Viral immunodeficiency in cats: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Immunodeficiency in cats is a serious pathology of a viral nature. This disease is reminiscent in its manifestations of HIV infection in humans. However, its pathogen is a completely different microorganism. The viral nature of the disease has been identified relatively recently. This pathology in everyday life is sometimes called "feline AIDS." However, a person cannot be infected from an animal, the causative agent of the disease is not transmitted to people. Viral immunodeficiency is extremely dangerous for cats and often causes the death of an animal.


The causative agent of immunodeficiency in cats is lentivirus. This microorganism belongs to the family of retroviruses. It dies when boiled and does not tolerate the effects of disinfectant solutions. At the same time, lentivirus is quite resistant to sunlight.

Once in the cat's body, lentivirus attacks cells of the immune system. It damages and destroys lymphocytes. As a result, the animal becomes defenseless against any infection. The danger of this microorganism lies in the fact that it may not manifest itself for many years. About 1% of stray cats are asymptomatic carriers of lentivirus.

Transmission ways

The immunodeficiency virus of cats is found in blood, lymph and saliva. Infection is transmitted in several ways:

  1. Through contact of saliva and blood. Most often, animals become infected when they are bitten by infected relatives. Virus transmission is also possible during mutual licking, if a healthy cat has wounds on the skin.
  2. Sexually. Animals often become infected during mating.
  3. With blood transfusion and operations. This is a rather rare route of infection, since blood products in veterinary clinics are checked for the presence of the virus. There were also cases of infection of cats during operations, this was due to violations of asepsis rules.
  4. In utero. A sick cat can infect its future cubs. Kittens are born already sick.
  5. Through the bites of parasites. In rare cases, cat fleas can carry the virus from one animal to another.
FIV virus transmitted by bites

It should be remembered that such an infection can not spread by airborne droplets and alimentary. For the transmission of the virus, direct contact of animals is necessary, since this microorganism quickly dies in the external environment.

Viral immunodeficiency in cats is usually observed in adulthood and old age (after 5 years). Kittens suffer from this pathology much less often.

As already mentioned, a sick cat cannot infect a person. The infection is not transmitted to dogs. This microorganism is dangerous only for representatives of the cat family.

FIV virus is not transmitted to humans

Stages of the disease

Symptoms and treatment of immunodeficiency in cats depend on the stage of development of the pathology. Veterinary specialists distinguish 3 stages of this disease:

  • ingestion of the virus into the animal;
  • virus carrier (incubation period);
  • immunodeficiency state.

Let us consider in more detail the symptoms of each stage and the pathogenesis of the disease.

The penetration of the virus into the body

Lentivirus enters the bloodstream of the animal, and then enters the leukocyte. Most often this is asymptomatic. In some cases, in the first days after infection, a cat may experience the following symptoms:

  • lethargy, apathy;
  • slight fever;
  • slight increase in lymph nodes.

This stage of the disease lasts for 24-72 hours after infection.

Cat lethargy and apathy

Virus carrier

The incubation period for viral immunodeficiency in cats can last from 2 to 5 years. If the animal has strong immunity, then the symptoms of the disease at this stage do not appear. The body's defenses suppress the activity of the virus, but cannot completely destroy it.

The animal becomes a carrier of the virus. During the incubation period, the condition of the pet usually remains normal. However, an infected cat can transmit the virus to its relatives through direct contact.

Over time, lentivirus destroys a large number of lymphocytes. This leads to a steady decline in immunity. The obvious symptoms of immunodeficiency in cats usually occur many years after infection.

This disease is much easier to treat during the incubation period. However, carriage of the virus is very rarely detected. The animal feels normal, and the owners of cats see no reason to seek veterinary care.

Symptoms of immunodeficiency

At this stage, pronounced manifestations of the disease are noted:

  • sharp weight loss with normal nutrition;
  • persistent increase in temperature;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • inflammation of the eyes;
  • lacrimation
  • gum disease with sores;
  • frequent diarrhea;
  • skin rash;
  • poor condition of the coat and teeth.

An important symptom of viral immunodeficiency in cats is a high susceptibility to infectious diseases. After all, the pathogen damages protective blood cells - lymphocytes. The pet begins to get sick often and hard.

Signs of immunodeficiency

In infected cats, concomitant diseases such as toxoplasmosis, lymphoma, bacterial, viral and fungal infections are noted. Due to the low resistance of the body, these pathologies are difficult to treat and often cause the death of the animal.

Difference from leukemia

Immunodeficiency and leukemia in cats are very similar in symptoms. Both diseases are of viral origin. With immunodeficiency, only the damage to the body's defense system occurs, and leukemia is accompanied by the growth of malignant cells in various organs.

Which disease is more dangerous? Both pathologies are extremely severe. They pose a serious threat to the lives of pets. However, immunocompromised cats live longer than animals with leukemia.

It is quite difficult to independently distinguish viral immunodeficiency from leukemia. Differential diagnosis of these two pathologies can only be carried out using special tests.


In cases of suspected immunodeficiency in cats, it is urgent to contact a veterinary clinic. There are times when owners begin to treat their pet with antibiotics on their own. In no case should this be done. Uncontrolled intake of drugs can only worsen the well-being of the animal.

This disease can be detected using a cat immunodeficiency test. In the veterinary laboratory, blood sampling is carried out, and then the biomaterial is examined by Western blotting. In this case, the presence of specific antibodies to lentivirus is detected.

This is a rather expensive study, which is not carried out in every veterinary laboratory. However, only such a test allows an accurate diagnosis to be made.

A serological blood test is also carried out by PCR. But this analysis is less reliable and often gives false results.

Antibodies in the blood can be detected already during the incubation period, approximately 2 to 3 months after infection. Kittens are analyzed at the age of not earlier than 5 - 6 months. In young children, the results of the study are often distorted, so the test must be repeated.

Additionally, a general clinical blood test is prescribed. In sick animals, a drop in hemoglobin is detected, as well as a decrease in the number of neutrophils and lymphocytes.

Treatment methods

Treatment of immunodeficiency in cats is carried out using special antiviral drugs. These drugs suppress the activity of the pathogen. Assign the following funds:

  • "Retrovir";
  • Vibragen Omega.
Antiviral drug "Retrovir"

These drugs suppress lentivirus activity. Cats feel slightly better during their intake. But with drug withdrawal, all symptoms of the disease return again.

The disease significantly undermines the body's defenses. Therefore, veterinarians prescribe drugs that stimulate the immune system:

  • Fosprenil
  • "Feliferon";
  • Roncoleukin;
  • "Timogen";
  • "Ribotan."
Immunomodulator "Fosprenil"

When secondary infections are attached, antibiotics are indicated: Ampioksa, Ampitsillina, Ceftriaxona. These drugs are also prescribed for preventive purposes. They help prevent the propagation of opportunistic microflora.

Cats with viral immunodeficiency show a sharp decrease in white blood cell count. The following medications are prescribed to stimulate the formation of white blood cells:

  • Leukostim;
  • Neupogen
  • "Filgrastim."

These drugs are prescribed for 21 days. Their longer use is undesirable, since these drugs can provoke an increase in the viral load on the blood.

With manifestations of anemia, the administration of erythropoiesis stimulants is indicated: "Epocrine", "Erythrostima". These medicines can be consumed for a long time. In some cases, a blood transfusion is done. However, this procedure should be carried out with caution, as animals with immunodeficiency are very susceptible to anaphylactic shock.

Treatment of viral immunodeficiency in cats must be carried out throughout the life of the pet, because the causative agent of the disease remains in the body forever and can manifest itself at any time.

Rules for keeping a sick cat

If the apartment contains several cats, then you need to completely isolate the sick animal from relatives. This is necessary not only to prevent infection in healthy pets. Cats with viral immunodeficiency are very susceptible to any infections. They must be protected from contact with other animals.

If it is not possible to completely isolate the diseased animal, then the composition of the pets should remain unchanged. In no case should you bring new cats into the house. It is also important to regularly treat animal hair with flea control products. This will reduce the likelihood of spreading the infection.

A sick cat needs to be protected from stress. Any shocks can trigger the activation of the virus. If necessary, you need to give the animal soothing drugs: "Cat Bayun", "Felway", "Fiteks," Antistress.

Immunodeficient animals should be fully fed. It is unacceptable to feed them with low-quality food, because sick cats often suffer from intestinal disorders. Veterinarians recommend giving these animals a special therapeutic feed, Royal Canin Calm, which has an anti-stress effect on the body.

A sick pet should be under medical supervision for life. The cat must be regularly shown to the veterinarian to prevent complications. You must also carefully monitor the weight of the animal and the condition of the gums, skin and coat. The pet should live in a warm room and not be cold.

Sick cat is contraindicated in hypothermia

Doctors recommend sterilizing the diseased animal. This will prevent the transmission of the disease through sexual and intrauterine routes.

It is important to remember that in the clinical manifestations of immunodeficiency, any vaccinations are categorically contraindicated in animals. If the virus in the body is in a "sleeping" state, then only vaccines with killed microorganism strains can be administered.


Immunodeficiency in cats cannot be completely cured. The animal remains the carrier of the virus forever. The causative agent can be activated at any time when exposed to adverse factors.

From secondary infections, approximately 20% of animals die. After the first clinical manifestations of immunodeficiency, most cats live about 5 to 7 years. This life span is possible with good care and regular treatment.

In advanced cases and in the absence of proper therapy, the prognosis worsens significantly. Animals die about 2 years after the onset of severe immunodeficiency symptoms.


How to prevent pet infection with lentivirus? With solitary keeping of the animal and the absence of free range, the probability of infection is very low. Veterinarians also recommend the following rules:

  1. Periodically carry out antiparasitic treatment of animal hair.
  2. Keep the cat away from contact with sick and stray animals.
  3. Before mating, a blood test for lentivirus and other infections should be done.
  4. If the cat takes independent walks, then it needs to periodically undergo a blood test for antibodies to the immunodeficiency virus.

There is a vaccine "Felovax FIV", which contains a dead lentivirus. The drug is not registered in Russia and is used only abroad. Such a vaccine protects against the disease only in 60 - 70% of cases and can provoke the development of sarcoma. Veterinarians are currently working on a more effective and safer vaccine.


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