The story "Exchange" (Trifonov): summary

Yuri Valentinovich Trifonov is one of the most famous Soviet writers, whose work is still of interest to the reader. This article will be devoted, perhaps, to his most famous creation - the story "Exchange". Trifonov, a brief summary of this confirms, could reflect in it, and very realistically, the complexity of family relationships, the problems of understanding and the torment that a person experiences when making a decision under pressure from his loved ones.

trifon exchange summary

About the work

What is so unique about the story "Exchange" (Trifonov), the summary of which we are considering? The work was written in 1969 - this time in literature is characterized by the origin and flowering of "urban" prose. The writers who worked in this genre addressed the moral problems of everyday life of ordinary people.

It was Trifonov who achieved the highest success in urban prose. And his story “Exchange” became the best example of this genre and laid the foundation for a whole cycle of such works.

"Exchange" (Trifonov): summary

The events of the story unfold in Moscow. The protagonist of the work is thirty-year-old engineer Viktor Grigorievich Dmitriev. His mother, Ksenia Fedorovna, is ill with cancer, but she is convinced that she is suffering from an ulcer. She is being operated on and sent home; her fate is a foregone conclusion. But Ksenia Fedorovna herself is sure that she is recovering.

trifon exchange summary

Elena Ivanovna, translator and wife of Victor, right after that. how his mother was discharged, decides that it is necessary to meet with her mother-in-law. Otherwise, you can lose the room, which after it will remain on Profsoyuznaya street. And this requires an exchange, and she has already managed to find a good option.

Difficult relationship

You can safely call the household drama the story "Exchange." Trifonov, a brief summary of this perfectly illustrates, tells a story that everyone understands, because it is based on everyday relationships. The writer talks about simple things that make many of us a difficult choice.

Even when the young Elena and Victor began to live together, Ksenia Fedorovna wanted to live with them and with Natasha, her granddaughter. But the relationship between her and her daughter-in-law was getting worse, so I had to drop my thoughts about moving.

summary of trifon exchange

But as soon as the mother-in-law was at death, Lena herself began to constantly tell her husband about the exchange and relocation. Victor does not like such an idea, because his mother can guess what is the reason for everything that happens. But gradually he begins to yield to his wife: in her words he sees concern for their well-being, for the future of Natasha. And if you think about it, suddenly the mother will recover, and then she will only feel better - the dream will come true. As a result, Dmitriev comes to the conclusion that Lena was right from the very beginning and in vain he attacked her.


Heroes in which it is easy to recognize yourself, your friends and neighbors, creates Trifonov. “Exchange” (a short summary of the story helps to judge this) is a work about how everyday circumstances can undermine the moral principles and ideas of a person about good and bad.

So, Victor himself becomes the initiator of the exchange, but at the same time he is convinced that he is trying not for himself. Due to the illness of his mother, he has to abandon a business trip. Meanwhile, Viktor needs money - a lot of money was spent on treatment. He does not know who to turn to for help. However, he is lucky, the money is offered by Tanya, his colleague and former lover.

Trifonov’s story “Exchange” is rich not only in realistic characters, but also in life situations. The summary tells the story of the failed romance of Tatyana and Victor, because of which the heroine’s marriage broke up, and she was left alone with her son. At the same time, the woman still loves Dmitriev, knowing full well that she has no hope of reciprocal feelings. Victor himself believes that Tatyana could become a better wife than Elena.

yuri trifon exchange summary

Tanya helps Victor, introduces a person who understands exchange matters, from whom the hero receives the broker's phone number. In the evening, after work, Tatyana and Victor go home to the woman for the promised money. Tanya is already glad that she can be near her beloved person. Dmitriev feels this, even wants to stay, but he urgently needs to go to the cottage in Pavlinovo, where his mother is waiting.

Country house

The reader’s interest and empathy with the situation that Trifonov describes (“Exchange”). The summary presented here is further proof of this. Dmitriev’s summer cottage has many wonderful childhood memories. To begin with, the house was built by his father, who all his life dreamed of quitting his job as an engineer and sitting down for writing humorous stories. This good man was unlucky all his life, and death came to him early. Victor himself hardly remembered him.

trifonov tale exchange summary

But he remembered well his grandfather, Fedor Nikolaevich, an old revolutionary and lawyer. He was absent for a long time, and when he returned to Moscow, he lived in the country before receiving the room.

Dmitrievs and Lukyanovs

Summary of Trifonov's "Exchange" continues. Now the author tells the story of the relationship between the families of Victor Dmitriev and Lena, nee Lukyanova.

The Lukyanovs always differed in that they could adapt to any situation and concoct any business, for them the problem of repairing at the dacha and the device of a granddaughter in an English elite school were equally easy to solve. The author characterizes their breed as "able to live." When the Dmitrievs came to a standstill and concluded that nothing else could be done, the Lukyanovs instantly solved problems in their own ways.

In these comparisons of lifestyles of different families, Yuri Trifonov depicts very familiar types of people . "Exchange", the brief content of which we are analyzing in detail, illustrates the two most common, but mutually excluded, behaviors. That is why the Dmitrievs, and mainly Ksenia Fedorovna, who has certain moral principles and is used to helping disinterestedly, belonged to the Lukyanov’s achievements with an arrogant and dismissive grin. In their view, the Lukyanovs are bourgeois, deprived of lofty interests and moral principles , caring only about their own good. The Dmitrievs even got the word "to swear."

Trifonov's story exchange summary

He clearly emphasizes and openly shows his preferences between the two Trifon families. The story "Exchange", a brief summary provides many examples, tells about how a person can morally degrade, following about their desires. So, the reader sees how Victor gradually “curses”, becoming more and more tradesman. This was especially acute in an attempt to help the former comrade find a job. Lena managed to find a good place, but she judged that her husband needed it. So Victor got a new position, and his friend was left with nothing.

Solution of the problem

Summary of Trifonov's "Exchange" is coming to an end. Victor Laura’s sister arrives at the cottage, which is amazed by the talk about the exchange. She believes that mother next to Elena will be bad, even if she will try to behave kindly. Too many rosettes of them.

Ksenia Fedorovna’s condition is getting worse, now getting better. Waiting for the next rise, Victor decides to talk with his mother. Here, the reader is presented with a person to whom his well-being is important and the comfort of a sick mother is completely indifferent. Victor finally “cursed” - makes it clear to Y. Trifonov. The exchange (a brief summary gradually leads to the solution of this issue) must be completed, Dmitriev believes. But the mother sees what happened to her son, refuses the exchange and says that he made his exchange a long time ago - he changed his conscience to convenience.

Yu trifon exchange summary

The next morning, Victor leaves, and two days later his mother calls and says that she agrees to the exchange. They come together, Ksenia Fedorovna soon dies. After the death of his mother, Victor gives up, gets old, turns gray. And on the site of their former summer cottage they are building a new stadium and hotel.


An absolutely mundane and simple situation is drawn by Yuri Trifonov (“Exchange”). The summary fully conveys the theme of this unsophisticated story, which consists in the moral decline of man.


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