How to remove a car from the register: rules, documents, tips and tricks

Today we have to figure out how to remove the car from the register in the state traffic inspectorate. This is not so difficult. The main thing is to properly prepare for the operation. Below, all the nuances of the process under study will be disclosed. What you need to remember about the registration of vehicles in Russia? And how to act in a particular case? The answers to all this and not only will be necessarily discovered below.

Documents to cancel registration

When to deregister

What do you need to remove a car from the register? First, consider the main points of this procedure.

First of all, you need to deal with the reasons for removing a car from registration. By law, the process is necessary:

  • when selling a car;
  • during the move;
  • with prolonged excommunication from the region;
  • if disposal occurs;
  • when a car is stolen;
  • during the loss of a vehicle.

Moreover, it will be necessary to unregister the vehicle upon departure outside the Russian Federation. These rules must be remembered by all modern drivers.

Important: as soon as a citizen deregisters, he will not be able to ride the selected transport on the roads of the Russian Federation.

Where do they provide services

Where can I remove a car from the register in Russia? And how to do it right?

Vehicle registration and its cancellation

The thing is that at the moment, citizens can submit a request of the established form to different organizations. For instance:

  • in the traffic police;
  • in MREO;
  • through the MFC.

In addition, coping with the task is allowed through the Internet. To do this, you will have to use the "State Services" portal. How exactly to act will be described below.

Quick guide

How to remove a car from the register under certain circumstances? First, consider the process in general terms. The task does not require any special skills and knowledge from the owner of the car.

The step-by-step instruction looks like this:

  1. Prepare documentation. The list of securities varies depending on the circumstances.
  2. Fill out the application form for deregistration.
  3. Contact the registration authority.
  4. Carry out an inspection of the vehicle and hand over the car components (for example, license plates).
  5. Get a certificate of successful deregistration of the machine.

That's all. It would seem that there should not be any problems. But in fact, the operation under study often causes a lot of trouble. Especially if the vehicle was stolen or must be disposed of.

Important: the proposed instruction is relevant for personal appeal to the registration authority. We will deal with "State services" later.

Sale of vehicles

How to remove the car from the register when selling? There are several possible scenarios. For example, an operation may be carried out by a car buyer or an old owner of property.

"State services" and traffic police services

First of all, we consider the generally accepted case. This is the one in which deregistration actions are carried out by the new owner of the vehicle.

To translate ideas into reality will have to prepare:

  • purchase agreement;
  • documents for the car (TCP, STS, insurance);
  • applicant's identity card;
  • passport (copy) of the old owner of the car;
  • fee paid receipt.

This is usually enough. A citizen will have to pay about 2850 rubles (sometimes less) for the operation. But the payment is charged for the re-registration of the vehicle, and not for the removal of the car from the register.

Important: deregistration and paperwork for the new owner are carried out simultaneously. The service is provided within 1 hour.

Sale and forced cancellation

How to remove a car from the register without a car? It is worth paying attention to the situation with the sale of the vehicle. According to the current rules, the previous owners of the car have the right to independently apply to the traffic police to receive the studied service.

Important: a similar opportunity appears 10 days after the conclusion of the purchase agreement. Before this period, only a new owner of movable property can cancel the registration of the vehicle.

To cope with the task, you need to take with you:

  • passport;
  • statement;
  • contract of sale of the vehicle;
  • confirmation of the fact of the transfer of the machine and receipt of funds for the operation.

Typically, the traffic police do not refuse service. But only on condition that more than 10 days have passed since the transaction was concluded.

Important: if you have documents for the car, you will also have to attach them to the application in the established form.

How to remove a car from the network

Change of ownership

How to deregister a car in the traffic police? We have already familiarized ourselves with the basic algorithm of actions. Now consider more detailed information about each individual case.

Vehicle re-registration is required when changing the car owner. Depending on the situation, the applicant will be expected to:

  • gift;
  • testament paper;
  • certificate of acceptance of the inheritance;
  • statement of exchange.

One of the listed securities will have to be attached to the certificates necessary for the sale of movable property. Just in this case, you do not need to take a purchase agreement.


How to remove the machine from the register for recycling? This is not such a difficult task. Even a person who does not understand anything in paperwork will cope with it.

At the moment, a citizen needs to take with him to the registration authority:

  • passport;
  • certificate of registration of the machine;
  • technical passport of a car;
  • application for disposal;
  • number plates;
  • receipt of payment of duty (200 rubles).

After collecting the listed components, it remains to simply appear in the traffic police and submit a petition. The car is sent for recycling, and the owner will be given a certificate of the established form. With it, a person can get a discount when buying a new car.

Theft and theft

Quite often in Russia there are hijackings of vehicles. Most cars were never found. And so the owners of such property need to think about how to remove the car from the register.

In reality, everything is simpler than it seems. But you have to try pretty hard to translate ideas into reality.

How to remove a car from the register without a car? The procedure provides for the preparation of such certificates:

  • documents for a car;
  • identification;
  • Completed application form to cancel registration;
  • police certificate of theft.

Accordingly, at first the citizen will have to go to the local police and report the theft. Only after this is it possible to cancel the registration of the vehicle.

Important: if the car was stolen, but the person did not contact the police, the application of the established form will not be considered. Therefore, you will have to prepare for the operation in advance.

Change of registration

What do you need to remove a car from the register? This is far from the most difficult task. And everyone can cope with it.

As already mentioned, it will be necessary to unregister the vehicle when changing the place of residence. Typically, the procedure involves re-registering the car. More precisely, the introduction of new information in the TCP.

The applicant is required to take with him to the traffic police:

  • passport;
  • request form;
  • Help for the car;
  • proof of change of residence.

That's all. After contacting the registration authority, you will have to pay for entering data into the STS and PTS (850 rubles), and then pick up the finished documentation for the car.

The process of choosing a service for "State Services"

Moving or leaving abroad

But what if the citizen decided to leave Russia?

At the moment, have to think about how to remove the car from the register in such circumstances. Especially if the applicant takes the car with him on a trip.

Usually, you have to act according to the previously mentioned algorithm. It’s enough to have documentation for a car with you, as well as a passport with a statement stating the reason for contacting a government agency. In our case, this is "moving / traveling abroad."

In some cases, you will have to pay a customs fee, as well as pay for transit numbers. They are issued by the traffic police at the place of circulation of the owner.

Important: the amount of expenses for the studied service may be different. Such information must be specified in each region of the country separately.

About statement

We found out how to remove the car from the register when selling and not only. What other information does the population need to get acquainted with?

For example, with the content of the request in the established form. The applicant must write in the appropriate paper:

  • Name of the owner;
  • detailed specifications of the car (model, VIN, year of manufacture, and so on);
  • reason for contact;
  • information from documents on the car;
  • passport details of the applicant;
  • TIN (if available).

As practice shows, filling out an application in the established form does not cause any problems. A person can quickly enter the necessary data into a document.

"Public services" to help

How to remove a car from the register through "State services"? We will have to figure this out further. Indeed, many modern citizens use the mentioned portal quite often. With its help, you can draw up the bulk of the documents and request a number of state and municipal services.

Certificate of car deregistration

Thinking about how to remove a car from the register via the Internet, a citizen will have to prepare in advance. For example, register on the State Services website. After that, you can use the capabilities of the service.

To unregister a vehicle, you need to:

  1. Open website in any selected browser.
  2. Log in to the site using a pre-received login. The password must also be known.
  3. Go to the block "Public Services". Next, you need to click on the "Service Catalog".
  4. Find the "STSI" section.
  5. Click on the inscription "Register Vehicle".
  6. Select "Remove car from the register."
  7. Click on the appropriate line on the screen that appears. Usually you need to specify the reason for accessing the portal. Next, click the "Get ..." button.
  8. Fill out the application that appears on the screen. It is enough to follow simple instructions and tips. They appear on the PC display automatically.
  9. Select the traffic police in which the vehicle will be inspected and the relevant certificates issued.
  10. Decide on the time of the visit to the registration authority. This will help the proposed calendar.
  11. Click on the Submit button.

It is done. We found out how to remove the car from the register through the "State Services". It remains to wait for the notification invitation, and then go to the registration authority. No more extra action is required.

Important: if you need to pay a transaction fee, the applicant will have to wait for the application to be considered. The "Approved" message will appear in your "My Account". Only after this can we begin to deposit funds into the state treasury.

Through a representative

Is it possible to carry out the studied actions through a representative? Yes, but this is not the most common scenario.

The thing is that in this situation, a citizen will have to go to a notary public in addition. An authorized person draws up a power of attorney. Corresponding paper will be applied to the previously listed packages of documents.

Important: sometimes the traffic police refuse to remove the vehicle from the register by proxy. This is possible if the document does not have notarization. In other cases, the refusal should not take place.

The role of registration

Does the place of registration of the applicant play any role in removing the vehicle from the register?

Yes, but only indirectly. For example, this is the reason for unregistering a car.

At the same time, each person can easily apply to any traffic police body to remove the vehicle from registration. But it is better to file an application at the place of residence. So it will be possible to speed up the procedure a little.

Cancellation Application

Registration Check

And how to check whether the car is deregistered? This task can be handled in different ways.

People can ask for help:

  • MFC;
  • Traffic police;
  • official page of the traffic police.

In the first two cases, it is enough to submit an application in the established form. The applicant will have to have an identity card with him.

To cope with the task via the Internet, you need:

  1. Open the website of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Russian Federation.
  2. Go to "Services" - "Auto Check".
  3. Indicate the VIN of the car in the "Check Registration History" section.
  4. Click on the "Check" button.

In a couple of minutes, reliable information about vehicle registration will appear on the screen. Now it’s clear how to check whether the car is deregistered. In fact, the task poses a minimum of trouble.


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