"Duchess" (violet): description, features, care, growing and reviews

Nowadays, an increasing number of people want to have a beautiful flower garden at home, in which the “duchess" must necessarily be present - a violet with an unforgettable appearance. The beauty of this flower is so attractive that people agree to make a lot of efforts, just to be able to enjoy the chic look of flowers. What is the “duchess" (violet), we tried to consider the description of the basic requirements for care and other facts in this article.

general information

duchess violet
In order for any violet to feel comfortable, grow and develop correctly, you must first study what such a plant wants and how to care for it. The duchess violet variety does not differ in requirements from other flower varieties. This means that taking care of it is no more difficult than with other violets. Another question is that the violet requires a lot of attention, and first you need to choose the right container for planting. For this purpose, a small pot with parameters of about 10 centimeters high and of the same diameter is ideal. If you take a large pot, then as a result we get a lot of leaf cover, but few flowers. It is also possible that the plant will not bloom at all or the flowers will be very small. Another reason for choosing a small pot is the easy maintenance procedure.

Once you have picked up the pot, it's time to set the stage. It is important to remember here that violet prefers loose soil, which allows air to penetrate the root system. If you are new to flower cultivation, then the best way is to buy ready-made land for violets. Such soil is already equipped with all the necessary elements, including sand and baking powder.

Care Features

duchess violet description
Violet "Duchess", the care of which we describe, is quite demanding on the place where she grows. You can not put it in any room that you like. It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the flower. The best place to grow the plant is the windowsill, but you need to worry about the absence of draft and the temperature regime. The flower is thermophilic in nature, the roots are especially warm. In order for the plant to feel constant heat, we recommend that you build additional protection for the pot in the winter. There are two ways to do this:

  1. Take a larger second pot and place a container with violet inside. This way you will keep warm between the walls of the pots and the flower will not freeze in winter.
  2. Make a stand from improvised material (polystyrene, wood, plastic) and put a pot of violets on it. It will also insulate the bottom of the pot and will benefit the plant.

Direct light should not fall on the plant. Oriental windows, where the light is diffused, are ideal. If you put a violet on the north side, make sure that there are no trees in front of the window that create the shadow.

Another important point is the watering regime. Here you need to adhere to certain rules, then there will be no problems with the plant. Due to the fact that the violet loves heat, it is necessary to water it only with warm water. Pouring cold water, you hurt and get a negative result: the violet will not bloom. Water must be maintained for at least twenty-four hours. During watering, make sure that the liquid does not fall on the leaves and flowers of the plant. This will inevitably lead to decay. Watering the violet is necessary only when the earth in the pot has become dry, but do not dry the soil. After watering, remove excess water from the stand so that it does not provoke the development of fungal diseases in the flower, and the roots do not begin to rot.

Fertilizer and treatment

sort of violets duchess
The “Duchess” (violet), like other representatives of the flora, loves top dressing. Especially appropriate will be these procedures during flowering. It is best to feed the plant after watering it. In order not to harm the plant, follow the recommendations indicated on the package with fertilizer. It is also allowed to water the flower with the remaining tea leaves, but without the use of sugar.

It is important to carefully monitor the condition of the flower, so as not to miss the beginning of any disease or pest attack. If you periodically inspect the plant, its leaves and stem, then you will be able to respond to the problem in time.


violet duchess care
The "Duchess" (violet) prefers to be transplanted no more than twice a year. Most often this is done in the autumn and spring. If a flower has problems, it becomes ill, then it must be transplanted immediately. Transplant should be in a new pot, given the size of the root system. The soil needs to be taken new, fresh. This will give the flower the opportunity to grow with even greater power.


violet duchess features
The "Duchess" (violet) can be propagated in two ways:

  • cuttings;
  • flower.

The choice of reproduction option depends on the patience and desire of the person. Those who choose the cuttings option should take a healthy leaf for propagation, cut it off, leaving a length of about three centimeters. Next, you need to root the stalk: either put it in water, or immediately put it in the ground or moss. Having covered the container with the cuttings with oilcloth or a bag, you will create a favorable environment for the growth of roots. The plant takes root very slowly, about two months, after which you can transplant it to a permanent place.

The same principle of work with a flower, only for reproduction they take not a leaf, but a flower that has bloomed or is blooming. Do not take unblown buds, they will not be useful in this process. After cutting the flower with the leaves under it, place it in a rooting container and cover it with a bag to create a greenhouse effect.

Owner reviews

In general, we can say that the violet "duchess", the features of which we consider in the article, is such a beautiful flower that no cares for care do not discourage the desire to grow it. This is also indicated by the reviews of those who were lucky enough to grow this miracle of flora at home. Owners share photos of their pets, boast of new achievements. But no one complains about the difficulties, apparently, the result exceeds the efforts made.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E20061/

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