How to choose an electric spray gun? The best airbrush. Price, reviews

There is always a lot of work in a private house. For example, it is often necessary to update the paintwork, which did not withstand the harsh tests of natural conditions. In this case, many do the old-fashioned way, working with a brush or roller with paint.

An excellent alternative is a spray gun. Pneumatic models popular in our country are bad in that a compressor can cost a buyer a very significant amount. That is why today we will discuss electrical varieties. They are relatively cheap, efficient and functional.

So how to choose an electric spray gun so that the purchase will not only please your wallet, but be really necessary? This article is dedicated to our article.

how to choose an electric spray gun

Main advantages

What are the distinct advantages of an electric spray gun? Firstly, almost all models of such equipment are highly compact. Despite this, the quality of painting is on top.

You get an excellent opportunity not to buy a compressor and other auxiliary equipment, whereas in the case of a pneumatic spray gun, a lot of money is spent on acquiring enough high-quality air filters. Before choosing an electric spray gun, consider the main nuances of its functioning.

Principle of operation

To make a successful purchase, you need at least a little understanding of the principle of operation of the discussed technology.

To begin with, an electric airbrush supplies only paint under pressure, that is, there is no air in the nozzles. Most of this kind of technology works on this principle, and it is not only its strength, but also a negative factor.

electric spray gun for car painting
The remarkable thing is that the nozzle diameter is already set up by the manufacturer in the best way, so you should not worry about the quality of the jet (it’s better not to do it anyway). The negative point is that you still can not provide such a high-quality dispersion of paint, which even give cheap models of pneumatic spray guns.

And further. Such units vibrate extremely strongly. Many even drop the instrument for the first time picking it up. Because of this, even in stores that sell such tools, they categorically refuse to include them, citing the requirements of regulatory organizations for noise levels ... Yes, yes, they also make a lot of noise. However, in comparison with even the “quietest” compressor models, sound is almost inaudible.

Other models

If you are not attracted to the prospects described above, take a closer look at the spray guns, which work on the principle of pneumatic models. They have a built-in miniature compressor, which significantly improves the quality of painting. In addition, it is not so noisy that distinguishes it from specialized models. Attention! Very often, sellers confuse buyers by selling them instead of pneumatic spray guns. Keep in mind that their power is not so great, and therefore people are often disappointed. Get only those tools that you really need to perform specific work.

Attention to details!

Since they often decide to choose an electric airbrush right before the repair, they buy it in a hurry, not having time to really ask the price. In this case, only a few pay attention to the quality of purchase, which sometimes ends just sadly ...

bort spray gun
In addition, many buyers are completely fooled by advertising, and therefore want the "most convenient" tool so that it can be "worn on the shoulder." They naively believe that you can paint a room in just a couple of minutes. Alas, such work will take much longer, because it is much more complicated than it might seem at first glance.

But the worst thing is that many manufacturers are so eager to save on components that even those parts that functionally should be metal are made of plastic, and of very depressing quality ... In fact, such a spray gun will be disposable. Imagine what happens to low-grade plastic that is washed with solvent. But many paints are quite aggressive from a chemical point of view, so such a purchase will survive a maximum of one season!

If you need something really reliable, you’d better buy a Bosch electric spray gun.

When choosing, be sure to pay attention to the amount of metal: the more it is, the better. Of course, the cost of such tools cannot be low. If the usual airless modification can be bought for 800-900 rubles, then a spray gun equipped with a built-in compressor can hardly be purchased cheaper than for a half thousand rubles. However, it is still much more profitable to buy a pneumatic model.

There are also electric spray guns with a compressor, the quality of which is not inferior to compressor varieties. That's just their cost starts from 15 thousand rubles, which excludes them from the category of cheap purchases.

Key selection criteria

best airbrush
As mentioned above, immediately pay attention to the number of metal parts. The nozzle and other elements of the nozzles must be metal. Please note that repair kits for cheap electric spray guns do not exist in nature, and therefore you can’t save in this matter! Remember the vibration. Watch a video about your preferred model, try to find it with friends or acquaintances. It is possible that the noise and vibration levels of the unit are so high that you will not be comfortable working with this tool.

Before choosing an electric spray gun, be sure to read in its instructions about all types of paints that can be used with this product. Do not trust sellers personally: consultants are extremely rarely aware of the technical characteristics of the goods they sell.

The power of the spray gun is a good indicator, but far from the main one. What will you choose: a model from Chinese plastic that rattles at the slightest movement, or a more or less high-quality instrument whose power is lower by 30 watts? We think the answer is obvious.

In no case do not trust advertising, especially broadcast on channels that sell all kinds of junk. The demonstrated simplicity and ease of work most often turn into wasted money. And this is without taking into account the fact that the cost of such goods is much higher than if you bought the tool in a normal store.

airbrush Price
Do not forget that in such "sofa markets" for products there is no guarantee whatsoever. It is much better to go to the website of a normal online store and get a good airbrush there. Its price will be slightly higher. Of course, it is preferable to pay attention when buying to the most common and time-tested brands. So you probably can protect yourself from disappointment and waste.

Reviews and their reasons

Having figured out the basic principles of buying spray guns, it is time to talk about the feedback from their happy (and not too) owners. What are the positive and negative evaluations of this product? Firstly, unsatisfactory quality of painting. In the vastness of the Web, one can find many angry proclamations that not too happy citizens turn to manufacturers of airbrush guns.

In fairness, it is worth noting that often the fault lies not only with the manufacturers, but also with the buyers themselves. Remember what we talked about paints and varnishes? If the paint for an electric spray gun is not suitable for a specific model, then you should not be surprised at the poor quality of work.

Please note: the devices described by us do not like water-based paints, so we strongly recommend not using them! This is due not only to technical features, but also to the fact that many manufacturers use bad metal in the production of nozzles. It rusts, and therefore the nozzle channel is clogged tightly. This is often associated with bad reviews about electric models.

In addition, when using emulsion and aqueous paints, problems arise with uniformity of the jet. The device acquires the “spitting” habit, which negatively affects not only the speed of work, but also its final result. If you do not have another option, you can try to experiment a little with the diameter of the nozzle. We immediately warn that in most cases nothing worthwhile comes out of this venture.

In addition, many buyers are extremely unhappy with the result of internal repairs. In this case, the manufacturer, who praised his products, is to blame: electric spray guns are completely unsuitable for such purposes. To get a really even and neat coat of paint, in any case, you need a pneumatic model with a normal compressor.

In general, an electric spray gun, the price of which in most cases is low, is characterized by the most optimal ratio of cost and quality.

paint for electric spray gun

Some tips

So that nothing like this happens to you, you need to follow some painting rules. Let's get to know them.

Firstly, builders from the southern republics of the former USSR should not be likened, applying paint in a thick layer. Thoroughly clean (and degrease, if necessary) the surface, even out any protruding bumps. After that, apply one thin coat of paint with a spray gun. Let it dry, and then go through the painted object again.

We remind you once again that it is undesirable to use water-based paints! In this case, you are unlikely to be able to achieve a truly even application, once again having time to negatively characterize the airbrush. Reviews usually appear.

Do not forget about consumables! Now, almost any specialized store sells cheap pen filters for paint, which must be used when working. Otherwise, you are not safe from constant clogging of the nozzle, because the quality of paint is far from all manufacturers at the proper level.

After work, be sure to disassemble the tool, clean, and then a little grease with technical petroleum jelly.

airbrush reviews

Which model is best?

As you might guess, the best airbrush is difficult to choose. In the definition of a model, a human factor inevitably takes place, so we will consider several instances at once. So you can make a certain opinion about each of them.

Bort bfp-350

This is a great electric spray gun for painting a car, which is designed specifically for professional use. Perfect for painting metal structures.

The advantages include both low cost (about 2.5 thousand rubles), and the availability of spare parts, the price of which also does not make you faint. The diameter of the nozzle is easily adjustable, so that empirically it is easy to choose the option necessary for each particular case. He sprays enamels, alkyd and oil paints without any problems; performance and quality are much higher than if you used a roller or brush. Important! The Bort airbrush perfectly “eats” even water-based paints, which makes it almost a universal solution.

Keep in mind that all such spray guns do not spray, but spray the paint composition. So use them for responsible internal work is not worth it.

best airbrush
Mid-range Bosh models

Despite the Chinese origin, electric spray gun "Bosch" is characterized by the highest quality of painting. These models are also in the range of four to six thousand rubles, which is quite a bit for an instrument of a practically professional category.

The main advantage of these units is their extreme unpretentiousness to the quality and type of paint, which in domestic conditions is a huge advantage. The main "chip" is high-strength spraying in the nozzle of the sprayer, which makes it almost "eternal". In any case, they work much longer than their counterparts from other manufacturers.

The most typical models of the family: BOSCH PFS 55, BOSCH PFS 65 (an excellent electric spray gun for painting a car). Excellent, high-quality and convenient equipment, with bark you can quickly and easily perform all the necessary repair work on the street and at home.

electric spray gun bosch

Domestic manufacturers

In recent years, our industry has also begun to produce worthwhile products. For example, the Zubr electric airbrush is an excellent choice for craftsmen with a limited budget. So, the cost of a fully sane model ZKPE-120 is only 1.5 thousand rubles, but in terms of quality it is quite comparable with some foreign counterparts.

Unfortunately, the Chinese production of the domestic brand is bearing fruit. So, the quality of the materials used is far from the highest level, and therefore it has to be disassembled and cleaned after each use.


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