Warming of hangars. Hangar structures, insulation technology and materials

Farm activity is not complete without the use of a hangar, which is necessary for the storage of vegetables and grains. Among other things, such premises are used for the location of equipment and are used as places for keeping poultry and cattle.

Hangar construction

insulation of hangars

Warming of hangars can be carried out according to one of the many existing technologies. Everything will depend on the design features of the building. Such tasks can be based on the frame, and sometimes deprived of it. In the latter case, it is possible to erect the structure quickly enough: there are no internal partitions in it, and a metal corrugated profile is used as the main material. In order to build a hangar with an area of ​​1,500 m 2 , it will be necessary to use about 12 people, which will take 24 hours. Such structures are completely waterproof, as they have reinforced seams, and the panels are coated with an anti-corrosion galvanized compound, which does not require maintenance.

If there is a need, then the owners can install an additional waterproofing layer. The disadvantages are the lack of windows, which makes it impossible to use hangars as cowsheds. The arrangement of such buildings involves the use of steel or aluminum sheets from which panels of the desired length are made. The rectangular profile slats go into the machine, where they get a certain shape and become arched panels with a diameter of 4 to 40 m. Next, the automatic machine sews the panels and forms waterproof seams. This allows you to create ready-made sections that are installed on the site.

If necessary, the structure can be moved using a hydraulic crane, and if small panels are used, then they are installed manually. The sections are located next to each other using a machine, and additional sealing is not required - the hangar is waterproof. After installation, the sections are fastened to the foundation by welding, the design is complemented by doors and end walls.


insulation of hangars with polyurethane foam

Steel structures hangars are not supplied with heating systems, as they are quite complicated and costly to implement. In order to exclude damage to building materials, as well as the failure of equipment stored in the warehouse, thermal insulation should be performed. This allows you to keep a certain temperature inside the building for a large amount of time. The described solution is beneficial from an economic point of view, as it avoids heating costs. Inside the building without thermal insulation, heat is not retained, since the walls have a small thickness (maximum 2 mm). Condensation due to temperature changes can cause metal corrosion. In this case, there is a need to spend money on protecting the material or pay money for electricity.

Material selection

metal hangars

Warming of hangars can be carried out by various means. The main factors on which the choice of a particular solution will depend are temperature and humidity differences, mechanical type loads, as well as possible atmospheric effects. Return on investment is determined by ease of installation and low cost. Warming of frameless hangars can be carried out using mineral wool, foam or polyurethane foam. Penoplex is made from expanded polystyrene using extrusion. Raw materials receive cells that are filled with the best insulation - air. After solidification, a strong structure is formed, so the material has the quality of resistance to compression loads.

Mineral wool is a fibrous insulation based on a synthetic binder. Silicate rock melts act as the main source of this compound. Polyurethane foam is another type of polymer material for thermal insulation. In use, it exhibits qualities of strength and resistance to mechanical damage.

Polyurethane foam: pros and cons

warming frameless hangars

Warming of hangars can be carried out using polyurethane foam. It has many advantages, including reliability, ease of installation, long life, and resistance to various types of fungal formations. You can rely on low thermal conductivity, as well as economic benefits. Polyurethane foam is quite common for the reason that it has the qualities of moisture resistance and resistance to temperature fluctuations. Warming of hangars with polyurethane foam is quite expensive, which is a drawback. Among other things, choosing this material, you should be prepared for the only way to apply it - spraying, which will require special expensive equipment. Otherwise, it will be difficult to do the job.

Should I choose alternative solutions?

insulation of frame tent hangars

Warming eco-friendly hangar is used quite rarely - in cases where it is possible to create additional conditions for attaching the material to the frame. If this can be achieved, then the integrity of the structure may be violated, since the elements contribute to the weighting of the system. Among other things, additional use of a vapor barrier is required, which entails certain difficulties. Materials with similar functions include a special film, which provides for the need for additional strengthening. However, she will not be able to serve for a long time, and it is expensive. Even if it is possible to realize the insulation of the hangar from the inside in a similar way, there will remain gaps and cracks that cannot be eliminated even when carrying out work strictly using technology. Thermal insulation with mineral wool will also take a lot of time, since the work will be carried out at a considerable height. This will entail an increase in the cost of services. Therefore, the insulation of hangars with polyurethane foam is considered the most optimal solution.

Technology of work

insulation of ecowool hangar

The safety requirements for thermal insulation of hangar structures impose serious requirements that must be strictly followed. Masters should use safety shoes, respirators, gowns, goggles and gloves. Whereas the material itself must be protected from exposure to water and ultraviolet rays.


thermal insulation of hangars

Before starting work, the room must be prepared: its internal surfaces are dried, degreased, get rid of dust. If you leave grease stains on the bases, this will cause deterioration of adhesion, the material will not adhere well to the surface. In the presence of excess moisture, water will interfere with chemical reactions that must occur during spraying. The surfaces are cleaned of rust and only then can work be started.


Hangars from metal structures are often insulated with polyurethane foam, which is applied in a thin even layer. Particles clog and seal openings, penetrating into inaccessible places. After applying the mixture, a chemical reaction begins, which is accompanied by foaming. Substances quickly become solid. After 2 hours, the mass will reach a strength of 95%, but it will reach the desired state in a day.

Alternative insulation options

Warming of frame tent hangars is carried out, as a rule, even in the conditions of the plant. If there is a need to purchase a thermally insulated structure, then your desire should be declared to the supplier of the products. He will make sure that the tent covering is three-layer: thermal insulation will be located between the layers. This allows you to operate such structures at a wide temperature range: from -55 to + 70 °. Depending on the region, frost-resistant materials can be used that increase the quality of thermal insulation. There is another way of insulation, in the process of which tepofol is used. It is used for frame structures, and for the work should be prepared wooden blocks, building glue or stapler, additional insulation of wiring and nails.

Process description

Thermal insulation of hangars is carried out in several stages. At the first, a frame of wooden blocks is constructed, while a distance of 2 cm is observed from the surface to the insulation. Material is attached to the frame with special glue, sometimes a construction stapler is used . Additional insulation for wiring is required if it is laid behind the insulation. This rule is due to the fact that tepofol has a layer of foil, which conducts current well and can cause unpleasant consequences. The insulation of hangars using this technology at the next stage involves the creation of another frame, the thickness of which is 2 cm. It is necessary in the case when the presence of skin is provided.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E20026/

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