that those who killed a titmouse would have no luck in cattle breeding. And Henry of Bavaria even severely punished people who caught tits: a fine and even violent expropriation of poultry. He probably liked this little charming bird. And you?


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