What to do with a little sister? There are plenty of ideas!

Cartoons are all revised, books reread, crafts made of plasticine . The weather is bad and you are wondering what to do with the little sister who was left with you at home. There are several interesting ideas on this subject. Consider them below.

what to do with little sister

Fairytale Tunnel

You need to take a large cardboard box, which usually remain after the purchase of large household appliances. We put our head and hands in one end of the makeshift tunnel to lure my sister. Children from one year to seven years old enjoy such adventures. A particularly funny game will turn out if there are two children, so questions about what to do with a brother or sister should not arise. If you did not find such a box, diaper packaging is suitable. If it doesnโ€™t turn out, the old wallpaper will work, only for the construction of the tunnel you need tape.

what to do with young children

The game "riding a hill"

What to do with the child (sister or younger brother)? To ride. To create an impromptu slide, you will need a wide board (over 60 cm), for example, an old shelf or an unnecessary cabinet door. It needs to be installed with a slope, it is possible on the sofa, placing one end of the board on it (the second is on the floor). You can roll cars, balls and other similar gizmos that are found in girls from a hill. Build castles and towers at the foot, build gates for toys rolling down. And you can ride a child from a hill, for example, on a pillow - delight is guaranteed.

The development of fine motor skills

What to do with young children? The answer is simple: to develop motor skills, and in an interesting way. Kids love manipulating small objects, and besides, such actions are very useful.

There are hundreds of options: pouring beans from a mug into a cup with a spoon, catching beans from a water with a strainer and exfoliating them from pods, even a regular peeling of a boiled testicle will take the child for several minutes. Instead of chicken, you can give a few quail, then the interest will be heated longer.

what to do with baby sister

Take the box, cut a small hole in it and invite the baby to put small objects there - buttons, coins, etc. What to do next with the little sister? Open the box and happily discover the folded treasures!

Beads can be made from sushi and pasta, this will take the girl and allow her to make jewelry for herself.

Creative evening

You were left with the children, and you do not know what to do in the garden with a girlfriend and with a little sister? You can start drawing. In nature, there are great opportunities for choosing a landscape.

what to do in the garden with a girlfriend and little sister

But if you are afraid that the kids will stain everything around, then return to the house and draw in the bathroom with finger paints or gouache (they wash well). You can stick a large Whatman paper on the wall and dream up.

What to do with a little sister besides drawing? Paper cut figures of animals and cartoon characters. In the future, animals can be used for theatrical performances. If your sister is already at least two years old, then give her plastic scissors (it is important that they are not sharp!) And let yourself cut out characters that she likes from old magazines and unnecessary books. Plasticine will also come to the rescue and take the child for a while.

Lesson "Shadow Theater"

Shadow by hand creates a whole fantastic world, depicting the heroes of various fairy tales and cartoons. For those who donโ€™t know what to do with their little sister, this is an ideal entertainment option. Imagine a bunny, a dog, a cow, a parrot, a swan, a snake and a host of other animals. There are no restrictions here. Sis will certainly appreciate the efforts and reward you with a flood of laughter and excellent mood until the end of the day.

Soft toys will help organize a real puppet show. Changing the timbre of voice, voice several animals. If a child is older than two years old, then he will not only look at such an activity with pleasure, but will also take part in it, voicing some hero or even several. If the child is younger, let him be a spectator, because it is no less interesting.

what to do with brother or sister

Activities with animals

If there are pets at home, then boredom does not threaten the baby. It is important to teach your child the right way to handle animals from childhood. Most likely, the child himself will stretch to play with a kitten or dog, he will come up with a lot of fun, and you will only have to watch with emotion what is happening. Some kids play catch-up with animals, while others explore the space of the apartment together.

what to do with brother or sister

It is important at the same time to monitor their joint pastime so that the animal does not accidentally injure the child during the games, and the baby follows all safety precautions when communicating with the pet, especially if he is visiting you and they are not used to each other yet.

Water games

Fill the bath. You can add a little foam. Let your child play with water, filling various containers (even real bowls and pots). Juice tubes come in handy to make funny bubbles. With the help of dishes for dolls, you can arrange a fascinating tea party (however, make sure that the child does not swallow water). When organizing games in the bathroom, keep in mind that the baby can not be left alone for even a minute.


Nothing should deprive a child of small joys. Of course, you can turn on the sister cartoons or give a lot of toys for independent studies, but it is much more fun to spend time with benefit, especially if you have to be with your sister not very often.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E20031/

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