Gooseberry "curly dzintars": plant characteristics and pruning rules

Gooseberries are widely grown by Russian gardeners in almost all regions of the country. An extensive number of varieties allows you to choose the most diverse varieties of berries, but still prickly varieties of plants are preferable. It is naturally inconvenient to collect fruits from such branches, but the spiny gooseberries have one feature: these species are resistant to low temperatures, are unpretentious in their care, and bear fruit more abundantly in comparison with beshipless relatives. All of the above characteristics eloquently characterize the gooseberry cultivar “Curshu Dzintars” considered today.

Gooseberry grade curly

Botanical certificate of a garden plant

This gooseberry variety was bred by Latvian breeders by crossing two Baltic Baltic varieties "Razhig" and "Pellervo". As a result, it was possible to develop an early ripe medium-prickly variety of compact size with slightly spreading branches and straight shoots.

The leaves are greenish with a slightly dull color and yellowness closer to the base, slightly pubescent on the underside.

The gooseberry “Kurshu Dzintars” fruits are honey-golden, oval in shape with a thin shiny skin, without pubescence. They are not large, characterized by a weight of about 2.5-3 grams with a pronounced sweet taste and aroma.

The berries are distinguished by a long shelf life, they retain their appearance during transportation and are distinguished by their universal purpose, as they are suitable for consumption both raw and for preservation.

The flowering period begins in the second decade of May, and ripening is closer to early August. In this case, the yield is from 4 to 6 kg of berries from the bush, which in terms of 5-7 tons of gooseberries per 1 hectare of area.

How to prune gooseberries in the fall

Brief description of gooseberry "Curonian Dzintars"

Such popularity of berries of this variety is due to a considerable number of positive qualities, among which:

  • partial belonging to self-fertile cultures, which ensures excellent fruiting without the need for additional pollination;
  • quick adaptation to various climatic conditions;
  • high winter hardiness;
  • indicators of stable productivity, already from 2-3 years of fruiting;
  • unpretentious gooseberry cultivar "kursu dzintars";
  • life cycle, characterized by a duration of 30 years or more;
  • early ripening;
  • indicators are above average relative to powdery mildew resistance.

How to prune gooseberry bushes?

Pruning this grade is required. The formation of the bush begin immediately, not missing the first years after planting. Most of the root processes and skeletal perennial branches are removed. Starting from the fourth year of life of the plant, make sure that the bush is not oversaturated with excess shoots, and cut them off, preventing condensation.

Gooseberry kurshu dzintars

Trimming gooseberries “kursu dzintars” is carried out in the fall, after the leaves have fallen, or in the early spring, before filling the kidneys with juice. In addition to damaged, dry and weak shoots, it is recommended to remove old branches, since the main crop is formed on the shoots until they reach the age of seven.

Please note that the yield of the bushes depends on the growing conditions, compliance with the rules of pruning and the overall picture of care for gooseberry bushes. Therefore, having studied how to cut gooseberries in the fall, and also having dealt with all the subtleties of growing a plant, pay special attention to this process and as a result get a high yield of large and sweet berries.


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