Rusakovskaya hospital: photos and reviews

Rusakovskaya hospital is considered one of the oldest institutions in the capital. It was created in 1876. Then the first patients arrived here. During its existence, it has been renamed several times. Only time passed, and at the hospital only the name, managers and staff changed . Therefore, it is very difficult for this largest medical institution to compete with modern commercial clinics. Despite this, the hospital is not deprived of some special charm. Although the reviews about it are very chaotic and ambiguous. What is this institution? Who is being treated in it? And what is so special about it?

Rusakov hospital

Brief background from the hospital biography

Rusakovskaya hospital resembles an old and decrepit old man who has already lived his own. He has seen a lot and now he can proudly sit on the mound and remember the affairs of past years. That's just no one gives our building. On its territory they continue to help people and treat small patients. Another thing is that no one is engaged in rehabilitation work in the clinic. But the walls have long been in need of repair and the infusion of new capital. But this, as they say, is a completely different story.

Few people know that the hospital building was built at the expense of a wealthy and influential person involved in the railway business. Hospital them. Rusakova (Moscow) was the brainchild of Pavel Grigoryevich von Derviz. It is said that her construction was connected with the rich man’s good intentions to help needy children. As it turned out, no money from a major philanthropist helped him save his own sons. As a result, they left this world early due to actively developing bone tuberculosis.

Rusakov hospital address

Hospital then and now

Initially, it was assumed that the Rusakov hospital would be designed for 100 free places for Moscow children who need treatment and are not able to pay for it. At that time, children aged 0 to 12 years could become small patients. It was in this form that this institution, the material support of which was taken over by the state, was awarded a number of honorary prizes. For example, in 1878 he was awarded the title of the most exemplary metropolitan clinic. And in 1882, the hospital was recognized as the best medical institution for children in Europe.

Today, the Rusakovskaya Children's Hospital (St. Vladimir) is considered one of the largest Moscow organizations in the field of healthcare. This is a large medical complex with a fairly large number of buildings and wards. Each year, he serves over 20,000 patients with a different diagnosis, performs more than 8,000 successful operations. Over 19,000 people are regularly examined here and receive professional medical advice. In short, the influx of patients here is simply huge. But does this building meet modern standards? The question is very controversial.

Rusakov Hospital Children's Address

How to find and where is it located?

Finding this institution is easy. Children's City Clinical Hospital of St. Vladimir, better known as Rusakovskaya Hospital (address: 1/3 Rubtsovsko-Dvortsovaya Street) is located near the Sokolniki metro station. It is to her that you first need to get there. Then, if you leave the station, you should cross the road and move towards Sokolnicheskaya Square.

Continue along the street to the fire escape. After this, turn onto Barbolina Street and move to the area of ​​the nearest gas station. According to local residents, such a road takes leisurely steps only 10-15 minutes. And from the gas station to the hospital, it is almost a stone's throw away. As a guide, you will see a large and long reddish-brown fence and two columns with a blue plate, which is indicated by the name of the medical institution. Therefore, you have come where you need to.

Rusakov Moscow hospital

What departments and buildings are there?

As we already said, Rusakovskaya hospital is divided into buildings. There are the following departments:

  • Traumatology and orthopedics.
  • Pediatric urology-andrology.
  • Oral, thoracic and pediatric surgery.
  • Endoscopy and neurology.
  • Gastroenterological and pediatric.
  • Infectious and pulmonological.
  • Resuscitation and therapeutic.
  • Wellness (room for medical and restorative physical education).
  • X-ray, somatic and diagnostic (performed on ultrasound equipment).

In total, there are 25 different branches in the building. As in other similar institutions, there is a reception desk, a reception room, as well as an in-patient department where patients of different age categories lie and receive treatment. All of them are happy to receive Rusakovskaya hospital (children). The address of this organization is difficult to confuse with anything. And the guidelines on the official website of the institution are described in detail and in photographs.

Children's Hospital of St. Vladimir

What services does it provide?

Children's hospital is a specific place with a large number of departments with a narrow profile. For example, it is here that one of the first departments in the capital is located, where complex operations for infants are performed. Here you can find a unique representative office of maxillofacial surgery, as well as operating theaters, where the most complex work is done every year to restore and save the children's larynx. Moreover, the city clinical polyclinic has unique dialysis equipment.

A few words about the specialists

The strongest in the clinic of municipal importance are, of course, surgeons. It is they who save hundreds and thousands of children's lives. Many of them have been working in this building for many years. During this time, they gained invaluable experience, masterfully cope with such difficult, but very necessary work. In total, there are 11 operating units.

Who can be served?

To everyone’s surprise, not only residents of the capital, but also citizens who came here from other regions of Russia can become patients of the clinic. And even from abroad. Treatment in this institution is performed on a paid and free basis. Moreover, for small patients, a compulsory or voluntary insurance policy should be issued. By the way, without its presence, the problem can be easily solved. And all because the representative office of the insurance company is working on the ground floor of the administrative building.

How does appointment work

The clinic is open from Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. In order to get an appointment with one or another specialist of the hospital, it is not necessary to know the phone number of the organization. You can make an appointment in one of the proposed ways:

  • By submitting an online application on the medical portal.
  • With a statement on the portal of the mayor of Moscow.
  • Through the state portal of services.

The hospital’s website also provides an electronic recording option. With its help, everyone can leave their data for communication. After a while, specialists contact them by feedback and discuss the details of the appointment (time, day, etc.).

rusakov hospital reviews

Rusakovskaya hospital: reviews

Feedback on this institution can be heard in a completely different context. Some of them talk about the deplorable state in which the building of the hospital complex is located. According to the parents of small patients, the clinic is stuck in the distant past. According to their stories, nothing has changed here over the past 20 years. All departments, including the surgical and therapeutic, are in need of major repairs. Recently, there may have been repairs, but very superficial and conditionally cosmetic.

Others claim a musty odor in the clinic and also describe the lack of repair. Still others emphasize the high professionalism of doctors, the availability of free services and the speed of reaction to the problem.


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